The second annual Yale Technology Summit took place on Friday, October 30, 2015, at the Yale School of Management. The summit celebrated innovative and emerging technologies used in teaching, research, entrepreneurial, and administrative activities at Yale University.

The 2015 keynote speaker was Brian Scassellati, Professor of Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Mechanical Engineering at Yale University and Director of the NSF Expedition on Socially Assistive Robotics.

Presentations, panels, workshops and poster sessions aligned with one of the following presentation tracks:

  • Teaching and Learning: Professors, lecturers, practitioners, and others sharing technology-enhanced teaching and learning techniques used in the Yale classroom
  • Scholarship and Research: Faculty and students discussing research or scholarly work involving new technologies in digital humanities, social science research, and science and medical applications
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Developers, researchers, project managers, and practitioners describing technologies used in research data collection, manipulation, processing, visualization, and analysis

The Yale Technology Summit is produced by Yale Information Technology Services with support and participation from departments and organizations across campus.

Browse the contents of :

All Sessions
Keynote Address
Teaching & Learning
Scholarship & Research
Entrepreneurship & Innovation