Date of Award
January 2023
Document Type
Open Access Thesis
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Yale University School of Nursing
First Advisor
Mary Ann Camilleri
Nearly 50% of all RNs experience job disengagement, dissatisfaction, and signs of burnout during their career (National Academy of Medicine, 2019). RN burnout is largely the corollary of two predominant themes: perception of engagement in meaningful and motivating work and perception of personal ability to disconnect and decompress (Press Ganey, 2018). Job crafting skills guide people to make meaning of their work in difficult context, and their experience of work as a job, career, and calling. These skills help nurses align their strengths, motives, and passions within their roles. This DNP Project developed a Career Crafting Program using a modified job crafting model, adapted specifically for RNs in the inpatient setting. The program is a guided curriculum that teaches Task Crafting, Relational Crafting, and Cognitive Crafting skills, in sequential 20- minute virtual modules. Evaluation of this project was completed using descriptive and bivariate statistics. The Job Crafting Questionnaire (JCQ) (Slemp & Vella-Brodrisk, 2013) was administered via QR code/weblink pre -and post- program, and a paired T test was used to evaluate knowledge acquisition and intent to engage in Task, Cognitive, and Relational crafting activities. The results showed self-efficacy scores in each of these actions, improved at the same highly significant level (p<0.0001) after implementing the Career Crafting program A program evaluation consisting of open-ended questions assessed participant satisfaction upon completion as it related to their intent to stay with the organization. This novel program successfully demonstrated increased perception of engagement by a majority (87%) of participants. Due to the compelling findings of the project and continued high interest in enrollment by hospital RNs, the program has potential for scale across this hospital system as well as regionally and nationally as a dynamic nursing workforce solution.
Recommended Citation
Davis, Jaclyn, "Shifting The Paradigm Toward Intent To Stay: Creating A Nurse Career Crafting Program To Increase Nurse Engagement In An Urban Teaching Hospital" (2023). Yale School of Nursing Digital Theses. 1149.
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This is an Open Access Thesis.