Date of Award

January 2022

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Yale University School of Nursing

First Advisor

Joan Kearney


New graduate Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNPs) face challenges during the transition to practice that can lead to emotional distress and decreased productivity. To address this issue, a New Graduate PMHNP Transition Program was developed to provide mentorship, peer support, and education during the transitional period. This program aimed to improve role clarity, prevent burnout, and improve self-confidence for new graduate PMHNPs. The program consisted of individual mentorship, peer support groups, and educational modules relevant to the new graduate transition PMHNP to practice. The program was implemented with twenty new graduate PMHNPs, who reviewed the curriculum on transition to practice, engaged in one-on-one brief mentorship, and participated in peer support groups. The evidence supports these interventions as effective in easing the transition to practice and improving the well-being of new graduate PMHNPs. With the anticipated growth of the NP role, this program is a necessary investment for healthcare organizations to mitigate the impact of NP turnover and loss of productivity. The program has a low cost and high return on investment and can be implemented in various settings to support new graduate PMHNPs in their transition to practice.


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