Date of Award

January 2013

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Yale University School of Nursing

First Advisor

Majorie Funk


The purpose of this thesis is to examine the association of seniority and self-perceived expertise of nurses with the level of electrocardiography (ECG) knowledge. Pre-test scores and improvement in post-test scores were compared for 1,910 registered nurses based on their seniority and self-perceived expertise using Pearson correlation and Spearman's Rho. The length of nursing experience was positively related to self-perceived expertise and baseline scores, but was not significantly associated with improvement. In addition, the initial level of knowledge in ECG monitoring was not satisfactory despite the long years of nursing experience. On the other hand, nurses' self-perceived expertise was positively associated with baseline test scores and negatively associated with improvement. For more effective education in ECG monitoring, the level of knowledge in ECG monitoring should be assessed instead of assuming nurses' level of knowledge based on their seniority or perceived competencies. Future studies are required to enhance our understanding of contributing factors in knowledge improvement in ECG monitoring.


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