Date of Award

January 2024

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Yale University School of Nursing

First Advisor

MaryAnn Camilleri


Purpose: This DNP project developed and implemented an online training program to support Black and Brown nurses’ post-racism encounters in the acute care inpatient setting. Background: Nationally, it is estimated that 25% of nurses experience mistreatment by patients each year, but many fail to report these episodes (Campbell, 2016). The retention of Black and Brown nurses is essential, as cultural congruence or shared experiences among patients and members of their healthcare team can, be an important bridge for promoting safety and the best clinical outcomes (Moceri, 2014). Methods: Approximately 400 RNs were invited to participate in a 15-minute online training program over 12 weeks. The curriculum comprised of education of key definitions of anti-racism terminology, a video on allyship, review of the organization’s antiracism policy and companion pocket guide, peer and patient/family racism case studies, identification of reporting structures and available support services post racism encounter. Pre- and Post -Self-efficacy surveys consisting of 17 five-point Likert scale questions and one open ended question measured the participant’s level of confidence in managing and feeling supported after experiencing a racist encounter in the acute care setting. Results: Paired-samples t-tests indicated that post-test scores (M= 76.82, SD= 10.03) were significantly higher than pre-tests (M= 67.19, SD= 13.305), t(84) = -5.167, p<.004. Conclusion: The results support the presence of improvements in self-efficacy post-intervention and indicated that the online training module was successful in raising nurses’ self-efficacy for awareness of reporting and support mechanisms after experiencing racism encounters in the acute care setting


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