Broad-based Capital Injections
Documents from 2009
Creation and Operation of Bank Recapitalization Fund, South Korea: Financial Services Commission
Crisis financiera colombiana en los años noventa: Origen, resolución y lecciones institucionales, FOGAFN
Debt Overhang and Bank Bailouts, Linus Wilson
Debt securities statistics: the Bank of Thailand's experience, Pusadee Ganjarerndee
Did efficiency of Indian public sector banks converge with banking reforms?, Sunil Kumar and Rachita Gulati
Economic Bulletin No. 51, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Economic Bulletin No. 52, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Establishment of “Principal Terms and Conditions for Provision of Subordinated Loans", Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
EU Bank Packages: Objectives and Potential Conflicts of Objectives, Stefan W. Schmitz, Beat Weber, and Michaela Posch
Executive Compensation Restrictions Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Laura G. Thatcher
Financial Instruments Issued in Favor of the Ministry for Economy and Finance, Banco Popolare (BP)
Financial Stability 2009, 1st half, Danmarks Nationalbank
Financial System Report, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Financial System Report, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
First Purchase of Bank Recapitalization Fund, South Korea: Financial Services Commission
Forskrift 8. mai 2009 om Statens finansfond, Norway: Ministry of Finance
German government injects 10bn into Commerzbank, Nick Clark
German government to take control of Hypo Real Estate, Deutsche Welle
Green light to Norwegian scheme for recapitalisation of sound banks, EFTA Surveillance Authority
Guidelines for Targeted Investment Program, United States: Department of the Treasury
Hypo Real Estate Holding AG issues Statement regarding the Takeover Offer by SoFFin, Hypo Real Estate
Issue of Financial Instruments, Art. 12, Italian Decree-Law N. 185/2008 – ‘Tremonti Bonds' – for EUR 200 Million, Credito Valtellinese (Creval)
Italian Government Approves Banking Support Measures, Dragana Ignjatović
Italy Bank Recapitalisation Uptake Too Relaxed, Reuters Staff
Italy OKs Bonds Measure to Boost Bank Capital, Reuters Staff
Italy's Debt Burden, The Economist
Joint statement by Federal Reserve, Treasury, FDIC, and OCC on Treasury Capital Assistance Program and Supervisory Capital Assessment Program, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
KDIC Annual Report 2009, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC)
Lessons Learned from Previous Banking Crises: Sweden, Japan, Spain, and Mexico, Stefan Ingves, Goran Lind, Masaaki Shirakawa, Jaime Caruana, and Guillermo Ortiz Martinez
Lov om Statens finansfond, Norway: Ministry of Finance
Macroprudential Supervision of Financial Institutions: Lessons from the SCAP, Beverly Hirtle, Til Schuermann, and Kevin Stiroh
Monte Paschi Receives Green Light to Issue Govt-Backed Bonds, Italian News
Monte Paschi Wins Approval for $2.8 Bln State Bonds, Reuters Staff
Mortgage Debt Outstanding - December 24, 2009, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
OECD Economic Surveys Denmark, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Opportunities to Strengthen Controls to Avoid Undue External Influence Over Capital Purchase Program Decision-making, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
Paulson's Gift, Pietro Veronesi and Luigi Zingales
Press releases from the Statens Finansfond The Swedish National Treasury's annual report for 2009, Norway: State Finance Fund
Process-related FAQs for the Capital Purchase Program - Mutual Bank FAQs, United States: Department of the Treasury
Provision of Subordinated Loans to Banks, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
Real Decreto-ley 9/2009, de 26 de junio, sobre reestructuración bancaria y reforzamiento de los recursos propios de las entidades de crédito, Banco de Espana/Central Bank of Spain
Recapitalisation of Allied Irish Bank and Bank of Ireland, Ireland: Department of Finance/An Roinn Airgeadais
Recapitalisation of Allied Irish Bank by the Irish State, European Union: European Commission
Recapitalisation of Bank of Ireland by the Irish State, European Union: European Commission
Regulatory Remedies for Banking Crises: Lessons from Japan, Linda Allen, Suparna Chakraborty, and Wako Watanabe
Report on Overcoming Global Financial Crisis, South Korea: National Assembly Budget Office
Response to Report by National Assembly Budget Office on Overcoming Global Financial Crisis, South Korea: Financial Services Commission
S-Corporation FAQs, United States: Department of the Treasury
Six Banks Won't Take Part in Bank of Japan Auction, Nikkei Says, Unknown
S. Korea bank recap fund to initiate buys in March, Reuters Staff
South Korea may inject public funds into more banks, Reuters Staff
SPPE Financing Program, France: Sociètè de Prise de Participation de l'État (SPPE)
State aid: Commission approves temporary additional aid to German Landesbank WestLB, European Union: European Commission
State Aid: Commission Authorises Amendment of Italian Scheme to Inject Capital in Credit Institutions, European Union: European Commission
State aid N 164/2009 – France Amendment to the capital-injection scheme for banks, European Union: European Commission
State aid N 29/2009 – French Republic Amendment to the capital-injection scheme for banks, European Union: European Commission
State Aid N 466/2009 Italy. Prolongation of the Recapitalization Scheme, European Union: European Commission
State Aid N 97/2009 Italy. Amendment of Italian Bank Recapitalisation Scheme, European Union: European Commission
State Finance Fund Annual Report 2009, Norway: State Finance Fund
Statement by Minister for Finance on Anglo Irish Bank, Brian Lenihan
Sumitomo Trust to Get Loan Under Bank of Japan Plan, Nikkei Says, Bill Koenig
Summary of Government Interventions Germany, Mayer Brown
Summary of Government Interventions in Financial Markets: Greece, Mayer Brown
Summary of Government Interventions in Financial Markets: Italy, Mayer Brown
Summary of Government Interventions Norway, Mayer Brown
Summary of Government Interventions Spain, Mayer Brown
TARP Capital Purchase Program Summary of Senior Securities Terms: Subchapter S Corporations, United States: Department of the Treasury
TARP Warrants Valuation Methods, Robert A. Jarrow
The 1990's Financial Crises in Nordic Countries, Seppo Honkapohja
The 2000– 2001 Financial Crisis in Turkey: A Crisis for Whom?, Ozgur Orhangazi
The Bank of Japan to Resume Stock Purchases Held by Financial Institutions, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
The Capital Assistance Program and its role in the Financial Stability Plan, United States: Department of the Treasury
The effectiveness of bank recapitalization policies in Japan, Heather Montgomery and Satoshi Shimizutani
The Fall of the House of Credit: What Went Wrong in Banking and What Can Be Done to Repair the Damage?, Alistair Milne
The Sequence and Consequences of Bank Restructuring in South Korea, 1998-2006: Too Fast to Adjust, Myung-Koo Kang
Treasury Announces Warrant Repurchase and Disposition Process for the Capital Purchase Program, United States: Department of the Treasury
Treasury Department Monthly Lending and Intermediation Snapshot: Summary Analysis for October – December 2008, U. S. Department of the Treasury
Treasury, Federal Reserve, and the FDIC Provide Assistance to Bank of America, United States: Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, and United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Treasury Releases Capital Purchase Program Term Sheet for Mutual Banks, United States: Department of the Treasury
UPDATE 2-BOJ offers $10.2 bln subordinated loans to banks, Unknown
Valuing the Treasury's Capital Assistance Program, Paul Glasserman and Zhenyu Wang
What's Under the TARP?, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Why Did FDR's Bank Holiday Succeed?, William Silber
Documents from 2008
136th Federal Act: Interbank Market Support Act (Interbankmarktst¤rkungsgesetz, "IBSG") and Financial Market Stability Act (Finanzmarktstabilit¤tsgesetz, "FinStaG"), Republic of Austria: National Council
Amendment to Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, Unknown
Americans Favor Congressional Action on Crisis, Frank Newport
Announcement in relation to Covered Institutions, Ireland: Department of Finance/An Roinn Airgeadais
Asia-Pacific leaders talk tough on fallout, Michiyo Nakamoto and Mure Dickie
Audition de Mme Christine Lagarde, ministre de l'Économie, de l'industrie et de l'emploi sur la mise en place de la Sociètè fran§aise de financement de l'èconomie – SFFE – et de la Sociètè de prise de participations de l'État - SPPE – et sur la mise en œu, France: Minister of the Economy, Industry and Employment / La ministre de l'èconomie, de l'industrie et de l'emploi
Austrian banks, bail out troubled Constantia, Thomson Reuters: Reuters
Bailout Bill Slapped Aside; Record Stock Plunge, Julie Hirschfeld Davis
Banking Ordinance, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Banking Reform in Southeast Asia: The region's decisive decade, Malcolm Cook
Bank of America Form 8-K, Bank of America Corporation/ Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Certificate of Designations of Fixed Rate Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series I of Citigroup Inc., Citigroup, Inc.
Commerzbank and SoFFin agree loan programme for Mittelstand (SME), Commerzbank AG
Commerzbank asks State for 8.2bn - First German Bank to use Bailout Fund, Michael Levitin
Congress and the Bailout Plan: Business as Usual, Massimo Calabresi