Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)



Documents from 2008


Memo detailing the March 27 Financial Stability Briefing, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Staff Umbrella Group on Financial Stability


Beltran, Pounder, Thomas - Foreign Exposure to ABS of US Origin (FRB International Finance), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, Charles Thomas, Laurie Pounder, and Daniel O. Beltran


Federal Reserve Board and Treasury Department announce restructuring of financial support to AIG, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors and United States: Department of the Treasury


Statement by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)


Agencies Announce Decision on Impact of Tax Change on Indirect Investments in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Preferred Stock, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Announce Decision on Regulatory Capital Impact of Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Preferred Stock, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Encourage Participation in Treasury's Capital Purchase Program, FDIC's Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Issue Final Guidance on Supervisory Review Process (Pillar 2) Related to Implementation of Basel II Advanced Approaches Rule, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Issue Statement on Basel II Advanced Approaches Qualification Process, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Seek Public Comment on Proposed Rulemaking to Lower Risk Weights for Claims on, or Guaranteed by, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal Banking Agencies Evaluating FASB's Accounting Proposals, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal banking agencies issue joint release on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Interagency Statement on Meeting the Needs of Creditworthy Borrowers, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Shared National Credits Program1 Reports Large Increase in Credit Volume and Significant Deterioration in Credit Quality, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal Financial Regulators Issue Final Illustrations of Consumer Information for Hybrid Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Products, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)


Agencies Issue Proposed Rules on Risk-Based Pricing Notices, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors and United States: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


AIG CDO LLC Facility: Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


AIG RMBS LLC Facility: Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


DISCOUNT WINDOW LENDING -- Proposal to lend to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through advances secured by obligations of the United States or any U.S. agency., Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Announces Establishment of Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Announces Establishment of Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank Lehman Brothers Update: Discussion with Holding Company Supervision Managing Director and Data for August 27, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank Lehman Brothers Update: Discussion with Treasury Staff and Data for September 9, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank of New York, FAQs: MBS (Effective December 30, 2008), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank of New York Registration Form and Qualification Certification, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank of New York Visitors List: September 15, 2008 7:05 pm, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank of New York Visitors List: September 16, 2008 7:00 am, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank Primary Dealer Monitoring Liquidity Stress Analysis, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank Primary Dealer Monitoring Liquidity Stress Analysis Revised June 26 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Federal Reserve Bank Visitors List: September 16, 2008: 7:00 PM, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


FRBNY AIG CDO Facility Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


FRBNY - Financial Holding Company Project, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


FRBNY Observations on the Role of Supervision in the Current Financial Crisis, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


FRBNY Wachovia Liquidity Risk Profile, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


FRB Scope Memorandum on FRBNY Supervision, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Frequently Asked Questions of MMIFF, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Geithner Talk Sheet for March 3 - September 30, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Guarantee and Pledge Agreement among American International Group, Inc. and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Money Market Investor Funding Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Effective November 10, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Money Market Investor Funding Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Effective October 23, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Money Market Investor Funding Facility: Program Terms and Conditions, Effective November 10, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Money Market Investor Funding Facility: Program Terms and Conditions, Effective October 22, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


New York Fed Announces Terms for November and December TSLF Options Program - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


New York Federal Reserve Announces Modifications to Terms and Conditions of TSLF, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


New York Federal Reserve Announces Terms for September TSLF Options Porgram (TOP), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


New York Federal Reserve to Consult with Primary Dealers on TSLF, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


New York Fed Releases Expanded CPFF FAQs, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


New York Fed to Discuss TSLF Terms and Conditions with Primary Dealers, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Primary Dealer Credit Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Effective December 8, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Primary Dealer Credit Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Effective September 15, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Primary Dealer Credit Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, March 16, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Primary Dealer Credit Facility: Program Terms and Conditions, Effective December 8, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Primary Dealer Credit Facility: Program Terms and Conditions, Effective March 16, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Primary Dealer Credit Facility: Program Terms and Conditions, Effective September 15, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Program Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Program Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Registration Instructions, Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Schedule for Timothy Geithner - July 29, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Schedule for Timothy Geithner - July 8, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Schedule for Timothy Geithner - September 9, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


SOMA TSLF Options Program: Frequently Asked Questions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


SOMA TSLF Options Program: Frequently Asked Questions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Statement by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Regarding AIG Transaction, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Statement Regarding Asset Management Services in Support of CPFF, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Statement Regarding Open Market Operations, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Statement Regarding System Open Market Account Activity, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Statement Regarding System Open Market Account Activity, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Statement Regarding System Open Market Account Activity, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


System Open Market Account Holdings as of December 3, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


System Open Market Account Holdings as of October 1, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


TALF Precertification Process, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility: Frequently Asked Questions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility Options Program (TOP) Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility: Program Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility: Program Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Term Securities Lending Facility: Program Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Terms Securities Lending Facility Options Program (TOP) Terms and Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Understanding the Recent Changes to Federal Reserve Liquidity Provision, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Conference Call of the Federal Open Market Committee on October 7, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Ben S. Bernanke, Timothy F. Geithner, Elizabeth A. Duke, Donald L. Kohn, Randall S. Kroszner, Kevin Warsh, and Warren Stern


Investment Management Agreement: FRB-NY and BlackRock Financial Management, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Blackrock Financial Management


Investment Management Agreement: FRB-NY and Goldman Sachs, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Goldman Sachs: Asset Management, L.P.


Maiden Lane II LLC Administration Agreement, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Maiden Lane II LLC, and The Bank of New York Mellon


Investment Management Agreement: FRB-NY and Pacific Investment Management Company LLC, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Pacific Investment Management Company LLC


Investment Management Agreement: FRB-NY and Wellington Management Company, LLP, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Wellington Management Company, LLP


Federal Reserve and Reserve Bank of New Zealand announce the establishment of a temporary reciprocal currency arrangement, Federal Reserve System and Reserve Bank of New Zealand/Te Putea Matua


Federated Money Markets and Municipal Fixed Income 1st Quarter 2008 presentation, Federated Investors


The Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation Rules On Compensation Structures for Certain Executive Officers and Most Highly Compensated Employees 26 – 100, Kenneth R. Feinberg


Federal Reserve Board, Wachovia Case Study, Greg Feldberg


FDIC Certified Copy of Resolution of the Board of Directors, Robert E. Feldman


History of the Powerful Paragraph 13-3, David Fettig


Fidelity Investments Announces Participation in U.S. Treasury Temporary Guarantee Program for Money Market Funds, Fidelity Investments


On the Determination of Limits on the Performance of Obligations for the Joint-Stock Company "Parex Banka", Financial and Capital Markets Commission


Collection of Federal Reserve Correspondence Regarding Bank of America, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission


FDIC-Guaranteed Securities and TRACE Eligibility, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)


FINRA Regulatory Notice 08-58, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)


FINRA Report on the Special Examination of Citigroup Global Markets Inc New York NY, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FIRA)