"Evaluating The Use Of Reflective Practice Principles To Support Nurse " by Amy A. Martone

Date of Award

January 2023

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Yale University School of Nursing

First Advisor

Joan Kearney


The COVID-19 pandemic brought forward a crisis that the current U.S. healthcare system was not prepared for. This increased the risk for burnout of teams and individuals, including the nurse leader. Nurse managers were selected as the target audience for support because they are key clinical leaders at the unit and staff level, yet they report feeling undervalued and are at higher risk for turnover than other leaders. This project developed a program that used reflective practice principles to support nurse manager well-being during periods of chronic distress.

The curriculum was guided by the Dimensions of Leadership as framework for nurse managers to engage in reflective practices to increase Joy in Work and support well-being. It was delivered to two cohorts over a period of 13 weeks; one cohort received live training on campus, and another cohort received pre-recorded and on demand modules. Knowledge of reflective practice principles and self-reported Joy in Work was measured pre and post program participation. A program evaluation was used to assess subjective feedback.

The two cohorts were small, however, analysis demonstrated that there was statistical significance in the outcomes measured and there was an increase in both knowledge and Joy in Work. A thematic analysis of the program evaluations found that nurse managers appreciated the offering that was designed exclusively for their unique role, they enjoyed the opportunity to gather and learn with peers, and that they desired more time to engage with the facilitator and each other.


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