Racial Justice & Racism in New Haven | Community and Governance | Yale University

Racial Justice and Racism





An Index of Community Priorities to Inform Local Governance in New Haven, Max E. Teirstein
Honorable Mention


Barriers and Facilitators to Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Black Mothers: A qualitative study utilizing a Modified Barrier Analysis approach, Victoria Tran, Amelia Reese Masterson, Tomeka Frieson, Frankie Douglass, Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Black Pregnant Women “Get the Most Judgment”: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Black Women at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Pregnancy, Renee Mehra PhD, Lisa M. Boyd PhD, Urania Magriples MD, Trace S. Kershaw PhD, Jeannette R. Ickovics PhD, and Danya E. Keene PhD


COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Access Among Black and Latinx Communities, Lilanthi Balasuriya, Alycia Santilli, Jennifer Morone, Jessica Ainooson, Brita Roy, Anuli Njoku, Andrea Mendiola-Iparraguirre, Kathleen O'Connor Duffany, Bernard Macklin, Jackson Higginbottom, Celina Fernandez-Ayala, Genesis Vicente, and Arjun Venkatesh


Diversity and Inclusion in Environmental Education: Case Studies of Promising Organizational Change, Nate Sievert


Epidemiology of COVID-19 Hospitalizations in New Haven and Middlesex Counties, Connecticut, July - September 2021, Caroline McWilliams


Everyday discrimination and physical health: Exploring mental health processes, Valerie A. Earnshaw, Lisa Rosenthal, Amy Carroll-Scott, Alycia Santilli, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Intersectional experiences of discrimination in a low-resource urban community: An exploratory latent class analysis, Valerie A. Earnshaw, Lisa Rosenthal, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Amy Carroll-Scott, Trace S. Kershaw, Alycia Santilli, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Investigation on urban greenspace in relation to sociodemographic factors and health inequity based on different greenspace metrics in 3 US urban communities, Seulkee Heo and Michelle L. Bell


Measuring & Mapping Mortality in the Elm City: Identifying and Addressing Health Inequities in New Haven with Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) and Other Health Determinants, Natalie Olson, Wei Chang, Miranda Janvrin, Carolyn Park, Chengcheng Qiu, Brian Weeks, Brooke Logan, Byron Kennedy, Sheridan Finnie, and Debbie Humphries


Militants in the Model City: Richard Lee, the Hill Parents Association, and the Limits of Citizen Participation in New Haven's Urban Renewal Anti-Poverty Programs, Lydia Broderick


Physical neighborhood and social environment, beliefs about sleep, sleep hygiene behaviors, and sleep quality among African Americans, Soohyun Nam, Robin Whittemore, Sunyoung Jung, Carl Latkin, Trace Kershaw, and Nancy S. Redeker


“Police shootings, now that seems to be the main issue” – Black pregnant women’s anticipation of police brutality towards their children, Renee Mehra, Amy Alspaugh, Linda S. Franck, Monica R. McLemore, Trace Kershaw, Jeannette R. Ickovics, Danya E. Keene, and Alyasah A. Sewell


Post World War II Black Migration, Historical Memory, Community Building and Activism in the Late 20th Century, Clifton Watson


Weight- and race-based bullying: health associations among urban adolescents, Lisa Rosenthal, Valerie A. Earnshaw, Amy Carroll-Scott, Kathryn E. Henderson, Susan M. Peters, Catherine McCaslin, and Jeannette R. Ickovics



New Haven Oral History Project: Curtis Cofield, Curtis Cofield and Emily Johnson


New Haven Oral History Project: Eugene Vitelli, Eugene Vitelli and Katherine Levine


New Haven Oral History Project: John Daniels, John Daniels and Courtney Amos



2013 Greater New Haven Community Index, Mark Abraham, Camille Seaberry, Kelly Davila, and Andrew Carr


Reimagining the Divinity Farm as an Edible Commons, Nailah Z. Garard


Towards Health Equity in Connecticut: The Role of Social Inequality and the Impact of COVID-19, Kelly Davila, Mark Abraham, and Camille Seaberry


Urban Apartheid: 2013 Greater New Haven NAACP Report: A Report on the Status of Minority Affairs in the Greater New Haven Area, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Greater New Haven Branch