This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.


Documents from 2009


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, February 10, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, February 24, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, January 06, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, January 27, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, March 03, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Tuesday, March 10, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, February 04, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, February 11, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, February 25, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, January 07, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, January 14, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, January 21, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, March 04, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Primary, Secondary, and Other Extensions of Credit Originated on Wednesday, March 11, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


TAF Final Auction Results, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


TALF Loans-July, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


TALF Loans-June, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


TALF Primary Dealer Final Confirmation Notice - By Borrower, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


TALF Primary Dealer Final Confirmation Notice - Detail, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


TALF Primary Dealer Final Confirmation Notice - Summary, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


TALF Settled Loans, Federal Reserve System: Bank Discount Window and Payment Risk


Board announces final rules pertaining to the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Fund Liquidity Facility (AMLF), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Board publishes white paper on process and methodologies employed by federal banking supervisory agencies in capital assessment of large U.S. bank holding companies, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Declaration of Brian F. Madigan, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Draft Board and FOMC Resolution to extend the AMLF, the CPFF, the PDCF, and the TSLF, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Extension of Federal Reserve Liquidity Programs, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Fed email correspondence regarding BofA December 12, 2008 through January 10, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Fed emails regarding Bank of America's merger with Merrill Lynch, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Register, Volume 74 Issue 129 (July 8, 2009), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Register, Volume 74 Issue 24 (February 6, 2009), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Announced Two Changes to Money Market Investor Funding Facility, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces amounts of Term Auction Facility (TAF) credit offered at September auctions will be reduced to $75 billion, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces changes to Money Market Investor Funding Facility (MMIFF), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Announces Expansion of Eligible Collateral under Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces extensions of and modifications to a number of its liquidity programs, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces extension through October 30, 2009, of its existing liquidity programs that were scheduled to expire on April 30, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces extension through October 30, 2009, of its existing liquidity programs that were scheduled to expire on April 30, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces Term Auction Facility (TAF) and Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF) schedules through January 2010, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve announces that amounts of Term Auction Facility (TAF) credit offered at each of the two August auctions will be reduced to $100 billion, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Auction in Term Auction Facility Press Release, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve, Bank of England, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, and Swiss National Bank announce swap arrangements, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Board 95th Annual Report, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Board Announces MMIFF Extension, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Board makes announcement regarding the Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Press Release August 12, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Press Release November 4, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Extension of Liquidity Program Press Release, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Is Prepared to Expand Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve on Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve Release H.2 Actions of the Board, Its Staff, and the Federal Reserve Banks; Applications and Reports Received. Week Ending May 23, 2009., Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve System Monthly Report on Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet - December 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve System Monthly Report on Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet - July 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve System Monthly Report on Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet - June 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve System Monthly Report on Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet - November 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve System Monthly Report on Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet - October 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve System Monthly Report on Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet - September 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve System publishes annual financial statements, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Federal Reserve will offer $150 billion in 28-day credit through its Term Auction Facility today [1/12/2009], Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


FRB Report on Acquisition of Bear Stearns by JPMorgan, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Joint statement by Federal Reserve, Treasury, FDIC, and OCC on Treasury Capital Assistance Program and Supervisory Capital Assessment Program, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Memo from FRB Staff to Board of Governors Re Approval of Citigroup Incs request to redeem its TARP Preferred Stock and terminate the USG ring fence protection, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Memo from FRB Staff to Board Re Regulatory Relief for Citigroup Inc New York New York in connection with certain recent US government actions, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Monetary Policy Report to Congress, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Money Market Investor Funding Facility: Terms & Conditions, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Mortgage Debt Outstanding - December 24, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Periodic Report Pursuant to Section 129(b) of the EESA -- February 18, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Periodic Report Pursuant to Section 129(b) of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Restructuring of the Government's Financial Support to the American International Group, Inc., Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Periodic Report Pursuant to Section 129(b) of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Update on Outstanding Lending Facilities, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Periodic Report Pursuant to Section 129(b) of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Update on Outstanding Lending Facilities, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Periodic Report Pursuant to Section 129(b) of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Update on Outstanding Lending Facilities, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Periodic Report Pursuant to Section 129(b) of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Press Release: December 4, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Press Release: March 19, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Press Release: May 01, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Press Release: May 19, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Press Release: October 5, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Regulation A: Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Report Pursuant to Section 129 of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Authorization to Provide Residual Financing to Bank of America Corporation Relating to a Designated Asset Pool, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Report Pursuant to Section 129 of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Commercial Paper Funding Facility, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Report Pursuant to Section 129 of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Term Securities Lending Facility, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Term Auction Facility Press Release, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


Term Auction Facility Questions and Answers, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


The Federal Reserve Announces Extensions and Modifications to a Number of its Programs, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


The Supervisory Capital Assessment Program: Design and Implementation, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


The Supervisory Capital Assessment Program: Overview of Results, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors


FRB- The January 2009 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Division of Monetary Affairs


Conference Call of the Federal Open Market Committee on February 7, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Domestic Open Market Operations During 2008, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Federal Reserve Press Release, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC Statement March 18, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


FOMC Statement November 04, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee of November 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on April 28– 29, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on January 27– 28, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on March 17– 18, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)