Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)
Documents from 2022
Lessons Learned: James Finkel, Matthew A. Lieber and Steven H. Kasoff
Lessons Learned: Mara McNeill, Matthew A. Lieber and Steven H. Kasoff
Lessons Learned: Matthew Feldman, Matthew A. Lieber and Steven H. Kasoff
Lessons Learned: Ron Bloom, Matthew A. Lieber and Steven H. Kasoff
Lessons Learned: Sohail Khan, Matthew A. Lieber and Steven H. Kasoff
Lessons Learned: Stephen King, Matthew A. Lieber and Steven H. Kasoff
No One Left Behind? Assessing the Global Financial Safety Net Performance During COVID-19, Laurissa Mühlich, Barbara Fritz, and William N. Kring
MNB: IMF / EU financial assistance (Archive), Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
Maldives Monetary Authority Annual Report 2021, Maldives Monetary Authority
RE: [YPFS] Did 30-day CD Deposits Count as Cash Reserves Prior to 2017?, Janelle Marks
Lessons Learned: Susan McLaughlin, Susan McLaughlin and Matthew A. Lieber
Lessons Learned: Frederic Mishkin, Frederic S. Mishkin and Matthew A. Lieber
Iceland: Rebuilding Trust, Gerard O'Dwyer
Ley No. 26702, Peru: Congreso de la Repºblica
Lessons Learned: Simon Potter, Simon Potter and Maryann Haggerty
RBI FX Reserves - Half Yearly - Sep 2022, Reserve Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India signs Bilateral Swap Agreement with Maldives Monetary Authority, Reserve Bank of India
Bhutan RMA AR 2021-22, Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA)
Lessons Learned: Brian Sack, Brian Sack and Sandra Ward
Roskilde Banks direktør skal betale kæmpe erstatning, Niels Sandøe
Lehman Brothers Inc.'s 14-year Liquidation Successfully Concludes, Securities Investor Protection Corporation
Lessons Learned: Nathan Sheets, Nathan Sheets and Yasemin Esmen
Rescue financing reemerges as era of easy money fades, Madeline Shi
Lessons Learned: Christopher Spoth, Christopher Spoth and Sandra Ward
Number of light vehicle dealership outlets in the United States between January 1, 2009 and 2021.", Statista
South Asia Marches towards Peace, Unity, and Prosperity, Sunday Observer of Sri Lanka
The Riksbank, Finansinspektionen and Swedish National Debt Office is closely following events, Sveriges Riksbank
Balance sheet items of the SNB, Swiss National Bank
Court ruling in dispute between Reap and ex-bankers Kargins and Krasovickis takes effect, The Baltic Times
12 U.S. Code § 1430 - Advances to members, U.S. Congress
United Kingdom: Financial Services Compensation Scheme, Ezekiel Vergara
Lessons Learned: Kevin Warsh, Kevin Warsh and Matthew A. Lieber
DKK/EUR Live Rate (2008), Yahoo Finance
Nancai Quick Review: An Important Step in Currency Standing Swap - 21 Finance, Cao Yubo
Documents from 2021
Treasury to Make a $9 Billion Down Payment on a More Decentralized Banking System, Oscar Perry Abello
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Steven Adamske, Steven Adamske and Mercedes Cardona
Debtors as Threat to Financial System, Bayo Akinloye
Crisis Management in Canada: Analyzing Default Risk and Liquidity Demand during Financial Stress, Jason Allen, Ali Horta§su, and Jakub Kastl
Increasing Deposit Insurance and Nationalization in Times of Crisis, Sumeyra Atmaca, Karolin Kirschenmann, Steven Ongena, and Koen J.L. Schoors
Central Bank Swap Lines: Evidence on the Effects of the Lender of Last Resort, Saleem Bahaj and Ricardo Reis
Regulatory Oversight of Designated Clearing and Settlement Systems, Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada
Terms and Conditions for Term Loan Facility (TLF), Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada
Bank of England Market Operations Guide: Results and Usage Data, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
Indexed Long-Term Repo OMOs by operation (Jun-10 - Jan-14), Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
EONIA and EURIBOR, Banque de France/Central Bank of France
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Neil Barofsky, Neil Barofsky and Mercedes Cardona
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Ronald Bloom, Ron Bloom and Mary Anne Chute Lynch
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Brooksley Born, Brooksley Born and Maryann Haggerty
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Sandra Braunstein, Sandra Braunstein and Mary Anne Chute Lynch
Lessons Learned: Sarah Dahlgren, Alec Buchholtz and Rosalind Z. Wiggins
Lessons Learned: Andreas Lehnert, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Christopher Seefer, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Jason Furman, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Jenni LeCompte, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Richard "Jake" Siewert, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Steven Adamske, Mercedes Cardona
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Calvin Mitchell III, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Ron Borzekowski, Mercedes Cardona and Rosalind Z. Wiggins
The Republic of Iceland's Sovereign Credit Rating, Central Bank of Iceland
CBSL Annual Report 2020, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL)
CBSL Monetary Policy 2020, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL)
Annual Report 2020, Dexia
Annual Report 2020, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
Lessons Learned: William Dudley, William Dudley and Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: Lewis "Lee" Sachs, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Neel Kashkari, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Phillip Swagel, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Robert Hoyt, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Timothy Massad, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Matthew Kabaker, Yasemin Esmen and Matthew Kabaker
Congress validates the decree to recapitalize banks, EuropaPress
History of all ECB open market operations, European Central Bank (ECB)
National Legislation: Portugal, European Union
Deposit Guarantee Schemes, European Union: European Commission
Financial Assistance to Spain, European Union: European Commission
Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Press Release January 27, 2021, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Agency Discount Note Purchases, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Large-Scale Asset Purchases, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Maiden Lane Transactions (Maiden Lane I), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Kenneth Feinberg, Kenneth Feinberg and Yasemin Sim Esmen
PPI – deadline has now passed, Financial Ombudsman Service
FMSA History, Germany: Bundesanstalt f¼r Finanzmarktstabilisierung (FMSA)
Romania's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2003, Government of Romania
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore, Government of Singapore
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Andrew Gray, Andrew Gray and Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Alejandro Latorre, Maryann Haggerty
Lessons Learned: Chester B. Feldberg, Maryann Haggerty
Lessons Learned: Eric Dinallo, Maryann Haggerty
Lessons Learned: Zachary Taylor, Maryann Haggerty
Lessons Learned: Michael Krimminger, Mary Haggerty and Charles Euchner
Legal systems in Indonesia: overview, Hanim Hamzah, Agnesya M. Narang, and Anggi Yusari
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Patrick Honohan, Patrick Honohan and Maryann Haggerty
Compass to Deposit Insurance, Hungary: National Deposit Insurance Fund
Deposit Insured, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation
2021 General SDR Allocation, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
People's Republic of China-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Financial Safety Net and Crisis Management Arrangements, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Questions and Answers on Special Drawing Rights, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Legislation (from the website of NAMA), Ireland: National Asset Management Agency