Federal Reserve System GFC Press Releases



Documents from 2008


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago, Kansas City, and St. Louis, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland, Chicago, Kansas City, Dallas, and St. Louis, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and Boston, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia, Richmond, Minneapolis, and Dallas, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, Minneapolis, and Atlanta, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, Minneapolis, and Dallas, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board announces additional details regarding the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board announces online resource to help consumers make informed choices when refinancing a home loan, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board announces that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley transactions may be consummated immediately, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board announces the approval of a policy statement on equity investments in banks and bank holding companies, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board approves, pending a statutory five-day antitrust waiting period, the applications of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to become bank holding companies, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board approves two interim final rules in connection with its initiative to provide liquidity to markets, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board issues final rule amending home mortgage provisions of Regulation Z (Truth in Lending), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board issues statement concerning its approval of the proposal by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group to acquire voting shares of Morgan Stanley, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board issues statement concerning its approval of the proposal by Wells Fargo and Company to acquire Wachovia Corporation, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board proposes rule to implement certain approaches for calculating risk-based capital requirements included in Basel II capital accord, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces interim final rule to allow bank holding companies to include senior perpetual preferred stock issued to the Treasury Department in Tier 1 capital, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces it will alter the formula used to determine the interest rate paid to depository institutions on excess balances, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve approves final amendments to Regulation C that revise the rules for reporting price information on higher-priced mortgage loans, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Board encourages institutions to report on loan modification efforts in consistent way, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve extends comment period on proposal to revise disclosure requirements for mortgage loans, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve extends deadline for the submission of requests to testify at public meetings on the notice by Bank of America to acquire Countrywide Financial, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve releases revised information detailing operational aspects of Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


FOMC announces it will expand its December meeting to two days, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC authorizes an increase in the size of its temporary reciprocal currency arrangement with the Bank of Japan, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement: Federal Reserve and other central banks announce reductions in policy interest rates, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Tentative 2009 FOMC meeting schedule, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Federal Reserve Board and Treasury Department announce restructuring of financial support to AIG, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors and United States: Department of the Treasury


Statement by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)


Agencies Announce Decision on Impact of Tax Change on Indirect Investments in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Preferred Stock, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Announce Decision on Regulatory Capital Impact of Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Preferred Stock, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Encourage Participation in Treasury's Capital Purchase Program, FDIC's Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Issue Final Guidance on Supervisory Review Process (Pillar 2) Related to Implementation of Basel II Advanced Approaches Rule, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Issue Statement on Basel II Advanced Approaches Qualification Process, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies Seek Public Comment on Proposed Rulemaking to Lower Risk Weights for Claims on, or Guaranteed by, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal Banking Agencies Evaluating FASB's Accounting Proposals, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal banking agencies issue joint release on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Interagency Statement on Meeting the Needs of Creditworthy Borrowers, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Shared National Credits Program1 Reports Large Increase in Credit Volume and Significant Deterioration in Credit Quality, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal Financial Regulators Issue Final Illustrations of Consumer Information for Hybrid Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Products, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)


Agencies Issue Proposed Rules on Risk-Based Pricing Notices, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors and United States: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


Federal Reserve and Reserve Bank of New Zealand announce the establishment of a temporary reciprocal currency arrangement, Federal Reserve System and Reserve Bank of New Zealand/Te Putea Matua

Documents from 2007


Federal Reserve and other central banks announce measures designed to address elevated pressures in short-term funding markets, Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom, European Central Bank (ECB), Federal Reserve System, and Swiss National Bank/ Central Bank of Switzerland/ Schweizerische National Bank


Federal Reserve announces results of auction of $20 billion in 28-day credit held on December 17, 2007, Federal Reserve System


Federal Reserve announces results of auction of $20 billion in 35-day credit held on December 20, 2007, Federal Reserve System


Federal Reserve intends to continue TAF auctions as necessary, Federal Reserve System


Federal Reserve will offer $20 billion in 28-day credit through its Term Auction Facility on December 17, 2007, Federal Reserve System


Federal Reserve will offer $20 billion in 35-day credit through its Term Auction Facility on December 20, 2007, Federal Reserve System


Annual adjustment of fee-based trigger for additional mortgage loan disclosures, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, Minneapolis, Dallas, and San Francisco, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Chicago, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, Atlanta, and Dallas, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Approval of the discount rate requests of the Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board announces availability of online Mortgage Comparison Calculator, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board announces panelists for public hearing under the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA) on June 14, 2007, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board issues proposed amendments to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Brian F. Madigan appointed as director, Division of Monetary Affairs, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Discussion topics for June 14 public hearing under the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


D. Nathan Sheets appointed as director, Division of International Finance, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Board alerts public to questionable solicitations directed at homeowners, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


FOMC announces it will increase the frequency and expand the content of economic projections released to the public, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Tentative 2008 FOMC meeting schedule, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Agencies Announce Availability of 2006 HMDA Data, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)


Agencies Issue Final Statement Concerning Elevated Risk Complex Structured Finance Activities, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


Agencies Seek Comment on Expanded Examination Cycle for Certain Institutions, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Agencies seek public comment on proposed supervisory guidance for Basel II, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Banking Agencies Reach Agreement on Basel II Implementation, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal Financial Regulatory Agencies and CSBS Issue Statement on Loss Mitigation Strategies for Servicers of Residential Mortgages, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), and Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)


Agencies Issue Final Rules On Expanded Examination Cycle for Certain Institutions, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)


Agencies Issue Final Illustrations of Consumer Information for Nontraditional Mortgage Products, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal Financial Regulators Propose Illustrations of Consumer Information to Support Their Statement on Subprime Mortgage Lending, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal Regulators Encourage Institutions to Work with Mortgage Borrowers Who Are Unable to Make Their Payments, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision


Federal Financial Regulatory Agencies Issue Final Statement on Subprime Mortgage Lending, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)


Federal Financial Regulatory Agencies Issue Statement on Enforcement of Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Requirements, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)


Agencies Adopt Final Rules to Implement the Bank “Broker"Provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors

Documents from 1996


Minute of the Federal Open Market Committee Meeting - January 20-31, 1996, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors