Central Bank Swap Line Programs
Documents from 2010
The Federal Reserve's Foreign Exchange Swap Lines, Michael J. Fleming and Nicholas Klagge
The Federal Reserve's Foreign Exchange Swap Lines, Michael J. Fleming and Nicholas J. Klagge
Royal Monetary Authority Act of Bhutan 2010, Government of Bhutan
Annual Report 2010, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Aðdragandi og orsakir falls íslensku bankanna 2008 og tengdir atburðir, Iceland: Special Investigation Commission
Aodragandi og orsakir falls islensku bankanna 2008 og tengdir atburoir, Iceland: Special Investigation Commission
Aodragandi og orsakir falls islensku bankanna 2008 og tengdir atburoir - Report of the Special Investigation Commission of Parliament on Events Leading Up to and Causes of the Icelandic Bank Collapse, Iceland: Special Investigation Commission
Report of the Special Investigation Commission of Parliament on Events Leading Up to and Causes of the Icelandic Bank Collapse, Iceland: Special Investigation Commission
Report of the Special Investigation Commission of Parliament on Events Leading Up to and Causes of the Icelandic Bank Collapse Chapter 2: Summary of the Report's Main Conclusions, Iceland: Special Investigation Commission
Switzerland: 2010 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; Statement by the Executive Director for Switzerland, and Informational Annex, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The Fund's Mandate-The Legal Framework, International Monetary Fund (IMF): Legal Department
ECB and Bank of England swap line, Irish Examiner
Time to Revisit, Arsla Jawaid
Ireland bailout: UK to lend £7bn, Julia Kollewe
Ireland to receive ‚¬85 billion bailout at 5.8% interest rate, David Labanyi
2009 Business Report and Financial Statements of the Magyar nemzeti Bank, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
Annual Report 2009, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
Ireland asks for ‚¬90bn EU bailout, Henry McDonald and Jill Treanor
Moody's downgrades Ireland to Baa1 from Aa2; outlook negative, Moody's Investor Service
Annual Report 2009, National Bank of Poland
Ireland Wins EU85 Billion; Germany Drops Bond Threat, James G. Neuger and Simon Kennedy
Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon George Osborne MP, statement on financial assistance for Ireland, George Osborne
Report of the Special Investigation Commission of Parliament on Events Leading Up to and Causes of the Icelandic Bank Collapse (4. kafli Efnahagslegt umhverfi og innlend efnahagsstjórnun), Rannsóknarnefnd Al¾ingis/Iceland: Parilament: Research Committee
ECB signs sterling swap deal to aid Irish banks, Reuters Staff
Citing Weak Banks, Moody's Downgrades Ireland's Debt, Matthew Saltmarsh
The decline of sterling: managing the retreat of an international currency, 1945-1992, Catherine R. Schenk
Swiss Bank Will Stop Providing Liquidity to European Markets, Geoffrey T. Smith and Nina Koeppen
ECB concerned by Irish bank bailout law, Sakari Suoninen and Yara Bayoumy
Riksbank Annual Report 2009, Sveriges Riksbank
EUR/CHF foreign exchange swaps of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), Swiss National Bank
Swiss National Bank, 102nd Annual Report 2009, Swiss National Bank
Swiss National Bank discontinues EUR/CHF foreign exchange swap, Swiss National Bank
Ireland: AIB crisis shows UK must help bailout to save its own banks, Jill Treanor
Behind Closed Doors at the ECB, Shahin Vallee
UPDATE: HK Demand For Yuan Depletes Annual Trade-Settlement Quota, Chester Yung
Documents from 2009
PRESS RELEASE BCRA - PBC The People's Bank of China and the Central Bank of Argentina Established a Currency Swap Arrangement, Argentina: Banco Central de la República
The People's Bank of China and the Central Bank of Argentina Established a Currency Swap Arrangement, Argentina: Banco Central de la República
The People's Bank of China and Bank Negara Malaysia established a Currency Swap Arrangement, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Terror, Financial Meltdown Main Challenges for South Asia - Sri Lanka President, BBC Monitoring South Asia
HUF EUR - 2006 to 2009, Bloomberg L.P.
Annual Report 2008, Central Bank of Iceland
Monetary policy in Denmark, Danmarks Nationalbank
Monetary Review, 2008 4th Quarter, Danmarks Nationalbank
Monetary Review 3Q 2009, Danmarks Nationalbank
Monetary Review 4Q 2008, Danmarks Nationalbank
Reports and Accounts 2008, Danmarks Nationalbank
PBOC Signs CNY20B Currency Swap Pact With Belarus Ctrl Bank, Dow Jones Newswires
European Central Bank Annual Report 2008, European Central Bank (ECB)
Riksbank Swap Line Activated - 2009, European Central Bank (ECB): Eurosystem
Federal Reserve, Bank of England, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, and Swiss National Bank announce swap arrangements, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Annex to the Signing of the agreement on an increase in the maximum amount of the Bilateral Swap Arrangements between Japan and Indonesia under the Chiang Mai Initiative, William W. Grimes and William N. Kring
Bring 26/11 planners to justice: India, Hindustan Times
Yuan announcement more small shuffle than big step, Tom Holland
HKSAR Government 2008-2009 Economic Report, Hong Kong Government
People's Bank of China and Hong Kong Monetary Authority sign Currency Swap Agreement (1/20/2009), Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Balance of payments and international investment position manual, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Global Financial Stability Report 2009, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
IMF Governors Formally Approve US$250 Billion General SDR Allocation, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
People's Republic of China—Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: 2009 Article IV Consultation—Staff Report; Staff Statement; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Responding to the financial crisis and measuring systemic risks, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Switzerland: 2009 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; Statement by the Executive Director for Switzerland, and Informational Annex, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Conditionality in Fund-Supported Programs-Purposes, Modalities, and Options for Reform, International Monetary Fund (IMF): Strategy, Policy and Review Department and International Monetary Fund (IMF): Legal Department
1 Evaluating the Governance of the IMF, Ruben Lamdany and Leonardo Martinez-Diaz
Business Report and Financial Statements of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
Swiss National Bank and Magyar Nemzeti Bank cooperate to provide Swiss franc liquidity, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
The Swiss National Bank, the European Central Bank, the Narodowi Bank Polski and the Magyar Nemzeti Bank will continue one-week EUR/CHF foreign exchange swap operations, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
The Swiss National Bank, the European Central Bank, the Narodowy Bank Polski and the Magyar Nemzeti Bank continue to provide Swiss francs through EUR/CHF foreign exchange swaps until the end of January 2010, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
The Swiss National Bank, the European Central Bank, the Narodowy Bank Polski and the Magyar Nemzeti Bank will continue one-week EUR/CHF foreign exchange swap operations, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
Annual Report 2008, National Bank of Poland
Annual Report 2008, National Bank of Poland
Financial Stability Report 2009, National Bank of Poland
Swiss National Bank, European Central Bank and Narodowy Bank Polski cooperation to provide Swiss franc liquidity, National Bank of Poland
Financial Instability, Reserves, and Central Bank Swap Lines in the Panic of 2008, Maurice Obstfeld, Jay C. Shambaugh, and Alan M. Taylor
Announcement No. 3 [2009] of the People`s Bank of China, People's Bank of China
PBC and HKMA Signed Currency Swap Agreement, People's Bank of China
PBOC signs currency swap agreement with Indonesia, People's Republic of China: Xinhua News Agency
SAARC and world economic crisis, Sunday Observer Sri Lanka
Riksbank Annual Report 2008, Sveriges Riksbank
Riksbank Borrows Euro from the ECB, Sveriges Riksbank
Swiss National Bank, 101st Annual Report 2008, Swiss National Bank
Swiss National Bank and Magyar Nemzeti Bank cooperate to provide Swiss franc liquidity, Swiss National Bank
Iceland's Financial Crisis, Arabella Thorp, Ian Townsend, and Tim Edmonds
Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy, United States House Committee on Financial Services (FSC)
Report to Congress on International Economic and Exchange Rate Policies, U. S. Department of the Treasury
The central government has successively launched 14 measures to support Hong Kong's response to the financial crisis, Jinhua Wang
China and Argentina in currency swap, Jude Webber
China and Argentina in currency swap, Jude Webber
China trade balance, exports, imports by country 2009 | WITS Data, World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)
Documents from 2008
Bank of Canada Announces Swap Facility with U.S. Federal Reserve as part of Coordinated Central Bank Actions, Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada
Signing of the Bilateral Swap Arrangement between Japan and India, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Nordic central banks act to support Icelandic currency, Patrizia Baudino, Jon Thor Sturluson, and Jean-Philippe Svoronos
Ireland guarantees six banks' deposits, John Murray Brown and Neil Dennis
Currency swap agreements and attempts to reinforce the foreign exchange reserves, Central Bank of Iceland
The Central Bank of Iceland concludes swap facility arrangements, Central Bank of Iceland
The Central Bank of Iceland draws on swap facility arrangements, Central Bank of Iceland
Danmarks Nationalbank and European Central Bank cooperation to provide euro liquidity, Danmarks Nationalbank
Danmarks Nationalbank prolongs swap facility with Se°labanki slands, Danmarks Nationalbank
Interest rate increase, Danmarks Nationalbank
Monetary Review, 2008 2nd Quarter, Danmarks Nationalbank
Nationalbanken enters swap facility with Se°labanki slands, Danmarks Nationalbank