Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)



Resources from 2010


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Dan Sparks, Goldman Sachs, Daniel Sparks, Thomas H. Stanton, George Wahl, Clara Morain, Chris Seefer, Greg Feldberg, and Kim Leslie Shafer


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Michael Kanef, Moody's Investors Service, Michael B. Kanef, Brad Bondi, Ryan Bubb, Bruce Mcwilllams, Sharon Nelles, Matthew Sullivan, Steven Ross, and Megan Greer


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Nicholas Weill, Moody's Investors Service, Nicholas Weill, Brad Bondi, Bruce Mcwilllams, Sharon Nelles, Matthew Sullivan, Steven Ross, and Megan Greer


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Robert (Bob) Litan, Brookings Institution (Part 1), Robert E. Litan, Kim Leslie Shafer, Greg Feldberg, Jane Poulin, and Michael E. Easterly


Gary Cohen Letter to Scion Capital (J Ware) re Treatment of Non Public Information, Gary Cohen


Letter from Rabobank's Counsel to Judge Fried of Supreme Court of NY, Jonathan Pickhardt


Draft - FRB, FRBNY, and OCC Draft Interagency White Paper on Securitization Market Reform, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Federal Reserve System, and Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York


FCIC memo of staff interview with Jerome Fons, Moody's, Jerome S. Fons, Victor Cunicelli, Bruce Mcwilllams, Thomas Borgers, Michael B. Kanef, David Teicher, Linda Stefney, Warren Kornfeld, Pramila Gupta, and Jay Siegel


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Laura Schwartz, ACA Capital Holdings, Inc, Laura Schwartz and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


FCIC Interview of Satyajit Das, Chris Seefer, Satyajit Das, Dixie Noonan, Kim Leslie Shafer, Thomas H. Stanton, and Greg Feldberg


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Alex Luk, Office of Thrift Supervision, Alex Luk and Chris Seefer


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Brad Waring, Office of Thrift Supervision, Brad Waring, Chris Seefer, Al Crego, and Clara Morain


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Joseph Gonzalez, Office of Thirft Supervision, Joseph Gonzalez and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Richard Cantor, Moody's Corporation (Part 1), Richard Cantor, Victor Cunicelli, Thomas Borgers, Shaista Ahmed, Sharon Nelles, Steven Ross, and Megan Greer


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Richard Cantor, Moody's Corporation (Part 2), Richard Cantor, Victor Cunicelli, Thomas Borgers, Shaista Ahmed, Sharon Nelles, Steven Ross, and Megan Greer


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Satyajit Das, (Interview 1), Satyajit Das and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


Gary Cohen Letter to GSC (D Ross) re Treatment of Non Public Information, Gary Cohen


Gary Cohen Letter to NIBC (A Lambert) re Treatment of Non Public Information, Gary Cohen


Deputy Treasurer, Barber Written Submission to the FCIC, Mark Barber


FCIC Official Transcript Hearing on "The Shadow Banking System, Phillip Angelides, Bill Thomas, Brooksley Born, Byron Stephen Georgiou, Bob Graham, Keith Hennessey, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Heather Murren, John W. Thompson, Peter J. Wallison, Henry M. Paulson Jr., Timothy F. Geithner, Michael A. Neal, Mark Barber, Paul A. McCulley, and Steven R. Meier


Former Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson Written Testimony Before the FCIC, Henry M. Paulson Jr.


May 6, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC - Session 1 - Perspective on the Shadow Banking System, Henry M. Paulson Jr.


May 6, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC - Session 2 - Perspective on the Shadow Banking System, Timothy F. Geithner


May 6, 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC - Session 3 - Institutions Participating in the Shadow Banking System, Michael A. Neal, Mark Barber, Paul A. McCulley, and Steven R. Meier


May 6, 2010 Session 1, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


May 6, 2010 Session 2, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


May 6, 2010 Session 3, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


Statement by Managing Director of PIMCO, Paul A. McCulley, Before the FCIC 5-6-2010, Paul A. McCulley


Testimony by Secretary Timothy Geithner Before the FCIC, on the Causes of the Financial Crisis and the Case For Reform, Timothy F. Geithner


Testimony of Chief Investment Officer, Steven R. Meier, Before the FCIC, Steven R. Meier


Testimony of Former Secretary of the Treasury, Paulson, Before the FCIC, Henry M. Paulson Jr.


Written Submission of GE Capital, by their Chairman Michael A. Neal, Before the FCIC, Michael A. Neal


Chairman Angelides Open Remarks at the FCIC Hearing (5-5-2010), Phillip Angelides


FCIC Official Transcript on the Hearing of "The Shadow Banking System", Phillip Angelides, Bill Thomas, Brooksley Born, Byron Stephen Georgiou, Bob Graham, Keith Hennessey, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Heather Murren, John W. Thompson, Peter J. Wallison, Paul Friedman, Sam Molinaro, Warren Spector, James E. Cayne, Alan D. Schwartz, Christopher Cox, William H. Donaldson, David H. Kotz, Eric R. Sirri, and Jane W. Beach


Former CEO of Bear Stearns, James Cayne Written Testimony Before the FCIC, James E. Cayne


Former CEO of Bear Stearns, James E. Cayne Testimony Before the FCIC, James E. Cayne


Former Chairman of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Christopher Cox Testimony Before the FCIC, Christopher Cox


Interview with Arturo Cifuentes (Moody's), Arturo Cifuentes, Kim Leslie Shafer, Bruce Mcwilllams, Ryan Bubb, and Shaista Ahmed


May 5 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC- Session 1 - Investment Banks and the Shadow Banking System, Sam Molinaro, Warren Spector, and Paul Friedman


May 5 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC- Session 2 - Investment Banks and the Shadow Banking System, James E. Cayne and Alan D. Schwartz


May 5 2010 Hearing Before the FCIC- Session 3 - SEC Regulation of Investment Banks, Christopher Cox, William H. Donaldson, David H. Kotz, and Eric R. Sirri


Professor Of Finance For Babson College, Erik Sirri Written Testimony Before the FCIC, Eric R. Sirri


Statement by Former President and the Chief Executive Officer of Bear Stearns, Alan D. Schwartz, Before the FCIC, Alan D. Schwartz


Testimony by Professor of Finance, Erik R. Sirri, Before the FCIC 5-5-2010, Eric R. Sirri


Testimony of Chairman of the SEC, William H. Donaldson Before the FCIC, William H. Donaldson


Testimony of Employee of Bear Stearns, Paul Friedman, Before the FCIC, Paul Friedman


Testimony of Former Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Bear Stearns, Samuel Molinaro, Before the FCIC 5-5-2010, Sam Molinaro


Testimony of Former co-Chief Operating Officer and President of Bear Stearns, Warren Spector, Before the FCIC, Warren Spector


Testimony of Inspector General of the Securities and Exchange Commission, David Kotz, Before the FCIC, David H. Kotz


Draft Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Shadow-Banking, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


FCIC memo of staff interview with Andrew Feldstein, Andrew Feldstein, Victor Cunicelli, Brad Bondi, and Thomas Borgers


FCIC memo of staff interview with Bob Behal, Vanguard, Bob Behal, Nathan Will, Bruce Mcwilllams, Thomas Greene, and Landon Stroebel


FCIC Preliminary Staff Report- Shadow and the Financial Crisis, United States: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC)


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with David Teicher, Moody's Investors Service, David Teicher, Brad Bondi, Ryan Bubb, Shaista Ahmed, Karen Dubas, Steven Ross, Constance O'Connor, and Megan Greer


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Laurie Goodman, Amherst Securities Group, Laurie S. Goodman and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


Gary Cohen Letter to MKP (P Alcamo) re Treatment of Non Public Information, Gary Cohen


US Treasury Email from Mario Ugoletti Re Ibanks, Mario Ugoletti


FCIC Interview of Scott Eichel, Scott Eichel, Mina Simhai, Tom Krebs, Chris Seefer, Clara Morain, Fred Marcusa, and Rebecca Kinburn


FCIC memo of staff interview with Michael Neal, GE Capital, Michael A. Neal, Christopher Moore, Reginald J. Brown, Dan Rosenthal, Desi Duncker, Troy Burrus, and Sarah Knaus


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Scott Eichel, Bear Stearns, Scott Eichel, Mina Simhai, Tom Krebs, Chris Seefer, and Clara Morain


FCIC T Krebs interview of Scott Eichel, Mina Simhai, Tom Krebs, Chris Seefer, Scott Eichel, Clara Morain, Kaye Scholer, and Fred Marcusa


FRB April 2010 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Division of Monetary Affairs


Gary Cohen Letter to Moody's (S Ross) re Treatment of Non Public Information, Gary Cohen


FCIC memo of staff interview with Alan Schwartz, Bear Stearns, Alan D. Schwartz, Eric Goldstein, Jessica Carey, Amy R. Sabrin, Tom Krebs, Donna Norman, and Sarah Knaus


FCIC memo of staff interview with Paul McCulley, PIMCO, Paul A. McCulley, John Sopko, David Flattum, Tom Krebs, and Courtney Mayo


FCIC memo of staff interview with Mark Barber, GE Capital, Mark Barber, Christopher Moore, Reginald J. Brown, Tom Krebs, Desi Duncker, Al Crego, Landon Stroebel, and Lorretto Scott


Federal Reserve Bulletin- Profit and Balance Sheet Developments at U.S. Commercial Banks in 2009, Seung Jung Lee, Jonathan Rose, Thomas C. Allard, Mary E. Chosak, Michael Levere, and Robert Kurtzman


FCIC memo of staff interview with George O'Connell, Attorney General of Connecticut, George O'Connell, Lauran Martell, Brad Bondi, Victor Cunicelli, and Sarah Zuckerman


FCIC memo of staff interview with James Mahoney, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, James Mahoney, Shari Leventhal, Michael Patrick, Dixie Noonan, Al Crego, Chris Seefer, Jane Poulin, and Clara Morain


FCIC memo of staff interview with Joseph St. Denis, American International Group, Inc., Joseph St. Denis, Fiona A. Philip, Chris Seefer, Thomas H. Stanton, Al Crego, and Clara Morain


FCIC memo of staff interview with Kyle Bass, Kyle Bass, Tom Krebs, Mina Simhai, and Karen Dubas


FCIC memo of staff interview with Mabel Yu, Vanguard Investments, Mabel Yu, Nathan Will, William Roberts, Bruce Mcwilllams, and Ryan Bubb


FCIC memo of staff interview with Michael Alix, Bear Stearns, Michael Alix


FCIC memo of staff interview with Sarah Dahlgren, New York Fed, Sarah J. Dahlgren, Shari Leventhal, Michael Patrick, Dixie Noonan, and Clara Morain


FCIC memo of staff interview with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), Josh Silver, Thomas H. Stanton, and Wendy Edelberg


FHFA Answers to the PWG Working Group on Supervision Questionnaire, Alfred Pollard, United States: Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), and United States: The White House: President's Working Group on Financial Markets' (PWG)


Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Announces Details for Next Public Hearing, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)


Department of Justice Letter to the FCIC, Ronald Weich


FCIC memo of staff interview with John Chrin, John Chrin, Patrick Kelly, Mark Wolinsky, Mina Simhai, and Jon Armstrong


FCIC memo of staff interview with Paul Friedman, Bear Stearns, Paul Friedman, Eric Goldstein, Jessica Carey, Rachael Miller, Fred F. Fielding, Ivan Harris, Melissa Mitchell, Tom Krebs, Donna Norman, and Sarah Knaus


Chief Financial Officer of Goldman Sachs, David Viniar Testimony Before the Senate Permanent Subcomittee on Investigations, David Viniar


Chief Financial Officer of Goldman Sachs, David Viniar Testimony Before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, David Viniar


FCIC memo of staff interview with Howie Rubin, Bear Stearns 1, Howard Rubin, Joseph Baio, Tom Krebs, and Mina Simhai


FCIC memo of staff interview with Steve Eisman, Steven Eisman, Reginald J. Brown, Scott Tucker, Chris Seefer, Kim Leslie Shafer, and Clara Morain


FCIC memo of staff interview with Steve Meyer, Bear Stearns, Steven Meyer, Michael N. Levy, Randy Levine, Eric Goldstein, Jessica Carey, Rebecca Kinburn, Tom Krebs, Mina Simhai, Donna Norman, and Karen Dubas


Gary Cohen Letter to Cornwall (W Gussman) re Treatment of NonPublic Info, Cornwall Capital Inc and Gary Cohen


Gary Cohen Letter to Magnetar (S Ross) re Treatment of NonPublic Info, Gary Cohen


Lisa Madigan Hearing One Follow-Up From Deborah Hagan, Deborah Hagan


Michael Swenson Opening Statement before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Michael Swenson


Moodys Corporate Library Board Analyst Profile, Moody's Corporation: The Corporate library


Transcript of Interview with Eric Kolchinsky, Ilya Eric Kolchinsky, Thomas Borgers, Ryan Bubb, Brad Bondi, and Bruce Mcwilllams


FCIC Interview of Kyle Bass, Hayman Capital, Tom Krebs, Brandon Osmond, Kyle Bass, Brad Bondi, Greg Feldberg, Kim Leslie Shafer, Victor Cunicelli, Ryan Bubb, Landon Stroebel, and Karen Dubas


FCIC memo of staff interview with Jimmy Cayne, Bear Stearns, James E. Cayne, David S. Frankel, Michael J. Sternhell, Jessica Carey, Eric Goldstein, Matthew Cipolla, Tom Krebs, Donna Norman, and Sarah Knaus


FCIC memo of staff interview with William Ackman, William Ackman, Brad Bondi, Victor Cunicelli, and Thomas Borgers


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Antonio Alvarez, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Antonio Alvarez, Scott Ganz, Bart Dzivi, Shari Leventhal, and Stephanie Ruiz


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Dianne Dobbeck and Steve Manzari, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Part 1), Dianne Dobbeck, Steve Manzari, Bart Dzivi, Scott Ganz, and Shari Leventhal


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Dianne Dobbeck and Steve Manzari, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Part 2), Dianne Dobbeck, Steve Manzari, Bart Dzivi, and Scott Ganz


FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Randolph Brown, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Randolph Brown, Bart Dzivi, Scott Ganz, and Shari Leventhal


Letter from Eric S Goldstein to Thomas Krebs Re Interrogatories from JPMorgan, Eric Goldstein


FCIC Interview of Lou Lebedin, Bear Stearns, Tom Krebs, Donna Norman, Sarah Knaus, Lou Lebedin, Jessica Carey, and Eric Goldstein