Guarantees and Capital Infusions in Response to Financial Crises
Documents from 2023
Capital Adequacy Guidelines for Bank Holding Companies, Federal Reserve System
Submissions from 2020
Guarantees and Capital Infusions in Response to Financial Crises A: Haircuts and Resolutions, June Rhee and Andrew Metrick
Guarantees and Capital Infusions in Response to Financial Crises B: U.S. Guarantees During the Global Financial Crisis, June Rhee and Andrew Metrick
Guarantees and Capital Infusions in Response to Financial Crises C: U.S. 2009 Stress Test, Chase P. Ross, June Rhee, and Andrew Metrick
Hungary: Recapitalization Scheme, Alec Buchholtz
Provision of Subordinated Loans for Major Japanese Banks, Shiro Kawana
The Global Financial Crisis in Nigeria: AMCON's Banking Sector Recapitalization, Pascal Ungersboeck
Treasury White Paper, United States: Department of the Treasury
Documents from 2017
El Diluvio: The Spanish Banking Crisis, 2008-2012, Tano Santos
NOVO BANCO - Institutional Presentation: Unaudited Financial Information, Novo Banco S.A.
State Aid: Prolongation of the Greek State Guarantee Scheme for Banks, European Union: European Commission
Documents from 2016
Comparative Study of Central Bank Quantitative Easing Programs, Gabriel Agostini, Juan P. Garcia, Alvaro Gonzalez, Jingwen Jia, Laura Muller, and Ali Zaidi
State Aid: Overview of Decisions and On-Going In-Depth Investigations of Financial Institutions in Difficulty, European Union: European Commission
State Aid: Prolongation of the Greek Financial Support Measures, European Union: European Commission
Documents from 2015
Dexia Group Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on Dexia Group, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
Greece Prolongation of the Guarantee Scheme and the Bond Loan Scheme for Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission
Guarantees and Capital Infusions in Response to Financial Crisis B: U.S. Guarantees During the Global Financial Crisis, June Rhee and Andrew Metrick
Maintaining Financial Stability in an Open Economy. Sweden in the Global Crisis and Beyond, Ralph C. Bryant, Dale W. Henderson, and Torbjorn Becker
SIGTARP 2015 Quarterly Report, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
SIGTARP Quarterly Report to Congress April 29 2015, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
State Aid: Portugal Resolution of Banif, European Union: European Commission and Margrethe Vestager
Swedish Guarantee Program for Banks Concluded, Riksgalden/Swedish National Debt Office
The Impact of Treasury Supply on Financial Sector Lending and Stability, Arvind Krishnamurthy and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen
The Risk of Fire Sales in the Tri-Party Repo Market, Brian Begalle, Antoine Martin, James McAndrews, and Susan McLaughlin
Documents from 2014
§ 5384. Orderly liquidation of covered financial companies, United States: Congress: House of Representatives
Are the Bailouts of Wall Street Complements or Substitutes?, Linus Wilson, Yan Wendy Wu, and Stephanie Prejean
Bank Liquidity Requirements: An Introduction and Overview, Douglas J. Elliot
Evaluating Asset-Market Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Comparison, John H. Rogers, Chiara Scotti, and Jonathan H. Wright
Greece Prolongation of the Guarantee Scheme and the Bond Loan Scheme for Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission
Republic of Korea: Financial System Stability Assessment, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Documents from 2013
Asset Guarantee Program, United States: Department of the Treasury
Greece Prolongation of the Guarantee Scheme and the Bond Loan Scheme for Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission
Keeping banks afloat: public lifelines during the financial crisis, Stephanie Marie Stolz and Michael Wedow
Money Market Funds, United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
State Aid: Greece Prolongation of the Guarantee Scheme and the Bond Loan Scheme for Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission
Unconventional Monetary Policy and the Great Recession: Estimating the Macroeconomic Effects of a Spread Compression at the Zero Lower Bound, Christiane Baumeister and Luca Benati
Documents from 2012
Greece Sixth prolongation of the Support Measures for the Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission
How the UK government responded to the fiscal crisis: an outsider's view, Walter Kickert
Proposed Recommendations Regarding Money Market Mutual Fund Reform, United States: Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC)
QE: A Successful Star May Be Running into Diminishing Returns, Charles A.E. Goodhart and Jonathan P. Ashworth
Quantitative Easing And Unconventional Monetary Policy - An Introduction, Michael Joyce, David Miles, Andrew Scott, and Dimitri Vayanos
State Aid: Amendment of the Italian Guarantee Scheme for Banks, European Union: European Commission
State Aid: Reintroduction of the Spanish Guarantee Scheme, European Union: European Commission
The Response Of The Interest Rates To US And UK Quantitative Easing, Jens H.E. Christensen and Glenn Rudebusch
The Spanish Economic Crisis: Key Factors and Growth Challenges in the Euro Area, Eloisa Ortega and Juan Penalosa
Treasury Sells Its Final Shares of AIG Common Stock, United States: Department of the Treasury
Documents from 2011
Everything You Wanted to Know about the Tri-Party Repo Market, but Didn't Know to Ask, Lucinda Brickler, Adam Copeland, and Antoine Martin
Extraordinary Financial Assistance Provided to Citigroup, Inc., United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Resolution Plans Required, United States: National Archives and Records Administration: Office of the Federal Register
Greece Fifth prolongation of the Support Measures for the Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission
Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions, Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Memorandum of Understanding on Specific Economic Policy Conditionality, European Union: European Commission
Public Guarantees on Bank Bonds: Effectiveness and Distortions, Giuseppe Grande, Aviram Levy, Fabio Panetta, and Andrea Zaghini
Reintroduction of the Italian Guarantee Scheme, European Union: European Commission
State Aid Control in a Stability Programme Country: The Case of Greece, Yassine Boudghene, Matthaeus Buder, Zetta Dellidou, Cristophe Galand, Violeta Iftinchi, Max Lienemeyer, Christos Malamataris, and Danila Malvolti
State Aid SA.32767 (2011/N) - Greece Amendment to the Support Measures for the Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission: Directorate-General Competition and Joaquin Almunia
State Aid SA. 34034 (2011/N) – Portugal Extension of the Portuguese Guarantee Scheme, Joaquin Almunia
Statement of Jason C. Cave, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
The Federal Agency For Financial Market Stabilisation In Germany: From Rescuing To Reconstructing, Christopher Pleister
The Impact of Liability Guarantees on Dutch Credit Spreads, J. A. Manrique Leal
Documents from 2010
European Union Commission Extends Swedish Bank Guarantee Scheme, Thomson Reuters: Reuters
Evaluation of Federal Oversight of Washington Mutual Bank, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Inspector General
Exchange Stabilization Fund, United States: Department of the Treasury
Extraordinary measures in extraordinary times – public measures in support of the financial sector in the EU and the United States, Stephanie Marie Stolz and Michael Wedow
Final Rule Regarding Amendment of the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program To Extend the Transaction Account Guarantee Program, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Follow-Up Questions to the September 2, 2010 Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Hearing with Shelia Bair, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
FOMC Statement, Federal Reserve System
General Information Concerning the Swedish Guarantee Scheme, Riksgalden/Swedish National Debt Office
Germany Third extension of the German rescue package for credit institutions in Germany, European Union: European Commission
GOH Portugal Covered Bond Roundtable, Global Capital and Kerry D. Vandell
Greece Extension of the Support Measures for the Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission and Joaquin Almunia
Greece Fourth extension of the Support Measures for the Credit Institutions in Greece, Joaquin Almunia
Greece Prolongation of the Support Measures for the Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission
Opinion of the European Central Bank of 6 April 2010 on extending government guarantees to banks and other institutions (CON/2010/29), European Central Bank (ECB) and Jean-Claude Trichet
Preliminary Staff Report: Governmental Rescues of "Too-Big-To-Fail" Financial Institutions, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Responses on the Global Economic Crisis, Dongchul Cho
Secretary Written Testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Timothy F. Geithner and United States: Department of the Treasury
State Aid: Extension of the Bank Guarantee Scheme, European Union: European Commission
State Aid: Portugal Prolongation of the Portuguese Guarantee Scheme, Joaquin Almunia
Statement of John Corston, John Corston
Statement of Sheila C. Bair, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on Systemically Important Instutions, Sheila Bair
Swedbank Pulls out of Aid Programme, Andrew Ward
The Design of Government Guarantees for Bank Bonds: Lessons from Recent Financial Crisis, Aviram Levy and Sebastian Schich
The Netherlands Extension of the Dutch Guarantee Scheme, European Union: European Commission
The Pricing of Government-Guaranteed Bank Bonds, Aviram Levy and Andrea Zaghini
Treasury's Guarantee Program for Money Market Funds: What You Should Know, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FIRA)
Unconventional Monetary Policies: An Appraisal, Claudio Borio and Piti Disyatat
Documents from 2009
Amendment of the Debt Guarantee Program to Provide for the Establishment of a Limited Six Month Emergency Guarantee Facility, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
An Assessment of Financial Sector Rescue Programs, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Backdoor Bailout Disclosure: Must the Federal Reserve Disclosure the Identities of its Borrowers Under the Freedom of Information Act?, Alexander Sellinger
Banco Espirito Santo Group Activity and Results in 2008, Banco Espirito Santo
Bank Recapitalization Fund: Timetable and Operational Plan, South Korea: Financial Services Commission
Bringing Economic Growth Back to the European Union, Jyrki Katainen
Canadian Lenders Assurance Facility Indemnity Agreement, Department of Finance Canada/Ministere des Finances Canada
Canadian Lenders Assurance Facility Participation Agreement, Department of Finance Canada/Ministere des Finances Canada
Finland Prolongation of the Guarantee Scheme for Banks' Funding, European Union: European Commission
FSF Principles of Cross-Border Cooperation on Crisis Management, Financial Stability Forum (FSF)
Global Financial Stability Report, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Governmental Assistance to the Financial Sector: an Overview of the Global Responses, Shearman & Sterling LLP
Greece Prolongation and amendment of the Support Measures for the Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission: Directorate-General Competition and Neelie Kroes