Broad-Based Capital Injection
Documents from 2010
Agricultural Bank of Greece (ATE Bank) - 2009 Annual Financial Report, Agricultural Bank of Greece (ATE Bank)
2009 Annual Report, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Bank of Italy Governor's Concluding Remarks, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy and Mario Draghi
Speech by the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Mario Draghi, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy and Mario Draghi
Bank of Greece (BoG) - 2009 Annual Report, Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece
Announcement of the name of the lender for the subordinated loan, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Schedule and Results of Auctions for the Provision of Subordinated Loans, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Termination of the Stock Purchasing Program, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Banque de France 2009 Annual Report, Banque de France/Central Bank of France
De la crise financière la crise èconomique, Banque de France/Central Bank of France
Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Michael S. Barr Written Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, Michael Barr
Ben S Bernanke: The supervisory capital assessment program – one year later, Ben S. Bernanke
Responses of the Korean Economy to the Global Crisis: Another Currency Crisis?, Dongchul Cho
City First Bank Only DC Area Bank to Receive $5.8 Million from US Treasury Department's Community Development Capital Initiative to Stimulate Lending, City First Bank of DC
Publication of the Results of the EU-Wide Stress-Testing Exercise, European Union: European Commission
State aid: Commission approves Spanish restructuring aid for Caja Castilla-La Mancha, European Union: European Commission
State Aid N 425/2010 Italy. Re-Introduction of the Italian Recapitalisation Scheme, European Union: European Commission
Third extension of the German rescue package for credit institutions in Germany, European Union: European Commission
Office of the Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation: Final Report of Special Master Kenneth R. Feinberg, Kenneth R. Feinberg
SPPE Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009, France: Sociètè de Prise de Participation de l'État (SPPE)
Berle's Vision Beyond Shareholder Interests: Why Investment Bankers Should Have (Some) Personal Liability Bankers Should Have (Some) Personal Liability, Claire Hill and Richard W. Painter
Expiry of the Full Deposit Guarantee and the Contingent Bank Capital Facility, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation Annual Report 2010, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC)
Central Bank Tools and Liquidity Shortages, Stephen C. Schemering and Piti Disyatat
Overcoming the 1997-98 Crisis: Financial Reform, Dong Soo Kang
The Norwegian Banking Crisis in the 1990s: Effects and Lessons, Erling Steigum
The Korean Financial System: Overcoming the Global Financial Crisis and Addressing Remaining Problems, Masahiko Tsutsumi, Randall S. Jones, and Thomas F. Cargill
Small Banks in the Capital Purchase Program, United States: Congress: Congressional Oversight Panel (COP)
Carver Bancorp 2010 Capital Survey, United States: Department of the Treasury
CDCI Application Guidelines, United States: Department of the Treasury
Community Development Capital Initiative Bank/Thrift Certificate of Designation, United States: Department of the Treasury
Community Development Capital Initiative: Bank/Thrift Certificate of Designation of Fixed Rate Non-cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, United States: Department of the Treasury
Community Development Capital Initiative: CDFI Credit Unions Senior Securities Summary of CDCI Senior Preferred Terms, United States: Department of the Treasury
Community Development Capital Initiative: CDFI Mutual Depository Institutions Senior Securities Summary of Terms of CDCI Senior Securities, United States: Department of the Treasury
Community Development Capital Initiative: CDFI Subchapter S Corporation Senior Securities Summary of Terms of CDCI Senior Securities, United States: Department of the Treasury
Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union 2010 Capital Survey, United States: Department of the Treasury
DC Federal Credit Union 2010 Capital Survey, United States: Department of the Treasury
Memorandum to CDCI Participants, United States: Department of the Treasury
North Side Community Federal Credit Union 2010 Capital Survey, United States: Department of the Treasury
Obama Administration Announces enhancements for TARP Initiative for Community Development Financial institutions, United States: Department of the Treasury
Small Business Lending Fund Summary of Preferred Terms: Current CPP and CDCI Participants, United States: Department of the Treasury
Treasury Announces Special Financial Stabilization Initiative Investments of $570 Million in 84 Community Development Financial Institutions in Underserved Areas, United States: Department of the Treasury
OCC Spring 2010 Newsletter, Road to Recovery: Banks Can Use Recovery Act to Pave the Way, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
National Credit Union Administration 12 CFR Part 701, United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
SIGTARP Quarterly Report to Congress April 20, 2010, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
SIGTARP Quarterly Report to Congress July 21, 2010, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
SIGTARP Quarterly Report to Congress October 26, 2010, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
SIGTARP: Quarterly Report to Congress – Q1 2010, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, U.S. Congress
Buffalo Cooperative Federal Credit Union 2010 Capital Survey, U. S. Department of the Treasury
Community Development Capital Initiative: CDFI Bank/Thrift Senior Preferred Stock Summary of CDCI Senior Preferred Terms, U. S. Department of the Treasury
Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. Chapter 11 Proceedings Examiner's Report, Volume 1, Anton R. Valukas
Common (stock) sense about risk-shifting and bank bailouts, Linus Wilson and Yan Wendy Wu
Introduction to the Disoposal of Shares in Kyongnam Bank and Kwangju Bank, Kee Young Im, Steve Suk Jung Im, and Chun Hyeon Park
Documents from 2009
Regulatory Remedies for Banking Crises: Lessons from Japan, Linda Allen, Suparna Chakraborty, and Wako Watanabe
2008 Annual Report, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Economic Bulletin No. 51, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Economic Bulletin No. 52, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Address by the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Mario Draghi, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy and Mario Draghi
10 Billion Euros to Italian Small and Medium Enterprises, Banca Montepaschi di Siena (MPS)
Bipiemme: Tremonti Bond Issue, Banca Popolare di Milano (BPM)
Real Decreto-ley 9/2009, de 26 de junio, sobre reestructuración bancaria y reforzamiento de los recursos propios de las entidades de crédito, Banco de Espana/Central Bank of Spain
Banco Popolare and the Italian Treasury Signed the Memorandum on Convertible Financial Instruments, Banco Popolare (BP)
Banco Popolare Files a Formal Request for the Issuance of Financial Instruments Provided for by LD 185/08, Banco Popolare (BP)
Clarification on Issue of Financial Instruments under LD 185/08, Banco Popolare (BP)
Financial Instruments Issued in Favor of the Ministry for Economy and Finance, Banco Popolare (BP)
Aareal Bank Group - Interim Report, Aareal Bank
Bank of Greece (BoG) - Interim Financial Stability Report– 2009, Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece
Establishment of “Principal Terms and Conditions for Provision of Subordinated Loans", Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Financial System Report, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Financial System Report, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Provision of Subordinated Loans to Banks, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
The Bank of Japan to Resume Stock Purchases Held by Financial Institutions, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Banque de France 2008 Annual Report, Banque de France/Central Bank of France
UK in recession as economy slides, BBC News
Ben S Bernanke: The Supervisory Capital Assessment Program, Ben S. Bernanke
Citi Announces Preliminary Results of Public Share Exchange, Citigroup, Inc.
Citi to Exchange Preferred Securities for Common, Increasing Tangible Common Equity to as Much as $81 Billion, Citigroup, Inc.
German government injects 10bn into Commerzbank, Nick Clark
Commerzbank Annual Report 2009, Commerzbank AG
Issue of Financial Instruments, Art. 12, Italian Decree-Law N. 185/2008 – ‘Tremonti Bonds' – for EUR 200 Million, Credito Valtellinese (Creval)
Financial Stability 2009, 1st half, Danmarks Nationalbank
Green light to Norwegian scheme for recapitalisation of sound banks, EFTA Surveillance Authority
Case No COMP/M.5508 – SoFFin/Hypo Real Estate, European Union
Commission communication on the return to viability and the assessment of restructuring measures in the financial sector in the current crisis under the State aid rules, European Union: European Commission
Recapitalisation of Allied Irish Bank by the Irish State, European Union: European Commission
Recapitalisation of Bank of Ireland by the Irish State, European Union: European Commission
State aid: Commission approves temporary additional aid to German Landesbank WestLB, European Union: European Commission
State Aid: Commission Authorises Amendment of Italian Scheme to Inject Capital in Credit Institutions, European Union: European Commission
State aid N 164/2009 – France Amendment to the capital-injection scheme for banks, European Union: European Commission
State aid N 29/2009 – French Republic Amendment to the capital-injection scheme for banks, European Union: European Commission
State Aid N 466/2009 Italy. Prolongation of the Recapitalization Scheme, European Union: European Commission
State Aid N 97/2009 Italy. Amendment of Italian Bank Recapitalisation Scheme, European Union: European Commission
Board publishes white paper on process and methodologies employed by federal banking supervisory agencies in capital assessment of large U.S. bank holding companies, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Joint statement by Federal Reserve, Treasury, FDIC, and OCC on Treasury Capital Assistance Program and Supervisory Capital Assessment Program, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Mortgage Debt Outstanding - December 24, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
The Supervisory Capital Assessment Program: Design and Implementation, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
The Supervisory Capital Assessment Program: Overview of Results, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
What's Under the TARP?, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis