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Documents from 2008
BayernLB Austrian Subsidiary Proposes Capital Increase, Dow Jones
Latvian paper slams finance minister for statements on ratings agencies, British Broadcasting Company
Supervisory Board proposes capital increase, Hypo Alpe Adria Bank
Third Austrian bank says to tap state aid, Agence France Presse (AFP)
UPDATE 1-Austria's Hypo Alpe to raise cash from owners, state, Reuters
Heartbreak Hotels, Joe Keohane
Latvia's Mortgage Bank acquires 51% stake in Parex Bank, Moody's Investor Service
Moody's downgrades Parex Bank to Ba1/NP/E+ from Baa3/P-3/D+, Moody's Investor Service
Ousted president of bailed-out Latvian bank hopes to regain ownership, BBC Monitoring European
Ousted president of bailed-out Latvian bank hopes to regain ownership, BBC Monitoring European
Parex banka takeover agreement signed, Alla Petrova
Parex banka takeover agreement signed, Alla Petrova
AIG REPORTS THIRD QUARTER 2008 RESULTS Consolidated Premiums and Other Considerations Totaled USD 21 Billion, up 7 Percent, American International Group, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer Hans Berger resigns, HSH Nordbank
Former UBS Chief to Forego $10 Million in Exit Pay, Dealbook
Revocation of Carnegie Investment Bank AB's permit, Finansinspektionen
S&P downgrades Latvia to "BBB-", on watch negative, Reuters Staff
Swedish National Debt Office takes over loan to Carnegie, Sveriges Riksbank
UPDATE 1-Latvia says bank ops normal, withdrawals continue, Patrick Lannin
Latvian government takes control over No. 2 bank to save it from bankruptcy, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Latvian government takes control over No. 2 bank to save it from bankruptcy, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Latvia takes over Parex after run on bank, Robert Anderson
Latvia takes over Parex after run on bank, Robert Anderson
On the take-over of "Parex banka", Latvijas Banka/Central Bank of Latvia
UPDATE 2-Latvia reassures on bank amid fear of new crisis, Patrick Lannin
UPDATE 2-Latvia reassures on bank amid fear of new crisis, Patrick Lannin
Latvia: Another one bites the dust, Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
UPDATE 1-Latvia bails out 2nd largest bank as crisis hits, Patrick Lannin
UPDATE 1-Latvia bails out 2nd largest bank as crisis hits, Patrick Lannin
Belgium sets caps on executive golden parachutes, Reuters Staff
Swiss National Bank and Narodowy Bank Polski cooperate to provide Swiss franc liquidity, Swiss National Bank
Belgian prosecutor says Fortis sale to BNP 'irregular': report, Agence France Presse (AFP)
Fortis: Ping An Owns 4.81% Of Co On September 1, 2008, Dow Jones & Company
NBP ECB Master Agreement, European Central Bank (ECB)
Dispatch of November 5, 2008 on a package of measures to strengthen the Swiss financial system, The Federal Assembly — The Swiss Parliament
State aid NN 39/2008, European Union: European Commission
Summary of message on a package of measures to strengthen the Swiss financial system, Swiss Federal Council
zu einem Massnahmenpaket zur Stärkung des schweizerischen Finanzsystems, Swiss Federal Council
German Government Backs IKB Bailout., C Dougherty
Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabineta 2008.gada 4.novembra sēdes protokols, Latvia: Cabinet of Ministers
Tender Procedure for the Provision of Swiss Francs to Eurosystem Counterparties Through FX Swap Operations, European Central Bank (ECB): Eurosystem
Commerzbank asks State for 8.2bn - First German Bank to use Bailout Fund, Michael Levitin
Decreto-Lei n.o 211-A/2008, Portugal: Ministry of Finance and Public Administration
Financial Crisis: Germany's No. 2 Bank Taps Government Rescue Fund, Spiegel International
NBP ECB repo memo, European Central Bank (ECB)
Norges Bank extends the credit agreement with Sedlabanki Islands, Norway: Norges Bank
Latvia: 33 pct of businesses expect deflation in 2009 - Parex, Baltic News Service
Now they see the benefits of the eurozone, Wolfgang Münchau
Dying Dealerships, Cliff Banks
Form of Application for a Crown Wholesale Funding Guarantee Facility Deed, New Zealand Treasury/Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa
Fortis tells Dutch court not to blame for break-up`, Inge de Brouwer
Letter from Bank of Latvia to President of the European Central Bank to, Latvijas Banka/Central Bank of Latvia
Letter from Latvijas Banka to the European Central Bank, dated 31 October 2008, Ilmārs Rimšēvičs
Luc Frieden: "Le Luxembourg Augmente la Garantie des Dèp´ts Bancaires 100.000 Euros", Grand Duchy of Luxembourg/The Luxembourg State/Luxembourg
Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 10/26/PBI/2008 "Concerning Short-Term Financing Facility to Commercial Banks", Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 10/27/PBI/2008 "Concerning Second Amendment to Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 6/9/PBI/2004", Bank Indonesia
Bundesgesetzblatt Nr. 382/2008, Republic of Austria: Parliament of Austria
Monetary Authority of Singapore Announces Swap Facility with U.S. Federal Reserve as part of Coordinated Central Bank Actions, Monetary Authority of Singapore
NBP letter to ECB, Krzysztof Senderowicz
FAQs Regarding Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 10/26/PBI/2008 "Concerning Short-Term Financing Facility to Commercial Banks", Bank Indonesia
Federal Reserve, Banco Central do Brasil, Banco de Mexico, Bank of Korea, and Monetary Authority of Singapore announce the establishment of temporary reciprocal currency arrangements, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Instruction Sheet on Participation in EUR/CHF Foreign Exchange Swaps of the Swiss National Bank, Swiss National Bank
Decision: Special liquidity assistance to Carnegie Investment Bank AB, Sveriges Riksbank
Euro Danish Krone Swap Agreement, European Central Bank (ECB)
Extended liquidity assistance to Carnegie Investment Bank, Sveriges Riksbank
Federal Reserve and Reserve Bank of New Zealand announce the establishment of a temporary reciprocal currency arrangement, Federal Reserve System and Reserve Bank of New Zealand/Te Putea Matua
NBP Prez reply to ECB prez, Stawmori Stainslaw Skyzpek
Danmarks Nationalbank and European Central Bank cooperation to provide euro liquidity, Danmarks Nationalbank
Danmarks Nationalbank and European Central Bank cooperation to provide euro liquidity, European Central Bank (ECB)
Denmark Is Rethinking Its Spurning of the Euro, Carter Dougherty
Financial Stability Report October 2008, Bank of England
Liquidity assistance on special terms, Sveriges Riksbank
Liquidity assistance to Carnegie Investment Bank, Sveriges Riksbank
Austria - 136th Federal Act, Republic of Austria: Parliament of Austria
EC Banking Commission, European Commission
Carnegie Interim Report 3:2008, Carnegie
Interest rate increase, Danmarks Nationalbank
NBP letter from ECB Prez, Jean-Claude Trichet
Portugal's BES, BPI banks say eye state guarantee, Reuters Staff
Reserve Municipal Money-Market Trust, et al.; Notice of Application and Temporary Order, United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Backgrounder, Canadian Lenders Assurance Facility, Department of Finance Canada/Ministere des Finances Canada
Master Agreement for Financial Transaction, European Central Bank (ECB) and Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
U.S. Treasury to support a frozen money fund, Diana B. Henriques
Luc Frieden: "Luxembourg increases the guarantee for bank deposits to 100,000 euros", AgeFI Luxembourg
Subject: State Aid NN51 /2008 – Denmark Guarantee scheme for banks in Denmark, European Union: European Commission: Directorate-General Competition and Neelie Kroes
ING receives Euro 10 billion from Dutch government, David Jolly
Financial System Legislation Amendment - Financial Claims Scheme and Other Measures - Bill 2008, Australia: Parliament of Australia
German Government Financial-Market Stabilisation Fund Act – FMStFG, German Government
The Financial Crisis: ECB Extends an Emergency Loan to Hungary, Joellen Perry
UPDATE 2-Belgium, Luxembourg to help Iceland's Kaupthing, AFX Asia
Bank of England Wednesday, the 15th of October 2008 Consolidated Statement, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
ECB, Hungary Central Bank Deal Offers Euro Liquidity, Monica Houston-Waesch and Margit Feher
ECB to Loan 5 Billion Euros in Liquidity to Hungary, Polya Lesova
Federal Council takes decision on measures to strengthen Switzerland's financial system, Swiss Federal Council
Form 6K - UBS AG - October 16th 2008, Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS)
Instruction Sheet on Participation in EUR/CHF Foreign Exchange Swaps of the Swiss National Bank, Swiss National Bank
Magyar Nemzeti Bank and European Central Bank cooperation to support the MNB's Euro Liquidity Providing Instruments, European Central Bank (ECB)