Date of Award

January 2022

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Yale University School of Nursing

First Advisor

Joan Kearney


Texas has the highest rate of uninsured and underserved residents in the United States. Texas also is one of the most restricted states for advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) to practice. As shown in other states, one means of obtaining full practice authority for APRNs is by gaining more of a nursing presence in the legislature. This project created a program to educate, motivate and inspire Texas nurses for political involvement. The project was completed in collaboration with the Texas Nurses Association. 78 nurses participated in surveys focusing on nurses’ attitudes and opinions, knowledge level, mental preparedness for political involvement and running for political office. Nurse participants expressed two types of interest in political activity – “Political Candidacy,” and “Political Involvement.” Findings revealed that only a small percentage of nurses wish to run for office, while a much larger group of nurses no not wish to run, but are strongly motivated and inspired to be involved on a local or state level, and to support nurse candidates.Of concern is the predominant sentiment among these nurses that they lack preparation and feel ill-prepared, intimidated and discriminated against when considering political involvement. Their most common stated barrier to political involvement was time constraints, followed by lack of education about politics and policy in nursing school. The majority were interested in further educational programs on preparing nurses for political involvement. This project highlights a need for expanded educational programs to prepare nurses on topics including legislation & regulation, election law, voting rights, campaign finance, and administrative law.


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