Ad hoc Capital Injection
Documents from 1997
Moody's Lowers Nippon Credit Bank's Senior Debt Rating to Ba1, Moody's
A Major Japanese Bank Reported in Crisis, Andrew Pollack
Act on the Establishment of Financial Supervisory Organizations, Act No.5490, Republic of Korea
Act on the Establishment of Financial Supervisory Organizations, Act No.5490, Republic of Korea
Act on the Establishment of Financial Supervisory Organizations, Act No.5490, Republic of Korea
Depositor Protection Act, Act No. 5492, Republic of Korea
Depositor Protection Act, Act No. 5492, Republic of Korea
Depositor Protection Act, Act No. 5492, Republic of Korea
Tie with Bankers Trust to help NCB restructure - BOJ., Reuters
Six Ex-Nippon Credit Officials Are Arrested Over Coverup, Jathon Sapsford
Ailing Nippon Credit Turns to Bankers Trust for Help, Jathon Sapsford and Robert Steiner
Japan Comes to Aid of Troubled Bank, Sandra Sugawara
Ailing NCB asks banks for 291 billion in capital, The Japan Times
Banks shocked by NCB move to pass on units' losses, The Japan Times
Liquidation rocks trust banks, The Japan Times
Ministry leans on financial firms in NCB bailout, The Japan Times
Ministry probes NCB plan for reform, financial woes, The Japan Times
NCB and Bankers Trust reach cross-shareholding arrangement, The Japan Times
NCB moves to reshuffle two top executive posts, The Japan Times
NCB plans tieup with Bankers Trust, The Japan Times
NCB restructuring plan aims to win back trust, The Japan Times
NCB tieup does not preface buyout, The Japan Times
NCB to press ahead with stock issue plan, The Japan Times
Nippon Credit says it is not in trouble, The Japan Times
Nippon Life Insurance to boost NCB's capital, The Japan Times
Reforms show momentum: S&P, The Japan Times
Documents from 1996
Real Decreto 2606/1996, de 20 de diciembre, sobre fondos de garantía de depósitos de entidades de crédito, Ministry of Economy and Finance (Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda)
Documents from 1994
Law of Autonomy of the Banco de Espana, Bank of Spain
About the non-profit organization state joint-stock company "Privatization Agency, Latvian Journal
Documents from 1962
Statuts de la Société Nationale d'Investissement, Government of Belgium
Law of 2 April 1962, Kingdom of Belgium
Documents from 1957
Financial and Capital Markets Commission (FCMC). 2008. On the Determination of Limits on the Performance of Obligations for the Joint-Stock Company, The six Member States: Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands
Documents from 1937
Swiss Federal Council. 1937. "Minutes of the Meeting."E 6100 (A) 1000-1913, Az. F.24.4. Schweizerische Volksbank, 1933-1938, volume 5, January 29, Ver.6, Swiss Federal Council
Documents from 1933
Restructuring and Reorganization of the Schweizerische Volksbank, Schweizerische Volksbank (SVB)
Message from the Federal Council to the Federal Assembly on the Confederation's financial participation in the reorganization of the Schweizerische Volksbank. (Dated November 29, 1933.), Swiss Federal Council
"Minutes of the Meeting." E 6100 (A) 1000-1913, Az. F.24.4. Schweizerische Volksbank, 1933-1938, volume 5 1-2, Swiss Federal Council
"Minutes of the Meeting." E 6100 (A) 1000-1913, Az. F.24.4. Schweizerische Volksbank, 1933-1938, volume 5 2-2, Swiss Federal Council
Minutes of the Meeting. October 18, Swiss Federal Council
Federal decree authorizing the Swiss government's capital injection into Schweizerische Volksbank, Swiss Government
Documents from 1931
Minutes of the Federal Council (1848-1963) - Minutes of the Meeting, Switzerland: Federal Council
Minutes of the Federal Council (1848-1963)- Record(s) of decisions, Switzerland: Federal Council