Liquidity Rules - Reserve Requirements
Documents from 2007
Guidelines for the Single State Monetary Policy in 2008, Russian Federation: Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 86-FZ of July 10, 2002 on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the Bank of Russia) as amended April 26, 2007, Russian Federation: State Duma
Venezuela's Central Bank resumes transactions injecting cash into banks, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
An Examination of Monetary Policy Tools used in Jamaica: A Comparison to International Best Practices, Karelle Tyrell
Excess Liquidity and Financial Market Risks, Wu Xiaoling
Documents from 2006
Pathways through Financial Crisis: Malaysia, Jomo Kwame Sundaram
A PBC Official Answers Questions on Adjustment of Reserve Requirement Ratio, People's Bank of China
China Monetary Policy Report Quarter Two, 2006, People's Bank of China: Monetary Policy Analysis Group
Amendments to the Reserve Bank of India Act and Cash Reserve Ratio, Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR), Chief Executives of all Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks), RBI/2006-07/145, Reserve Bank of India
Documents from 2005
Living with Dollarization and the Route to Dedollarization, Arturo Josè Galindo and Leonardo Leiderman
Documents from 2004
The Banking Act, Bank of Jamaica
The Financial Institutions Act, Bank of Jamaica
Does Central Bank Independence Matter in Russia?, Juliet Johnson
Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 25 (749), Russian Federation: Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Documents from 2003
The Czech Currency Crisis of 1997, Julius Horv¡th
Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, Tenth National People's Congress
Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, Tenth National People's Congress
Documents from 2002
Circular 3091 from the Banco Central do Brasil – BCB, Dated March 1, 2002, Banco Central do Brasil/Central Bank of Brazil
Resolution 3023, from the National Monetary Council – CMN, Dated October 11, 2002, Banco Central do Brasil/Central Bank of Brazil: National Monetary Council
Argentina's Currency Crisis: Lessons for Asia, Mark Spiegel
Documents from 2001
Decreto 439/2001, Argentina: Congreso
The Chimera of Autonomous Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy: The Case of the Czech Republic, Stanislava Jan¡Äkov¡
Did the Malaysian Capital Controls Work?, Ethan Kaplan and Dani Rodrik
Documents from 2000
External Resolution No. 8 of 2000 (May 5) Providing a Summary of the Foreign-Exchange Regime, Bank of the Republic (Colombia): Board of Directors
Annual Report 2000, Czech National Bank
Finance and Development, Pedro Pou
Documents from 1999
Monetary policy operating procedures in Brazil, Banco Central do Brasil/Central Bank of Brazil
Changing the definition of short term foreign borrowings subject to liquidity reserve requirement, Bank of Thailand
Re: List of Additional Institutions whose Debentures or Bonds are Permitted to be Maintained by Commercial Banks as Liquid Assets, Bank of Thailand
Re: The Notification of the Bank of Thailand Re: Prescription on maintenance of liquid assets by commercial banks, Bank of Thailand
Re: The Notification of the Bank of Thailand Re: Prescription on maintenance of liquid assets by finance companies, Bank of Thailand
Annual Report 1999, Czech National Bank
Malaysia and the Asian Financial Crisis: A View from the Finance Perspective, Ser-Huang Poon
Documents from 1998
Coeficiente de Encaje Legal Sistema Nacional / National System Legal Reserve Coefficient, Banco Central de Venezuela/ Central Bank of Venezuela
Additional Measures by BNM, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Clarification on Statutory Reserve Requirement Reduction, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Easing of Monetary Policy, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Measures to Enhance Liquidity Management, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Monetary Policy, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Reduction of the 3-month Intervention Rate, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Reduction of the 3-month Intervention Rate and the Introduction of a New Liquidity Framework, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Reserve Money, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Stabilisation Package for the Financial Sector, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Statutory Reserve Requirement of Banking Institutions (June 26, 1998), Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Statutory Reserve Requirement of Banking Institutions (September 7, 1998), Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Maintaining liquid assets of finance companies, Bank of Thailand
Maintenance of liquid assets of finance companies (No. 2), Bank of Thailand
Prescribing commercial banks to maintain liquid assets, Bank of Thailand
Prescribing Commercial Banks to Maintain Liquid Assets (No. 2), Bank of Thailand
Pegging Out: Lessons from the Czech Exchange Rate Crisis, David Begg
Annual Report 1998, Czech National Bank
Czech National Bank Bulletin (July 3, 1998), Czech National Bank
Refocusing the IMF, Martin Feldstein
Crisis Management in Argentina During the 1994-95 Mexican Crisis : How Did Markets React?, Eduardo J.J. Ganapolsky and Sergio L. Schmukler
The Bank Board decided to reduce the required minimum reserves, Hospod¡Å™skè noviny
Czech Republic: Selected Issues, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Theme of the Week (February 2, 1998), Russian Central Newspapers: InterFax-Vremia
The Central Bank Should Be Responsible for Its Business, Russian Central Newspapers: NG. Politekonomiia
Russia bolsters banking sector, Russian Central Newspapers: The Moscow News
The Central Bank Established Differentiated Standards of Mandatory Reserves, Russian Central Newspapers: Vremia MN
Central Bank of Russia. Board of Directors. Decision dated September 1, 1998. On measures to protect the deposits of the population in banks, Russian Federation: Central Bank of the Russian Federation
On Introducing Amendments and Additions to the Regulations of the Bank of Russia "On Mandatory Reserves of Credit Institutions Deposited with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation", Russian Federation: Central Bank of the Russian Federation
On the norms of required reserves of credit institutions and the savings bank of the Russian Federation deposited with the Bank of Russia, Russian Federation: Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Documents from 1997
Thai authorities impose new forex controls, bid to boost liquidity, Agence France Presse (AFP)
FOCUS-Scepticism greets Thai liquidity measures, Vithoon Amorn
Mahathir Rules Out IMF Bailout For Malaysia, Rails at Foreigners, AP-Dow Jones News Service
Reserve Requirements Eased For Thai Commercial Banks, AP-Dow Jones News Service
Payment systems in the Czech Republic, Bank for International Settlements (BIS): Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems
Bank of Thailand announcement Regarding the maintenance of liquid assets of finance companies (9/8/1997), Bank of Thailand
Bank of Thailand Notification Re: Requirement for Commercial Banks to Maintain Liquid Assets (9/8/1997), Bank of Thailand
Maintaining liquid assets of finance companies (5/30/1997), Bank of Thailand
Maintaining liquid assets of finance companies (9/8/1997), Bank of Thailand
Prescribing commercial banks to maintain liquid assets, Bank of Thailand
Prescribing commercial banks to maintain liquid assets (9/8/1997), Bank of Thailand
Measures to strengthen confidence in the financial institution system, Bank of Thailand and Thailand: Government of Thailand
Bangkok tries to increase liquidity, Ted Bardacke
90/1997 Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the introduction of an import deposit, Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade
106/1997 Measures of the Czech National Bank setting the minimum amount of liquid funds, Czech National Bank
Annual Report 1997, Czech National Bank
Czech National Bank Bulletin (May 7, 1997), Czech National Bank
Czech National Bank Bulletin (September 23, 1997), Czech National Bank
MONEY MARKET - Cash squeeze likely until end of 1998, Cholada Ingsrisawang
Malaysia– Recent Economic Developments, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Establishment of financial institutions to supplement liquidity, Jarung Noo-kwan
Thai baht weaker late, interbank rate eases, Reuters Staff
Thai central bank says new moves to steady baht, Reuters Staff
The Asian Financial Crisis and the Deregulation and Liberalization of Thailand's Financial Services Sector: Barbarians at the Gate, Apisith John Sutham
Documents from 1996
Press Release A2418, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Press Release A2422, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Press Release A2444, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Stand-by Arrangement for Argentina, Domingo F. Cavallo
On Mandatory Reserves of Credit Institutions Deposited with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation: Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Documents from 1995
Press Release A2298, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Press Release A2304, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Press Release A2307, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Press Release A2315, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Press Release A2317, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Press Release A2317, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica
Press Release A2324, Argentina: Banco de la Repºblica