This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.
Documents from 2022
Financial Stability Company Annual Report 2021, Finansiel Stabilitet (FSC)
Geschäftsbericht 2021, Heta Asset Resolution
Governor Nguyen Thi Hong attends 42nd Meeting of Asian Consultative Council of BIS, State Bank of Vietnam
Swiss gov't proposes public liquidity backstop for big banks, Brenna Hughes-Neghaiwi
La ampliacion del swap con China habilitara pagos de importaciones y deuda, Andrés Lerner
Argentina 2022 Article IV Consultation, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Institutional Protection Schemes - What are their differences, strengths, weaknesses, and track records?, Harry Huizinga
The Riksbank, Finansinspektionen and Swedish National Debt Office is closely following events, Sveriges Riksbank
The politicisation of the European Central Bank and its emergency credit lines outside the Euro Area, Lukas Spielberger
About FGDL, Fonds de Garantie des Dèp´ts Luxembourg
Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility Page, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Financial Claims Scheme (ADIs) Levy Act 2008 (NO. 103, 2008) - Sect 5 Amount of Levy, Australian Government
Iceland: Rebuilding Trust, Gerard O'Dwyer
Foreign Currency Directive, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)
IMF, Its Objectives, Structure, Functions, Members, Role, History, Kimberly Amadeo
Finding Bigfoot: New Data Shows the Difficulty of Tracking IMF Special Drawing Rights, Lucas Sala and Mark Plant
Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC), Government of Ireland
How the Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy Implementation Framework Has Evolved, Gara Afonso, Lorie Logan, Antoine Martin, William Riordan, and Patricia Zobel
2021 Annual Report, Bank of Mongolia (Mongolbank)
About BIMSTEC, BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation)
Annual Financial Statements 2021, Carinthian Compensation Payment Fund
Annual Report 2021, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Annual Report 2021 & Annual Performance Statement 2021-2022, Central Bank of Ireland
Annual Report 2022, Dexia
Banking Crises in Italy: An Application and Evaluation of the European Framework, Giuseppe Boccuzzi and Riccardo De Lisa
Bhutan RMA AR 2021-22, Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA)
CBSL Annual Report 2021, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL)
Central bank liquidity lines, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB - Central bank liquidity lines, European Central Bank (ECB)
European Union and Monetary Union in Permanent Crisis I: An Inventory, Dirk Meyer
Global Debt Database - Central Government Debt, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Governing Council, European Central Bank (ECB)
Iceland: Depositors' and Investors' Guarantee Fund, Adam Kulam
Investor Presentation & Performance Review, Novobanco
Latvian Privatization Agency 2021 Report, Latvian Privatization Agency
Maldives Monetary Authority Annual Report 2021, Maldives Monetary Authority
Management Report 2021, Carinthian Compensation Payment Fund
Money Market Rates / EURIBOR Twelve Month Funds / Daily Quotations, Deutsche Bundesbank / Central Bank of Germany
Poland and the euro, European Union: European Commission
Profit Participation Certificate, Moneyland
Receivership Management Program, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, Reserve Bank of India
Swiss Banks' and Securities Dealers' Depositor Protection Association, Ezekiel Vergara
The Central Bank of Cyprus Law, 2002, Republic of Cyprus
The CMI and CMIM, Beomhee Han
The Economics of Liquidity Lines Between Central Banks, Saleem Bahaj and Ricardo Reis
The New Bail-In Legislation An Analysis of European Banking Resolution, Dr. Angela Maria Maddaloni
Third covered bond purchase programme - CBPP3, European Central Bank (ECB)
Yes Bank Share Price 2017-2022, Bloomberg L.P.
Documents from 2021
Banco Central de la Republica Argentina - 2021 Financial Statements, Argentina: Banco Central de la República
Classified Secondary Primary Bank List, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Orderly resolution of the former Hypo-Alpe-Adria-Gruppe concluded successfully. The new European resolution regime has proven itself., Republic of Austria: Financial Market Authority
Yes Bank: an untold story, Kumar Ramchandani and Dr. Kinjal Jethwani
Portugal's Resolution Fund injects $127 million into Novo Banco, Sergio Goncalves
S.Korea to join Federal Reserve's FIMA repo facility, Joori Roh
Do the Fed's International Dollar Liquidity Facilities Affect Offshore Dollar Funding Markets and Credit?, Linda Goldberg and Fabiola Ravazzolo
Riksbank joins the Federal Reserve's repo facility in USD, Sveriges Riksbank
Collateral Information, Federal Reserve System
List of agency banks of RBI as on December 6, 2021, Reserve Bank of India
Central Bank Currency Swaps Tracker, Ben Steil, Benjamin Della Rocca, and Dinah Walker
Central Bank Currency Swaps Tracker, Ben Steil, Benjamin Della Rocca, and Dinah Walker
The Fed's International Dollar Liquidity Facilities: New Evidence on Effects, Linda Goldberg and Fabiola Ravazzolo
The workings of liquidity lines between central banks, Saleem Bahaj and Ricardo Reis
Where Did That IMF Covid Money Go?, DJ Nordquist and Dan Katz
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Hiroshi Nakaso, Hiroshi Nakaso and Maryann Haggerty
Central Bank Swap Lines: Evidence on the Effects of the Lender of Last Resort, Saleem Bahaj and Ricardo Reis
The Bank of England's approach to tiering incoming central counterparties, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Faith Schwartz, Faith Schwartz and Mary Anne Chute Lynch
Disclosure of asset sale completion, UK Parliament
Italy, Unicredit talks over sale of Monte dei Paschi collapse, Sharlene Goff
RBI should've acted on Yes Bank 5 months earlier', Mayur Shetty
SDRs for COVID-19 relief: The good, the challenging, and the uncertain, Ali Zafar, Jan Muench, and Aloysius Uche Ordu
YES Bank to take 2 more years to stabilise, says former SBI chief, Press Trust of India
Indexed Long-Term Repo OMOs by operation (Jun-10 - Jan-14), Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Andrew Gray, Andrew Gray and Mercedes Cardona
The International Role of the U.S. Dollar, Carol Bertaut, Bastian von Beschwitz, and Stephanie Curcuru
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Sandra Braunstein, Sandra Braunstein and Mary Anne Chute Lynch
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Veerathai Santiprabhob, Veerathai Santiprabhob, Maryann Haggerty, and Rosalind Z. Wiggins
Opinion | What Happens When the Last Jew Leaves Afghanistan, Dana Horn
Annual Update on SDR Trading Operations (2021), International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The effectiveness of ECB euro liquidity lines, Jan Schaefer, Ivan Kataryniuk, Luis Molina Sánchez, and Silvia Albrizio
The Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility, Ken E. Anadu, Marco Cipriani, Ryan Carver, and Gabriele La Spada
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Diane Thompson, Diane Thompson and Mary Anne Chute Lynch
Commissione Parlamentare di Inchiesta sul sistema bancario e finanziario, Italian Parliament
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Neil Barofsky, Neil Barofsky and Mercedes Cardona
FAQs: 13(3) Facility Counterparty Expansion Program, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
UPDATED: Statement of Policy Governing the Acquisition and Management of Financial Assets for the Bank of Canada's Balance Sheet ( Effective: September 01, 2021), Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada
Will Montenegro have to drop the euro to join the EU?, Milana Nikolova
Section 14. Borrowing Authority, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
2021 General SDR Allocation, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Questions and Answers on Special Drawing Rights, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Questions and Answers on Special Drawing Rights, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Parliament passes Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation amendment bill, Press Trust of India (PTI)
IMF Governors Approve a Historic US$650 Billion SDR Allocation of Special Drawing Rights, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Overcoming a corporate crisis: The role of a hegemonic elite – The Banco Ambrosiano case (1982), Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini, Andrea Lionzo, and Alessandro Lai
Banking Resolution: Expansion of the Resolution Toolkit and the Changing Role of Deposit Insurers, Ryan Defina
Central Bank Swap Arrangements in the COVID-19 Crisis, Joshua Aizenman, Hiro Ito, and Gurnain Kaur Pasricha