Using a Home-Grown Audience Response System in the Classroom

Presenter Information

Lei Wang, Yale UniversityFollow


Yale School of Management

Submission Type


Presentation Track

Teaching & Learning

Start Date

10-30-2015 11:00 AM

End Date

10-30-2015 11:50 AM


This session will focus on the Yale Medical Library's experience in developing and using a home-grown, web-based audience response system (ARS) for the classroom. We will discuss the challenges of using the existing ARS solutions, such as clickers, why and how we created our own solution, and what we learned in running live polling activities in the classroom using the application. This session itself will be a live demo of the application and will include audience response interactions, so bring a device with a modern browser to participate!

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Oct 30th, 11:00 AM Oct 30th, 11:50 AM

Using a Home-Grown Audience Response System in the Classroom

Yale School of Management