Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Resources from 2010
September 7, 2010 Session 3, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
September 7, 2010 Session 4, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
September 7, 2010 Session 5, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Statement by Appraiser Crabtree Before the FCIC, Gary Crabtree
Testimony of Business Owner Jeannie McDermott, Jeannie McDermott
Testimony of Chairman, Arnold Cattani, Before the FCIC, Arnold Cattani
Testimony of D. Linn Wiley on the Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, D. Linn Wiley
Testimony of Escrow Manager of the Ticor Title Company, Amble, Brenda Amble
Testimony of LLoyd E. Plank, Real Estate Professional, LLoyd E. Plank
Testimony of Owner of Warren Peterson Construction Inc, Warren Peterson, Before the FCIC 9-7-2010, Warren Peterson
Takeaways from Research and Investigation Plan on Complex Financial Derivatives, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Bernanke Testimony to the FCIC, Ben S. Bernanke
Chairman Bernanke Testimony Before the FCIC, Ben S. Bernanke
Chairman of the Board of Govenors Federal Reserve System, Ben Bernanke Written Testimony Before the FCIC, Ben S. Bernanke
Chairman of the FDIC, Bair Statement On "Too Big to Fall" Institutions Before the FCIC, Sheila Bair
FCIC Official Transcript of the Hearing on "Too Big to Fail": Expectations and Impact of Extraordinary Government Intervention and The Role of Systemic Risk in the Financial Crisis, Phillip Angelides, Bill Thomas, Brooksley Born, Byron Stephen Georgiou, Robert Graham, Keith Hennessey, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Heather Murren, John W. Thompson, Peter J. Wallison, Ben S. Bernanke, Sheila Bair, and Jane W. Beach
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with D. Keith Johnson, Clayton Holdings LLC, David Keith Johnson, Victor Cunicelli, Mina Simhai, Tom Krebs, Troy Burrus, Jon Armstrong, Bob Hinkley, Marc Rothenberg, and Steven Cohen
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Eugene Ludwig, Promotory Financial Group, Eugene Ludwig, Thomas H. Stanton, Michael E. Easterly, Alexis Simendinger, Joel Miller, Steve Sanderford, Richard Stearns, Joyce Yette, and Eric C. Bosset
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Announces Details for Hearing in Bakersfield, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Announces Details for Las Vegas Field Hearing-Update, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
September 1, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC- Session 2 - Lehman Brothers, Thomas C. Baxter Jr., Richard S. Fuld Jr., Harvey R. Miller, and Barry Zubrow
September 2, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC- Session 1 - On The Federal Reserve, Ben S. Bernanke
September 2, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC - Session 2 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Sheila Bair
Acting Deputy Director, John Corston Testimony to the FCIC - Systemically Important and TBTF, John Corston
Agenda for Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Briefing Session and Hearing on TBTF and Retreat Meetings Tuesday, August 30, 2010 thru Friday, September 3, 2010, Phillip Angelides, Bill Thomas, Wendy Edelberg, Chris Seefer, Gary Cohen, Scott G. Alvarez, John Corston, Robert Steel, Richard Kovacevich, John Stumpf, Thomas C. Baxter Jr., Richard S. Fuld Jr., Harvey R. Miller, Barry Zubrow, Ben S. Bernanke, and Sheila Bair
Agenda for Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Retreat Tuesday, September 28, 2010 and Wednesday, September 29, 2010, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Commissioners Meeting Comments on Draft Areas of Discussion, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Delegation to execute agreements and contracts on behalf of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Draft Agenda for Business Meeting of the FCIC on 9-28 and 9-29 in 2010, Gretchen Kinney Newsom
FCIC Commissioner Meeting Notes 9/28/2010, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
FCIC Official Transcript of the Hearing on "Too Big to Fail": Expectations and Impact of Extraordinary Government Intervention and The Role of Systemic Risk in the Financial Crisis, Phillip Angelides; Bill Thomas; Brooksley Born; Byron Stephen Georgiou; Robert Graham; Keith Hennessey; Douglas Holtz-Eakin; Heather Murren; John W. Thompson; Peter J. Wallison; Scott G. Alvarez; John Corston; Robert Steel; Thomas C. Baxter Jr.; Richard S. Fuld, Jr. Jr.; Harvey R. Miller; Barry Zubrow; and Jane W. Beach
FCIC Outline for September 1-3, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Former CEO of Lehman Brothers, Richard Fuld Written Testimony Before the FCIC, Richard S. Fuld Jr.
Former CEO of Wachovia Corporation, Robert Steel Written Testimony Before the FCIC, Robert Steel
General Counsel for the Board of Govenors Reserve System, Scott Alvarez Written Testimony Before the FCIC, Scott G. Alvarez
Hoping for Economic Recovery, Preparing for Health Reform: A Look at Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy Trends Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011, Vernon K. Smith, Kathleen Gifford, Eileen Ellis, Robin Rudowitz, and Laura Snyder
Proposed Framework for Discussion for Commissioners, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
September 1, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC- Session 1, Scott G. Alvarez, John Corston, and Robert Steel
September 1, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC- Session 1 - On the Wachovia Corporation, John Corston, Robert Steel, and Scott G. Alvarez
September 1, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC- Session 2, Thomas C. Baxter Jr.; Richard S. Fuld, Jr.; Harvey R. Miller; and Barry Zubrow
September 1, 2010 Session 1, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
September 1, 2010 Session 2, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Testimony of Attorney of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, Harvey R. Miller, Before the FCIC Examining the Causes of the Current Financial and Economic Crisis, Harvey R. Miller
Testimony of Former CEO of Wachovia Corporation, Robert K. Steel, Before the FCIC 9-1-2010, Robert Steel
Testimony of General Counsel, Scott G. Alvarez, before the FCIC on The Acquisition of Wachovia Corporation by Wells Fargo & Company, Scott G. Alvarez
Valukas-Report-Excerpt, Unknown
Written Statement By Chief Risk Officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co, Barry Zubrow, Before the FCIC, Barry Zubrow
Written Statement of Former Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers Richard Fuld, Before the FCIC, Richard S. Fuld Jr.
Aguero Letter to Commissioners Heather Murren and Bryon Georgiou re: FCIC commision hearing/ written testimony, Jeremy A. Aguero
C.K. Lee Follow Up to Wendy Edelberg, C.K. Lee, Wendy Edelberg, and Mark K. Hingston
David Viniar Follow Up From Wendy Edelberg, Wendy Edelberg and Richard H. Klapper
Draft - FCIC Preliminary Staff Report Too-Big-To-Fail Financial Institutions (copy), United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Richard Syron, Freddie Mac, Richard F. Syron, Victor Cunicelli, Alexander Maasry, Mark D. Hopson, Thomas C. Green, Sabrina Ross, Alexis Simendinger, Steven Mintz, Thomas H. Stanton, and Bob Hinkley
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with William (Bill) Sharpe, Stanford University, William Sharpe, Alexander Maasry, Landon Stroebel, Alexis Simendinger, Randall Dodd, Steven Mintz, and Michael E. Easterly
Gary Cohen Letter to Fremont General (J Carroll) re Treatment of Non Public Information, Gary Cohen
Goldman Sachs - Valuation and Pricing Related to Initial Collateral Calls on Transactions with AIG, Goldman Sachs
Kaiser Commission, Medicaid Enrollment Data Snapshot, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)
Letter From Public Accountant Brian R. Gordon, to Commissioner Heather Muren and Bryon Gerorgiou, Brian R. Gordon
TreppWire CMBS Delinquency Rate Nears 9%, Up 21 BPs in August after Leveling in July, Unknown
Craig Broderick Follow Up From Wendy Edelberg, Richard H. Klapper and Wendy Edelberg
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Donald Marron, Council of Economic Advisors, Donald Marron, Alexis Simendinger, and Ron Borzekowski
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Announces Details and Witnesses for Next Public Hearing, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Gregory Bynum Letter to FCIC Committee, Gregory Bynum
Joseph Cassano Follow Up From Wendy Edelberg, Wendy Edelberg and Jim Walden
FCIC memo of staff interview with Dean Baker, Dean Baker, Thomas H. Stanton, Ron Borzekowski, and Alexis Simendinger
FCIC Staff Interview Long, Masek, Plummer, Riversource Cash Management Fund, Bruce Mcwilllams, Tim Masek, Chris Long, and Scott Plummer
Gary Cohen Letter to Maryland Insurance Adminstration re Treatment of Non Public Information, Gary Cohen
Corelogic - Data Shows Second Consecutive Quarterly Decline in Negative Equity, CoreLogic, Inc.
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Announces Series of Field Hearings, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Ian Lowitt, Lehman Brothers, Ian Lowitt, Sarah Knaus, Jobe Danganan, Chris Seefer, and Troy Burrus
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Rich Delmar, Department of the Treasury, Richard Delmar and Chris Seefer
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Shawn Fahey, Albert Marino and Wendy Ruberti, Claren Road, Shawn Fahey, Albert Marino, Wendy Ruberti, and Chris Seefer
Gary Cohen Letter to W Ruberti re Treatment of Non Public Information, Gary Cohen
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Pat Parkinson, Federal Reserve Board, Patrick M. Parkinson, Chris Seefer, and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Patrick Parkinson, Federal Reserve Board (Interview 2), Patrick M. Parkinson, Dixie Noonan, Greg Feldberg, Ryan Bubb, and Dave Caperton
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Richard (Dick) S. Fuld, Lehman Brothers, Richard S. Fuld Jr. and Chris Seefer
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Richard Kovacevich, Wells Fargo, Richard Kovacevich and Chris Seefer
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Satyajit Das, (Interview 2), Satyajit Das, Randall Dodd, Landon Stroebel, and Greg Feldberg
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Hugh (Skip) McGee, Lehman Brothers, Hugh McGee III, Sarah Knaus, Jobe Danganan, Chris Seefer, and Troy Burrus
Gary Gensler Follow Up From Wendy Edelberg, Wendy Edelberg
Michael Greenberger Follow Up From Wendy Edelberg, Wendy Edelberg and Michael Greenberger
FCIC memo of staff interview with Owen Littman, Ramius, Owen Littman, Michael Benwitt, Chris Seefer, Art Wilmarth, Bruce Mcwilllams, Jobe Danganan, and Sarah Knaus
FCIC Staff Memo Chris Seefer and Carl McCarden to Commissioners re Goldman's CDS Protection and other Hedges Against AIG, Chris Seefer and Carl McCarden
Bank of American Counsel Letter to the FCIC re the Community Reinvestment Act, Reginald J. Brown and Sarah Pfuhl
FCIC memo of staff interview Mark Zandi, Moody's Anayltics, Mark Zandi, Thomas H. Stanton, Ron Borzekowski, Gary Cohen, Richard DeKaser, and Alexis Simendinger
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Christopher Cruise, Christopher Cruise
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Tom Russo, Lehman Brothers, Thomas A. Russo, Chris Seefer, Troy Burrus, Jobe Danganan, and Sarah Knaus
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Barry Zubrow, JPMorgan Chase (Interview 2), Barry Zubrow, Brad Bondi, Thomas H. Stanton, Kim Leslie Shafer, Gerald Balacek, Jessica Philips, Jessica Carey, Eric Goldstein, and Michael Palmieri
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Richard Levy, Wells Fargo, Richard Levy, Chris Seefer, Cassidy Waskowicz, Gordon Shemin, and Scott Ganz
Crabtree, Gary (Kirstin Downey) 08-18-2010 version 2, Unknown
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Dean Baker, Center for Economic & Policy Research, Dean Baker, Alexis Simendinger, Thomas H. Stanton, and Ron Borzekowski
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Jeff Solomon, Ramius, Jeffrey Solomon and Chris Seefer
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Robert (Bob) K. Steel, Wachovia, Robert Steel, Chris Seefer, Donna Norman, and Karen Dubas
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Sheila Bair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Excerpt 1), Sheila Bair and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Sheila Bair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Excerpt 2), Sheila Bair and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Sheila Bair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Excerpt 3), Sheila Bair and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)