Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)
Documents from 2019
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Gaurav Vasisht, Gaurav Vasisht and Sandra Ward
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Paul A. Volcker, Paul Volcker and Andrew Metrick
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Diane Ellis, Sandra Ward and Diane Ellis
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Rosalind Z. Wiggins
Lessons Learned : James (Jim) Millstein, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Alec Buchholtz
Lessons Learned : Thomas C. Baxter, Jr., Esq, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Alec Buchholtz
Lessons Learned : Tony Fratto, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Mercedes Cardona
The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Module Z: Overview, Rosalind Z. Wiggins, Ben Henken, Dan Thompson, and Andrew Metrick
Liquidity and Credit Risks in the UK's Financial Crisis: How 'Quantitative Easing' Changed the Relationship, Woon Wong, Iris Biefang-Frisancho Mariscal, and Peter Howells
Documents from 2018
The Legal Authorities Framing the Government's Response, Scott G. Alvarez; Thomas C. Baxter, Jr.; and Robert Hoyt
Nonbank Financial Institutions: New Vulnerabilities and Old Tools, Scott G. Alvarez and William Dudley
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Scott Alvarez, Scott G. Alvarez, Rosalind Z. Wiggins, and Alec Buchholtz
10 years after the financial crisis, is the housing market still at risk?, Jeff Andrews
Measures for Strengthening and Stabilising Individual Institutions, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance
Measures to Ensure Liquidity of the Interbank Market, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance
The Fed and Lehman Brothers: Setting the Record Straight on a Financial Disaster, Laurence Ball
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Thomas Baxter, Thomas C. Baxter, Jr. Jr.; Rosalind Z. Wiggins; and Alec Buchholtz
Short-selling bans and bank stability, Alessandro Beber, Daniela Fabbri, Marco Pagano, and Saverio Simonelli
Federal government quietly writes off loan — but won't reveal sum or say who got it, Dean Beeby
Belgium Postpones Flotation of Belfius Bank, Philip Blenkinsop
Belgium postpones flotation of Belfius Bank, Philip Blenkinsop
Midnight Hour for Fannie and Freddie, Roddy Boyd
United Kingdom: Bank Recapitalisation Scheme, Alec Buchholtz
Equity Options During the Shorting Ban of 2008, Nusret Cakici, Gautam Goswami, and Sinan Tan
Emergency Collateral Upgrades, Mark Carlson and Marco Macchiavelli
Update: Fannie & Freddie Investors Turn to Congress After S. Ct. Declines to Resurrect Their Legal Claim, David H. Carpenter
Central Bank of Iceland Special Publication No. 12, Central Bank of Iceland
Annual Report 2017, Central Bank of Ireland
CBSL Annual Report 2017, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL)
Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2017, Citadele
Bank Capital, Phase 2, The Banks: Reviving the System, Timothy "Tim" Clark, Matthew Kabaker, and Lee Sachs
How Australia Cost New Zealand $2 billion, Liam Dann
Annual Report 2017, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
Korean Bank Recapitalization Fund, Lily Engbith
The Use and Effectiveness of Conventional Liquidity Tools Early in the Financial Crisis, William "Bill" English and Patricia (Trish) Mosser
Compensation of Investors in Belgium, European Parliament
State aid N 613/2008 – Republic of France Capital-injection scheme for banks, European Union: European Commission
State Aid SA. 51042 (2018/N) – Portugal - 17th Extension of the Portuguese Guarantee Scheme, European Union: European Commission
Freddie Mac Form 10-K 2018, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
Fannie Mae Form 10-K 2018, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION CHARTER ACT, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
Board grants Federal Reserve Bank of New York the authority to lend to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should such lending prove necessary, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Greg Feldberg, Greg Feldberg and Sandra Ward
Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18, Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Interim report by the FSC containing information on the legal action against Roskilde's management., Finansiel Stabilitet (FSC)
Fitch Takes Rating Action on HSH Nordbank on Privatisation, Fitch Ratings
What is a decree?' - in French, title translated, France/The French State
The Fiscal Response to the Great Recession: Steps Taken, Paths Rejected, and Lessons for Next Time, Jason Furman
RBS share sale returns £2.5 billion to UK taxpayers, Philip Hammond
Automobile History, Editors
How the Fed is Reducing its Balance Sheet - And Why, Laura Hopper
Ireland: From Tiger to Phoenix, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Spain: IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2018 Article IV Mission, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Eligible Liabilities Guarantee Scheme Frequently Asked Questions, Ireland: Department of Finance/An Roinn Airgeadais
Eligible Liabilities Guarantee Scheme, Ireland : National Treasury Management Agency
Eligible Liabilities Guarantee Scheme, Ireland : National Treasury Management Agency
Eligible Liabilities Guarantee Scheme: Participating Institutions, Ireland : National Treasury Management Agency
Svar: Forsætisráðherra við fyrirspurn frá Jóns Steindórs Valdimarssyni, Katrin Jakobsdottir
Deposit insurance and financial intermediation: The case of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation, Muyanja Ssenyonga Jameaba
Rescuing the Mortgage Giants, Daniel "Dan" Jester, Matthew (Matt) Kabaker, Jeremiah Norton, and Lee Sachs
Bank Capital, Phase 1: Recapitalizing the Banking System, Daniel "Dan" Jester, David Nason, and Jeremiah Norton
The 7 Best Books About the Financial Crisis, Matthew C. Klein
Monetary Policy during the Financial Crisis, Donald L. Kohn and Brian Sack
The Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, Michael H. Krimminger
GM Again Faces $1 Billion Stock Fight Over Bankruptcy Accord, Erik Larson
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with James B. Lockhart III, James B. Lockhart, Rosalind Z. Wiggins, Ben Henken, and Dan Thompson
Implementing TARP: The Administrative Architecture of the Troubled Assets Relief Program, Timothy G. Massad and Neel T. Kashkari
A Primer on the Canadian Bankers' Acceptance Market, Kaetlynd McRae and Danny Auger
The limits of central bank financing in resolution, Yves Mersch
Ten Years after the Financial Crisis: A Conversation with Timothy Geithner, Andrew Metrick and Timothy F. Geithner
Regulatory Reform, Andrew Metrick and June Rhee
Bank rescues of 2007-09: outcomes and cost, Federico Mor
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Patricia Mosser, Patricia Mosser and Sandra Ward
Novel Lender of Last Resort Programs, William Nelson, Lorie Logan, and Patrick M. Parkinson
Reserve Requirements: Current Use, Motivations and Practical Considerations, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
FW: Auto Rescue Package/request from Canadian Ambassador (E-mail to John Podesta), John Podesta and Michael Wilson
The Crash: One view, Steve Prestegard
Austrian Stability Programme: Update for the period 2017 to 2022, Republic of Austria: Federal Ministry of Finance/ Bundesministerium fur Finanzen (BMF)
Bundesgesetzblatt Nr. 96/2018, Republic of Austria: Parliament of Austria
RBI Annual Report 2017-18, Reserve Bank of India
JSC Reverta: Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2017, Reverta
Bhutan RMA AR 2017-18, Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA)
Denmark Excess-Capital Temporary Credit Facility, Keni Sabath
Denmark Loan Bills Temporary Credit Facility, Keni Sabath
Sareb Activity Report 2018 (First Half), SAREB
Sareb Annual Activity Report 2018, SAREB
Sareb Meets With Delegation From Mongolia To Explian Its Business Model, SAREB
Sareb Results In 2017, SAREB
Sareb Explains in Kazakhstan On How To Manage NPLs, SAREB and European Union: European Commission
The Political Origins of Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, Parinitha Sastry
The Federal Reserve's Swap Lines: Lender of Last Resort on a Global Scale, Nathan Sheets, Edwin (Ted) Truman, and Clay Lowery
Austria: FinStaG - Recapitalization and Asset Guarantee (AT GFC), Claire Simon
Deposit Insurance and Policy Owners' Protection Schemes (Amendment) Act 2018, Singapore: Parliament of Singapore
The state as the investor of last resort: a comparative study of banking crises in Denmark and Sweden, Hans Sjogren and Martin Jes Iversen
Rescued Belfius and IKB Return to Market with Risky Debt, Robert Smith
Rescued Belfius and IKB return to market with risky debt, Robert Smith
Sareb Activity in 2018 and 2019 Business Strategy, Sociedad de Gestion de Activos procedentes de la Reestructuracion Bancaria (SAREB)