This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.
Documents from 2007
Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee December 11, 2007, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Mortgage Crisis Forces the Closing of a Fund, MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM
Bank of America to Liquidate $12 Billion Cash Fund, Shannon D. Harrington and Sree Vidya Bhaktavatsalam
Review of the Liquidity Requirements for Banks and Building Societies, United Kingdom: Financial Services Authority
As Bank Profits Grew, Warning Signs Went Unheeded, FLOYD NORRIS
GE Bond Fund Investors Cash Out After Losses From Subprime - Bloomberg, Christopher Condon and Rachel Layne
Merrill's own subprime warnings unheeded, Al Yoon
Quarterly Bulletin 2007 Q3, Bank of England
Financial Stability Report 2007, Bank of England
Secretary Paulson's Plenary Remarks at the Annual International Monetary Fund and World Bank Meetings, Henry M. Paulson Jr.
Northern Rock bosses say crisis could not be predicted, Steve Slater
PwC review prompts IKB departures, Ivar Simensan
Special report by PricewaterhouseCoopers available – IKB drives realignment of the business forward, IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
Troubles at Northern Rock, Reuters
Treasury underwrites ailing bank's bailout: Northern Rock borrowing spirals to pounds 12.9bn Bank of England restricted by strict lending terms, Simon Bowers and Larry Elliot
Statement by Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. on Announcement of New Private Sector Alliance – HOPE NOW, Henry M. Paulson Jr.
EU Warns Montenegro over the Euro, BalkanInsight
Northern Rock plc Deposits, Bank of England
Speech given by Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England At the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Belfast, Bank of England
Banking reform – protecting depositors: a discussion paper, United Kingdom: HM Treasury, Bank of England, and Financial Services Authority
Carnegie scandal claims highest profile victim as predators circle, David Ibison
Factbox–How Britain Regulates Banks, Reuters
D. Carnegie fined and top executive resigns, New York Times, The
Prospectus for the Primary Fund, US Government Fund, US Treasury Fund, and Reserve Liquid Performance Money Market Fund, The Reserve Fund
Official Defends Bank of England’s Response to Crisis, Carter Dougherty
Renewed N.Rock deposits guaranteed, Reuters
Fannie Mae Expand, ERIC DASH
Minutes of Monetary Policy Committee Meeting 5 and 6 September 2007, Bank of England
Government guarantees Northern Rock deposits, Patrick Collinson
Moody's affirms Northern Rock's Prime-1 short term rating; places Aa3 bond rating on review direction uncertain, Moody's Investors Service
Future of British Mortgage Lender in Question after Run on Deposits, Eric Pfanner
5th UPDATE: Northern Rock Borrows From BoE; Shares Off 26%, Henry Teitelbaum
Bank of England approves emergency funding for Northern Rock, Tariq Panja
British bank rocked by panic withdrawals, Agence France Presse
British mortgage lender gets Bank of England bail-out, Agence France Presse
Northern Rock issues profit warning, Reuters
Northern Rock's Granite Funding At Heart of Problems, Margot Patrick
Bail-out points to depth of UK liquidity crisis, Peter Thal Larsen and Chris Giles
Bank of England to bail out Northern Rock, Peter Thal Larsen and Neil Hume
Northern Rock gets bank bail out, British Broadcasting Company (BBC)
Case No. COMP/ M.4755 - Bayerische Landesbank v Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International, European Union: European Commission
For Private Equity Market, All Eyes on First Data, Michael Flaherty and Dena Aubin
Not So Smart, Roben Farzad, Matthew Goldstein, and David Henry
Barclays again taps emergency facility, Clara Ferreira-Marques
Barclays admits borrowing hundreds of millions at Bank's emergency rate, Ashley Seager, Larry Elliott, and Julia Kollewe
Nightly Business Report - One on One with Angelo Mozilo, Chairman and CEO of Countrywide Financial, Susie Gharib and Angelo Mozilo
How Subprime Mess Ensnared German Bank; IKB Gets a Bailout, Carrick Mollenkamp, Edward Taylor, and Ian McDonald
RBS shareholders approve consortium's ABN bid, Reuters
BNP Paribas Freezes Funds as Loan Losses Roil Markets, Sebastian Boyd
BNP suspends funds, Simon Kennedy
Global Financial Crisis and the Korean Economy, Kyungsoo Kim
Ad hoc Mitteilung, The Board of Directors Düsseldorf
La lezione del crac Ambrosiano, Mario Draghi
IKB faces takeover threat from rescuers, Ivar Simensan and Gerhard Hegmann
Law Number 3601: Taking up and Pursuit of the Business of Credit Institutions, Capital Adequacy of Credit Institutions and Investment Firms, and Other Provisions, Greece: Hellenic Republic
Paulson Says Subprime Rout Doesn't Threaten Economy (Bloomberg - Carmichael, Cook), Kevin Carmichael and Peter Cook
Banks Postpone Chrysler Funding Plan, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and Joe Bel Bruno
Northern Rock plc Interim Results 6 Months Ended 30 June 2007, Northern Rock Asset Management
Ley No. 167 - 07 para la Recapitalización del Banco Central de la República Dominicana, Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
Citigroup chief stay bullish on buyouts, Michiyo Nakamoto and David Wighton
Preliminary results for the first quarter (1 April 2007 – 30 June 2007), IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
After Losses, UBS Ousts Its Chief, Julie Creswell
Hungary: 2007 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Interim Results for the half year ended 30 June 2007, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
Rhineland Funding Capital Corporation Performance Overview, Moody's
IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG Restated Financial Statements and Management Report 2006/2007., IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG Restated Financial Statements and Management Report 2006/2007., IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
Did Greenspan Add to Subprime Woes, GREG IP
The CFN Financial Crisis, National Financial Corporation
Bayern LB In EUR1.63B Deal For Hypo Alpe-Adria Majority Stake, Dow Jones International News
Daimler pays to dump Chrysler, Chris Isidore
Bank Won Concessions on Tests, David Enrich, Dan Fitzpatrick, and Marshall Eckblad
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee - January 31 - February 1, 1995, Donald L. Kohn
Overview of the IMF, Parmeshwar Ramlogan and Bernhard Fritz-Krockow
Bernanke Allays Subprime Fears as Beazer Faces Probe, Julie Haviv
Closing Remarks by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. at Treasury's Capital Markets Competitiveness Conference Georgetown University, Henry M. Paulson Jr.
Opening Remarks by Treasury Secretary at Treasury Capital Markets Competitiveness Conference Georgetown University, Henry M. Paulson Jr.
cu privire la datoria sectorului public, garanţiile de stat şi recreditarea de stat, Government of Republic of Moldova
Denmark: Financial Sector Assessment Program, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
President's Working Group Releases Common Approach to Private Pools of Capital Guidance on hedge fund issues focuses on systemic risk, investor protection, United States: The White House: President's Working Group on Financial Markets' (PWG)
Roskilde Bank Annual Report 2006, Roskilde Bank
Testimony of Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Before the Senate Budget Committee on the President's Fiscal Year 2008 Budget, Henry M. Paulson Jr.
Testimony of Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Before the House Budget Committee on the President's Fiscal Year 2008 Budget, Henry M. Paulson Jr.
Testimony of Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Before the House Ways and Means Committee on the President's Fiscal Year 2008 Budget, Henry M. Paulson Jr.
Testimony of Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Before the Senate Finance Committee on the President's Fiscal Year 2008 Budget, Henry M. Paulson Jr.
Minutes of the FOMC: January 30-31, 2007, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Annual Reports and Accounts 2007, Halifax Bank of Scotland
Banks during the Argentine Crisis: Were They All Hurt Equally? Did They All Behave Equally?, Adolfo Barajas, Emiliano Basco, V. Hugo Juan-Ramón, and Carlos Quarracino
Federal Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz - BWG), Republic of Austria: Financial Market Authority
Landsbanki Annual Report 2007, Landsbanki
Northern Rock plc Annual Reports and Accounts 2006, Northern Rock Asset Management
Documents from 2006
Pathways Through Financial Crisis: Argentina, Brad Setser and Anna Gelpern
Countrywide seeks to become savings bank, Bloomberg L.P. and LA Times
LA Times - Countrywide seeks to become savings bank, Bloomberg News
About the concept "On the development of the state jointstock company "Latvijas Hipotiyku und zemes banka" for 2007-2013", Latvia: Cabinet of Ministers
External Debt, Oil Dependence and a Nation's Currency: Why and How Ecuador Dollarized, Paul Beckerman
The Implementation of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area - September 2006, European Central Bank (ECB)
Downey Insures Urge Action, Kirstin Downey
Freddie Mac Proxy Statement, Freddie Mac: Board of Directors: Business and Risk Committee