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Documents from 2009
PRESS RELEASE BCRA - PBC The People's Bank of China and the Central Bank of Argentina Established a Currency Swap Arrangement, Argentina: Banco Central de la República
The People's Bank of China and the Central Bank of Argentina Established a Currency Swap Arrangement, Argentina: Banco Central de la República
Carnegie Investment Bank AB Annual Report 2008, Carnegie
Lehman Brothers International (Europe) In Administration, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Federal supplier-support program launched today, Ryan Beene
HBOS plc Report and Accounts 2008, Halifax Bank of Scotland
Transcript of a Press Briefing by Caroline Atkinson, Director, External Relations Department, International Monetary Fund, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Suppliers can get in line for federal support administered by GM, Chrysler, Julia Bauer
Suppliers can get in line for federal support administered by GM, Chrysler, Julia Bauer
US Tsy Moving To Give More Aid To Chrysler Financial -Source, Josh Mitchell
Canada to guarantee new GM, Chrysler warranties, David Ljunggren
EBRD Board approves finance package for Parex Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
HSH Nordbank to press criminal charges against Management Board member Frank Roth, HSH Nordbank
Annex to the Signing of the agreement on an increase in the maximum amount of the Bilateral Swap Arrangements between Japan and Indonesia under the Chiang Mai Initiative, William W. Grimes and William N. Kring
Federal Reserve, Bank of England, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, and Swiss National Bank announce swap arrangements, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Financial Times Deutschland: Marnette expects HSH Nordbank to make more losses, Financial Times Deutschland
BANK OF LATVIA: ANNUAL REPORT 2008, Latvijas Banka/Central Bank of Latvia
Support program kicking in, Eric Bredemeier
SNB StabFund concludes transfer of UBS assets, Swiss National Bank (SNB)
UPDATE: HSH Nordbank: Owners Have OKd Cap Hike And Guarantees, Dow Jones & Company
Comparecencia del Gobernador del Banco de España ante la Comisión de Economía y Hacienda del Congreso de los Diputados, Miguel Fernández Ordóñez
London Summit – Leaders’ Statement, G-20
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority Annual Report 2008, Federal Republic of Germany: Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)/Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Global Financial Stability Report 2009, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Hamburg parliament agrees to HSH savings measures, Reuters Staff
Responding to the financial crisis and measuring systemic risks, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The IMF’s special drawing rights (SDRs), The Bretton Woods Project
China and Argentina in currency swap, Jude Webber
First Purchase of Bank Recapitalization Fund, South Korea: Financial Services Commission
Group Financial Report: First Quarter of 2009, Bayerische Landesbank
Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabineta sēde 2009.gada 31.marts, Latvia: Cabinet of Ministers
Obama Warranty Plan Leaves Many GM, Chrysler Owners Vulnerable, Fox News
RPT-Rescued Latvian bank Parex lost $232 mln in 200, Reuters Staff
CNN Evening News for Monday, Mar 30, 2009, CNN
Dunfermline Building Society - News release, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
Dunfermline Building Society Property Transfer Instrument, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
Obama's Announcement on the Auto Industry, United States: The White House: Obama Administration
Spanish Bailout Rattles Bank Shares, Victoria Burnett
Special Administration Order in respect of the Dunfermline Building Society, Court of Session Scotland
The Bank of Spain intervenes CCM due to the auditor's refusal to sign the 2008 accounts, Jesús Cacho
The Bank of Spain Replaces the Directors of Caja Castilla La Mancha, Caja Castilla La Mancha
The Government rescues Caja Castilla La Mancha with 9,000 million, El País
Truckers Seen Benefiting From Auto Supplier Plan, Rip Watson
Understanding Obama's Auto Warranty Plan, Christopher Jensen
UPDATE 2-Nationwide rescues Dunfermline for 1.6 bln stg, Reuters Staff
U.S. will guarantee GM, Chrysler warranties, Neil Roland and Richard Truett
Banco de España replaces directors of the Caja Castilla La Mancha, Bank of Spain
Dunfermline building society sold after regulator refuses bailout, Severin Carrell
German State Econ Min Quits Over HSH Nordbank Response-Report, Dow Jones & Company
Prepared Statement by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner at the Inter-American Development Bank's Annual Meeting of the Boards of Governors, Timothy F. Geithner
Real Decreto-ley 4/2009, Juan Carlos and José Zapatero
The Government comes to the aid of Caja Castilla La Mancha in the face of its liquidity problems, Íñigo de Barrón
Dunfermline boss attacks Treasury, BBC News
Scramble to save building society, BBC News
Iceland's Financial Crisis, Arabella Thorp, Ian Townsend, and Tim Edmonds
A Look at Obama's Auto-Bailout Team, The Wall Street Journal
Annual Report and Accounts 2008, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
Foundations laid for the future, Bayerische Landesbank
Government conceptually agrees to the participation of EBRD in Parex banka's equity capital, Parex Banka
Statement, BayernLB Annual Results Press Conference 2009, Stefan Ermisch
Statement, BayernLB Annual Results Press Conference 2009, Michael Kemmer
The Public-Private Investment Program, Davis Polk & Wardwell
Latvia govt backs EBRD buying into rescued Parex, Reuters Staff
Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabineta sēde 2009.gada 24.marts, Latvia: Cabinet of Ministers
Minutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on February 18 and 19, 2009, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Automobile Manufacture - Quarterly Update 3/23/2009, First Research
Chrysler's 'good soldier': Finance arm did me in, Bradford Wernle
EBRD in talks with Latvia bank as East seeks aid, Andrew Higgins
Parex reschedules syndicated loans, Robert Anderson
Parex banka successfully finalises negotiations with syndicated lenders, Parex Banka
Treasury throws $5 billion lifeline to auto suppliers, Kevin G. Hall
EBRD is willing to invest 100 million Euro into Parex banka, Reuters Staff
Meeting Transcript of the Federal Open Market Committee on March 17-18, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Summary: The Nationalisation of Northern Rock, United Kingdom: National Audit Office
UPDATE 1-EBRD eyes 100 mln euros for rescued Latvian bank, Reuters Staff
Balance Sheet of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" as at December 31, 2008, Russian Federation: Deposit Insurance Agency
INTERVIEW-UPDATE 1-Auto Dealers Say US Must Tackle Credit Crunch, Reuters Staff
Provision of Subordinated Loans to Banks, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Report of the Money Market Working Group, Investment Company Institute
"Truman doctrine" could boost IMF firepower: Paul Taylor, Paul Taylor
US auto panel aide says bankruptcy not goal-report, Reuters Staff and Thomson Reuters Corporation
Total deposits at Parex banka exceed 1,8 bln lats, Parex Banka
Latvian Government decides to repay 10% more to the syndicated lenders of Parex banka, Parex Banka
The Fed Didn't Cause the Housing Bubble, ALAN GREENSPAN
UBS Annual Report 2008, Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS)
UBS Annual Review 2008, Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS)
Denmark: Chairman signed illegal agreement after Roskilde Bank's collapse, Esmerk Danish News
Latvia agrees payout to nationalised bank's creditors: CEO, Agence France Presse (AFP)
Latvia backs bigger first payment to Parex lenders, Reuters Staff
Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia - 10 March 2009, Latvia: Cabinet of Ministers
Parex aims to refinance $775m loan by end of month, Stefan Wagstyl
Roberts Idelsons un Druvis Murmanis expected to join Parex banka's Board, Parex Banka
Bank of America 2008 Annual Report, Bank of America
Moody's - credit ratings, research, and data for global capital markets, Moody's
Swiss National Bank, 101st Annual Report 2008, Swiss National Bank
Initial Section 105(a) Troubled Asset Relief Program Report to Congress, For the Period of February 1, 2009 to February 28, 2009, United States: Department of the Treasury
Declaration of Allison M. Thro, Alison M. Thro
Conditional Settlement Agreement, Kaupthing Bank
Latvian Government appoints advisor for the sale of Parex banka, Parex Banka
President Obama Calls on G.M. and Chrysler to Take Restructuring Steps (Transcript from PBS: The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer), Jim Lehrer, Jeffrey Brown, and Gwen Ifill