This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.
Documents from 1993
Last Week's payout closed big chapter in DEPCO annals, Neil Downing
DEPCO bonanza is at hand for 16,000 depositors, Neil Downing
DEPCO repays U.S. in a big way: A $125 million check marked the first retirement of a chunk of debt taken on by the bailout agency, John Kostrzewa
RTC: Data Limitations Impaired Analysis of Sales Methods, United States: Government Accountability Office (GAO)
The Decline of Private Deposit Insurance in the United States, William B. English
Law of 5 April 1993 relating to the financial sector, Luxembourg Government
Annual Report of the Resolution Trust Corporation - 1992, Resolution Trust Corporation
Central Budget 1993-94, Indian Government
Financial Statements (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon), Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance and Independent Auditors' Report Required by the Single Audit Act of 1984, Rhode Island Depositors Economic Protection Corporation
Full Faith and Credit: The Great S & L Debacle and Other Washington Sagas, William L. Seidman
Lessons from the Rhode Island Banking Crisis, Thomas E. Pulkkinen and Eric S. Rosengren
Documents from 1992
Legal Framework of Credit Institutions and Financial Companies, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
FDICIA's Discount Window Provisions, Walker F. Todd
Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. v. Canadian Commercial Bank, Supreme Court of Canada
Privileged Position, Kenneth H. Bacon
Mongolia Law on the National Security Council of Mongolia, Secretary of the Congress of Mongolia
Mutual Funds Law No. 24,083, Argentine Republic
Supplementi al Bollettino Statistico: Note metodologiche e informazioni statistiche, Banca d'Italia
Il Credito Di Ultima Istanza, Carlo Ciampi
Article 87 of the EC Treaty, European Union
Maastricht Treaty, European Parliament
Next payout planned Feb.14 to 'Final Four' depositors, Neil Downing
Charter of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, Banco Central de la República Argentina
Department of Business Regulation Eighty-Fifth Annual Report, Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation, Bruce Sundlun, Maurice C. Paradis, and Edward D. Pare Jr.
Financial Statements June 30, 1992, Rhode Island Depositors Economic Protection Corporation
Forsta Sparbanken och Nordbanken, Gotabanken och Foreningsbanken,
History of and Rationales for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Walker F. Todd
Documents from 1991
Grand-ducal regulation of 21 December 1991 implementing article 167, paragraph 1, number 5 of the law of 4 December 1967 concerning income tax, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg/The Luxembourg State/Luxembourg
State plans to ease hardship withdrawals from frozen accounts, Neil Downing
Institutional Responses to Bank Failure: A Comparative Case Study of the Home Bank (1923) and Canadian Commercial Bank (1985) Failures, Byron Lew and Alan J. Richardson
Congressional Record–House of Representatives - Monday October 28, 1991, United States: Congress: House of Representatives
DEPCO moves to help PierBank reopen, Neil Downing
Haircuts will apply in larger payouts, Neil Downing
In Re Advisory Opinion to the Governor (Depco), Rhode Island: Supreme Court
Credit Unions, receivership and DEPCO, Neil Downing
Bumgardner Statement, Layne L. Bumgardner
Closure of 45 Privately Insured Financial Institutions in Rhode Island, United States: House of Representatives: Committee on Banking, Finance And Urban Affairs
Report and Chronology with Exhibits of Governor Bruce Sundlun, Bruce Sundlun
A boon for borrowers: New rules permit borrowers to use frozen funds for loans, Neil Downing
Carved in Sand: A Report on the Collapse of the Rhode Island Share and Deposit Indemnity Corporation, Vartan Gregorian
Executive Order 13: Appointment of Special Commission and Special Counsel to Investigate the Collapse of RISDIC Insured Institutions, Bruce Sundlun
Credit Union Crisis Business Viewpoint Guess who's the fall guy in bailout game?, Peter Phipps
Credit Union Crisis DEPCO will require $200 million more, banking expert says, John Kostrzewa
Small depositors may see light at end of tunnel under revised plan, Neil Downing
Depositors won't get scrip as IOUs, Neil Downing
Nine closed institutions to begin payouts Amounts vary; checks to be mailed, Neil Downing
Depositors may apply to state for emergency withdrawals to $1000, Neil Downing
Executive Order 6: Indemnification of President Gregorian, Bruce Sundlun
Payments must still be made on a loan from closed institutions, Neil Downing
Proposed measure gives DEPCO wide powers, much independence, Neil Downing
Sundlun offers payback plan New agency would take over ailing banks, credit unions, John Kostrzewa
Hundreds descend on Citizens to collect their federal payments, Suzanne Espinoza
11 institutions don't qualify for insurance Sundlun vows depositors will be paid off in full, Dean Starkman
FDIC Denies Applications for Federal Deposit Insurance From Five Privately Insured Rhode Island Banks, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Financial Crisis Regarding Credit Unions and Related Financial Institutions Not Covered by Federal Depositors' Insurance, Robert S. Stitt and Charles O. Black
45 Credit Unions and Banks Shut by Rhode Island, Keith Bradsher
Audit Report June 30, 1991 and for the period February 8, 1991 (date of inception) to June 30, 1991, Rhode Island Depositors Economic Protection Corporation and Anthony Piccirilli
Department of Business Regulation Eighty-Fourth Annual Report, Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation, Bruce Sundlun, Maurice C. Paradis, and Edward D. Pare Jr.
Depositor Payout Chronology, Rhode Island State Archives
Different Drummers: Banking and Politics in Canada, Robert MacIntosh
Proclamation and Executive Order Implementation, Bruce Sundlun
Documents from 1990
Bank loss rises; insurer forced to bolster fund, John Kostrzewa
Credit unions reconsider insurer, John Kostrzewa
Grand jury begins probe of Heritage; $1.2 million in deposits withdrawn Atty. Gen. reports whereabouts of president unknown, John Kostrzewa
Sundlun wins a daunting mandate The governor-elect faces economic ills that contributed to DiPrete's downfall, Russell Garland
Are deposits safe? Yes, so far - but recession losses strain the system, John Kostrzewa
El Fondo de Garanta de Depósitos mantiene activos por 36.000 millones de pesetas, El Pais
Documents from 1989
Federal Register Vol. 54, No. 215, United States: National Archives and Records Administration: Office of the Federal Register
Agreement Between the United States of America and Mexico, United States: Department of State
Annual Report of the Governor to the Minister of Finance and statement of accounts for the year 1988, Bank of Canada
The Banco Ambrosiano Collapse and the Luxury of National Lenders of Last Resort with International Responsibilities, Ulrich Hess
Documents from 1988
International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
La crisis bancaria en Espa±a: 1977-1985: causas, sistemas de tratamiento y coste, Alvaro Cuervo Garca
Saving Capitalism: The Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the New Deal, 1933-1940, James S. Olson
Documents from 1987
Gutfreund's Pay Is Cut, New York Times, The
Fed's New Chairman Wins a Lot of Praise on Handling the Crash, Alan Murray
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act, Government of Canada
Annual Report of the Governor to the Minister of Finance and statement of accounts for the year 1986, Bank of Canada
Commissione parlamentare D'Inchiesta Sulla Loggia Massonica P2, Italy: Parliament: Camera dei Deputati and Senato Della Repubblica
Documents from 1986
Data Summary of the Act on Danmarks Nationalbank, Denmark: Parliament
Annual Report 1985, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
Breaking the Banks, Arthur Johnson
Report of the inquiry into the Collapse of the CCB and the Northern Bank, Willard Z. Estey
Submission of the Bank of Canada to The Commission of Inquiry on Certain Banking Operations, Bank of Canada
Documents from 1985
Stato d'insolvenza di un istituto di credito, Italy: La Corte di Cassazione/Supreme Court of Cassation
Report leaves ministers unscathed Senators spread blame for bank failures, Bruce Little
The Standing Committee on Finance, Trade, and Economic Affairs - Eleventh Report, Canada: House of Commons
Troubles at Canadian Banks, Douglas Marin
Canada: Alberta: Legislative Assembly, Canada: Alberta: Legislative Assembly
Woes at Canadian bank play to an old tune, Donald Shoultz
Canada Moves to Bail Out Troubled Bank, L.A. Times
Canada Sets Rescue Measures for Canadian Commercial Bank, Dow Jones News Service
Canadian Commercial Bank Financial Assistance Act (CCBFAA), Parliament of Canada
Financial Institutions Depositors Compensation Act (FIDCA), Parliament of Canada
The banking crisis in Switzerland in the 1930s, Paul Ehrsam
Documents from 1984
Net Worth Certificate Assistance Programs: Their Design, Major Differences, and Early Implementation, US Government Accountability Office
Vatican Pact Reported on Banco Ambrosiano, Paul Lewis
The Mexican Rescue, Joseph Kraft
Documents from 1983
Treasury and Federal Reserve Foreign Exchange Operations (August-October 1983), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Sam Y. Cross