This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.


Documents from 2007


AIG Fourth Quarter Multi-sector CDO and Euro RMBS USD Exposure Summary, 2007, American International Group, Inc. (AIG) and William Shirley


Fed Shrugged as Subprime Crisis Spread, Edmund L. Andrews, EDMUND L. ANDREWS


AGDL Frequently Asked Questions, Association Pour la Garantie des Dèp´ts Luxembourg (AGDL)


AGDL Statutes, Association Pour la Garantie des Dèp´ts Luxembourg (AGDL)


AIG Email from Athan regarding HALO call, Tom Athan


AIG Email from Tom Athan to Alan Frost Re Latest on Goldman Sachs, Tom Athan, Andrew Forster, and Alan Frost


Athan Email to Frost re Latest on GS, Tom Athan, Andrew Forster, and Alan Frost


Eisman and Warrack Standard & Poor's Structured Finance Teleconference Transcript, Chris Atkins, David Wyss, Susan Barnes, and Pat Jordan


The liquidity management of the Eurosystem during the period of financial turmoil, Luc Aucremanne, Jef Boeckx, and Olivier Vergote


Opportunities and Issues Using HMDA data; Robert Avery, Kenneth Brevoot, and Glenn Canner, Robert Avery, Kenneth Brevoot, and Glenn Canner


EU Warns Montenegro over the Euro, BalkanInsight


Circular No. 019-2007 from the Banco Central de Reserva del Perº – BCRP, Dated September 28, 2007, Banco Central de Reserva del Perº / Central Reserve Bank of Peru


Circular No. 020-2007 from the Banco Central de Reserva del Perº – BCRP, Dated September 28, 2007, Banco Central de Reserva del Perº / Central Reserve Bank of Peru


Normas que Regir¡n la Constitución del Encaje Bancario (Norms that will Govern the Constitution of the Bank Reserve), Banco Central de Venezuela/ Central Bank of Venezuela


New developments in clearing and settlement arrangements for OTC derivatives, Bank for International Settlements (BIS): Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems


Bank Negara Malaysia Financial Stability and Payment Systems Report 2007, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia


Bank of America 10-Q for period ending 2007-09-30, Bank of America Corporation/ Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Merrill Lynch Board of Directors Presentation- Leveraged Finance and Mortgage CDO Review, Bank of America Corporation/ Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Merrill Lynch Presentation to the Risk Oversight Committee, Market Risk Management Update, Bank of America Corporation/ Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Merrill Lynch ABS CDO Update Presentation, Bank of America Corporation/ Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Dale Lattanzio


Merrill Lynch Board of Directors Meeting- Fixed Income, Currencies, and Commodities Update, Bank of America Corporation/ Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Osman Semerci


Bank of Canada Temporarily Expands List of Securities Eligible for Term PRA Transactions, Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada


Bank of Canada Temporarily Expands List of Securities Eligible for Term PRA Transactions, Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada


Results of the 18 December 2007 Term PRA Transaction, Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada


Federal Reserve and other central banks announce measures designed to address elevated pressures in short-term funding markets, Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom, European Central Bank (ECB), Federal Reserve System, and Swiss National Bank/ Central Bank of Switzerland/ Schweizerische National Bank


Financial Stability Report 2007, Bank of England


Minutes of Monetary Policy Committee Meeting 5 and 6 September 2007, Bank of England


Northern Rock plc Deposits, Bank of England


Quarterly Bulletin 2007 Q3, Bank of England


Speech given by Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England At the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Belfast, Bank of England


Bank of England announces plans for auctions to provide funds at a 3 month maturity, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom


Central Bank Measures to Address Elevated Pressures in Short-term Funding Markets, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom


Liquidity Support Facility for Northern Rock plc, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom


Long-Term Repo Operations: Market Notice (12/14/07), Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom


The Framework For the Bank of England's Operations in the Sterling Money Markets, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom


Financial Stability Report 2007, Bank of Ireland


On The Measures Announced by Five Central Banks on December 12, 2007, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan


A Comparative Study Using the Example of the Schweizerische Volksbank and the Schweizerische Discount BankFederal interventions in the banking crisis 1931-1937 Swiss, Jan Baumann


Bear Stearns 2006 10-K, Bear Stearns Companies, Inc.


Bear Stearns Fitch Presentation, Bear Stearns Companies, Inc.


The Bear Stearns Companies Inc 2007 Performance Compensation Plan, Bear Stearns Companies, Inc.


SEC Bear Stearns High Grade Risk Analysis, Bear Stearns Companies, Inc. and United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


Testimony of Berenbaum Before the Senate, Ending Mortgage Abuse: Safeguarding Homebuyers, David Berenbaum


Bernanke Speech on The Community Reinvestment Act: Its Evolution and New Challenges, Ben S. Bernanke


Testimony of Economist Bernanke, Economic Outlook Before the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, Ben S. Bernanke


The Subprime Mortgage Market, Ben S. Bernanke


SEC Memo Re Risk Management Reviews of Consolidated Supervised Entities, Lori H. Bettinger, Michelle A. Danis, James Giles, Michael J. Hsu, Kevin D. Silva, Steven M. Spurry, P.C. Venkatesh, and Heather Wong


The Bear Stears Companies Inc Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors, Henry S. Bienen, James E. Cayne, Carl D. Glickman, Michael Goldstein, Alan C. Greenberg, Donald J. Harrington, Frank T. Nickell, Paul A. Novelly, Frederic V. Salerno, Alan D. Schwartz, Vincent Tese, Wesley S. Williams Jr., Sam Molinaro, Jeffrey Mayer, Michael S. Solender, Kenneth L. Edlow, and Jeffrey M. Lipman


Bear-Stearns Board of Directors Minutes, Henry S. Bienen, James E. Cayne, Carl D. Glickman, Alan C. Greenberg, Donald J. Harrington, Frank T. Nickell, Paul A. Novelly, Frederic V. Salerno, Alan D. Schwartz, Warren Spector, Vincent Tese, Wesley S. Williams Jr., Peter J. Wallison, Kenneth L. Edlow, and Jeffrey M. Lipman


Bear Stears Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors, Henry S. Bienen, Carl D. Glickman, Michael Goldstein, Alan C. Greenberg, Donald J. Harrington, Frank T. Nickell, Frederic V. Salerno, Alan D. Schwartz, Vincent Tese, Wesley S. Williams Jr. Jr., Sam Molinaro, Jeffrey Mayer, Peter J. Wallison, Kenneth L. Edlow, Jeffrey M. Lipman, Robert Upton, Lawrence E. Rogers, and Lawrence Alletto


Bear Stearns Board of Directors Minutes, Henry S. Bienen, Carl D. Glickman, Michael Goldstein, Alan C. Greenberg, Donald J. Harrington, Frank T. Nickell, Frederic V. Salerno, Alan D. Schwartz, Vincent Tese, Wesley S. Williams Jr., Sam Molinaro, Jeffrey Mayer, Peter J. Wallison, Kenneth L. Edlow, Jeffrey M. Lipman, Robert Upton, Lawrence Alletto, and Lawrence E. Rogers


BlackRock Solutions- Fannie Mae's Strategy and Business Model Supplementary Exhibits, Blackrock Financial Management


BNP Pariba Freezes Funds as Loan Losses Roil Markets, Bloomberg L.P. and Sebastian Boyd


Merrill Lynch First Quarter 2007 Earnings Conference Call, Jonathan Blum, Jeff Edwards, Glenn Schorr, Michael L. Mayo, William Tanona, Douglas Sipkin, and Michael Hecht


Merrill Lynch Second Quarter 2007 Earnings Conference Call Transcript, Jonathan Blum, Jeff Edwards, Glenn Schorr, William Tanona, Michael L. Mayo, Richard Bove, Prashant Bhatia, Meredith Whitney, and Douglas Sipkin


BNP Paribas suspends NAV caculation, BNP Paribas


Citi Email from Dick Bowen to Robert Rubin and David Bushnell Re concerns financial issues, Richard M. Bowen III


Bloomberg - BNP Paribas Freezes Funds as Loan Losses Roil Markets, Sebastian Boyd


Brafman Email to Lehman re Collateral Calls, Lester Brafman and Ram Sundaram


Goldman Sachs email from Lester Brafman to Davis Lehman Re Collateral calls, Lester Brafman and Ram Sundaram


Northern Rock gets bank bail out, British Broadcasting Company (BBC)


Goldman Sachs internal email from Broderick re CDOs-Mortgages, Craig Broderick, David Wildermuth, and Amy Sedita


Minutes of a Meeting of the Fannie Mae Board of Directors 2-15-2007, Thomas R. Brome, Stephen B. Ashley, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), Beth Wilkson, and Fannie Mae : Board of Directors


Merrill Lynch Kenneth Bruce Analyst Report on Countrywide- Attractive Upside, Kenneth Bruce and Bank of America Corporation/ Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Merrill Lynch Kenneth Bruce Analyst Report on Countrywide -Liquidity Achilles Heel, Kenneth Bruce and Bank of America Corporation/ Bank of America Merrill Lynch


IKB Restated 2006-2007 Annual Report, G¼nther Br¤unig


AIG Email from Andrew Forster to Tom Athan re Collateral Summary, Adam Budnick, Tom Athan, and Andrew Forster


The Central Bank as the Market Maker of last Resort: From lender of last resort to market maker of last resort, Willem H. Buiter and Anne Sibert


George W. Bush Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 1427 - Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2007, George W. Bush


Helping Millions of Americans Keep More of their Money by Keeping Taxes Low, George W. Bush


President Bush Announces New Steps to Help Homeowners, George W. Bush


President Bush Discusses Pro-Growth Economic Policies, George W. Bush


President Holds Meeting with Economic Team at Treasury, George W. Bush


Citi Review of the Current Environment, David Bushnell


Citi Email from David Bushnell to Ellen Duke Re ABX update, David Bushnell and Ellen Duke


Citi Email from David Bushnell to Ellen Duke Re Super senior, David Bushnell and Ellen Duke


Citigroup Letter from David C Bushnell and Michael S Helfer to John Ruocco Re FRBNY 2006 Summary of Supervisory Activity and Findings for Citigroup Inc, David Bushnell and Michael S. Helfer


Fogafin to auction Cisa non-performing loans Jun 15, Business News Americas


A Brief History of the 1087 Stock Market Crash with a Discussion of the Federal Reserve Response, Mark Carlson


Paulson Says Subprime Rout Doesn't Threaten Economy (Bloomberg - Carmichael, Cook), Kevin Carmichael and Peter Cook


Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) Letter of Countrywide Report Of Examination Quarterly Target Reviews, Lawrence D. Carter


AIG Email from Cassano regarding 2007 special compensation plan to All Users, Joseph Cassano


AIG Email from Cassano to Dooley regarding Goldman Sachs call back, Joseph Cassano


AIG Email from Cassano to William Dooley Re GS call Back, Joseph Cassano


AIG Joseph Cassano email to Andrew Forster et al re SS CDS Valuation, Joseph Cassano


AIG's Evidence rejecting PWC's Accusation of a $1.5 billion Estimated Unrealized Valuation Loss on the SSCDS Portfolio, Joseph Cassano


PWC Notes of a Meeting at AIGFP, Joseph Cassano, Andrew Forster, Pierre Micottis, William Kolbert, Diane Cenci, Mark Balfan, Elias Habayeb, Anthony Valoroso, Ken Lau, Jamie Bolion, Kevin McGinn, and Paul Narayanan


AIG email from Joseph Cassano to Elias Habayeb William Doodley and Steven Bensinger Re November changes in value for the super senior multi sector cdo, Joseph Cassano and Elias Habayeb


The Bear Stearns Companies Inc Minutes of Regular Meeting of Board of Directors, James E. Cayne, Henry S. Bienen, Carl D. Glickman, Michael Goldstein, Alan C. Greenberg, Donald J. Harrington, Frank T. Nickell, Paul A. Novelly, Frederic V. Salerno, Adam M. Tempkin, Warren Spector, Vincent Tese, Wesley S. Williams Jr., Kenneth L. Edlow, Jeffrey M. Lipman, Sam Molinaro, and Michael S. Solender


AIG Email from Cenci to Cassano regarding PWC Year-End Evaluation, Diane Cenci


The National Banking System: A Brief History, Bruce Champ


Reserve Market Rates and Discount Window Lending, Bruce Champ and Sarah Wakefield


Bear Stearns Email from Matthew Tannin to Klaus Chavanne MEAG New York Corporation, Klaus Chavanne and Matthew Tannin


Office of the Thrift Supervision Department of the Treasury Targeted Review of AIG, James T. Christner


Bear Stearns Email from Jim Crystal to Ralph Cioffi and others, Ralph R. Cioffi


Bear Stearns Email from Ralph Cioffi to Ardavan Mobasheri, Ralph R. Cioffi


Bear Stearns Email from Ralph Cioffi to Gerald Cummins Matthew Tannin and John Geissinger Re equity trades in HGEL, Ralph R. Cioffi, Gerald Cummins, Matthew Tannin, Ardavan Mobasheri, and Peter Hamptian


Bear Stearns Cioffi Email re 4/30 Returns, Ralph R. Cioffi, Robert Ervin, and John Geissinger


Bear Stearns Asset Management Transcript of Conference Call, Ralph R. Cioffi, Ken Mak, Heather Malloy, Shelley Bergman, Matthew Tannin, Joel Dryer, Michael Ezra, Ray McGarrigal, and Scott Hirsch


Citi Alternative Investments Structured Investment Vehicle Update Fed Update Call, CitiGroup: Alternative Investments