Family, Pregnancy, and Childhood





Associations of Neighborhood and School Socioeconomic and Social Contexts With Body Mass Index Among Urban Preadolescent Students, Amy Carroll-Scott, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Lisa Rosenthal, Adam Eldahan, Catherine McCaslin, Susan M. Peters, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Barriers and Facilitators to Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Black Mothers: A qualitative study utilizing a Modified Barrier Analysis approach, Victoria Tran, Amelia Reese Masterson, Tomeka Frieson, Frankie Douglass, Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Black Pregnant Women “Get the Most Judgment”: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Black Women at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Pregnancy, Renee Mehra PhD, Lisa M. Boyd PhD, Urania Magriples MD, Trace S. Kershaw PhD, Jeannette R. Ickovics PhD, and Danya E. Keene PhD


Characterizing pediatric primary care in greater New Haven, Meredith Binford


Disentangling neighborhood contextual associations with child body mass index, diet, and physical activity: the role of built, socioeconomic, and social environments, Amy Carroll-Scott, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Lisa Rosenthal, Susan M. Peters, Catherine McCaslin, Rebecca Joyce, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


“I’m Used to Doing It By Myself”: Exploring Self-Reliance in Pregnancy, Blair McNamara


“Police shootings, now that seems to be the main issue” – Black pregnant women’s anticipation of police brutality towards their children, Renee Mehra, Amy Alspaugh, Linda S. Franck, Monica R. McLemore, Trace Kershaw, Jeannette R. Ickovics, Danya E. Keene, and Alyasah A. Sewell


Reducing Lead Exposure: A Qualitative Exploration of Service Providers’ Experiences Working with Families, Haley Case, Rebecca Schapiro, Debbie Humphries, and Marta Kostecki


School breakfast and body mass index: a longitudinal observational study of middle school students, S Wang, M B. Schwartz, F M. Shebl, M Read, K E. Henderson, and J R. Ickovics


The Relationship between Parental Behaviors and Children's Sugary Drink Consumption Is Moderated by a Television in the Child's Bedroom, Marlene B. Schwartz, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Kathryn E. Henderson, Joerg Luedicke, Amy Carroll-Scott, Susan M. Peters, Catherine McCaslin, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Time Under the Curve: Assessing the Impact of Regional Lead Treatment Center Home Visit on the Length of Exposure in Lead Poisoned Children, Diane Ma, Bethany Sanchez, Ayse Tuncel Bahar, Momoko Ishii, Marta Wilczynski, William Maher, and Debbie Humphries

Open Access Theses


Adverse Childhood Experiences And Their Relation To Parenting Stress And Parenting Practices, Brittany Lange


A Qualitative Analysis Of Facilitators And Barriers To Breastfeeding Among Black Mothers In The Greater New Haven Area, Victoria Dan-Vi Tran


A Qualitative Analysis On The Transitions Of Afghan Refugee Families To The U.s. And Their Parenting Experiences, Jessica Kung Leung


Assessing Risk Factors For Sudden Infant Death Syndrome And Caregivers’ Perceptions Of The Cardboard Box For Infant Sleep, Nisha Dalvie


Caregiver Experiences Of Social Need And Promotion Of Support In The Pediatric Setting: A Qualitative Study, Meghan Patricia Casey


Characterizing Pediatric Primary Care In Greater New Haven, Meredith Ann Camp Binford


Context Of Injury Among Abusive And Accidental Injuries In Children, Lindsay Eysenbach


E-Cigarette Use Among Urban Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study Of Prevalence And Predictors Of Use, Melody Kingsley


Exploring Toddler Sleep Disparities Using Spatial Analytic Methods, Jessica He


Implementation Of New Definitions Of Labor Arrest Disorders And Failed Induction Can Decrease The Cesarean Rate, Jessica Tanzer Wright Greenberg


"i'm Used To Doing It By Myself": Exploring Self-Reliance In Pregnancy, Blair Mcnamara


Inter-Rater Reliability Of Physical Abuse Determinations And Abusive Fracture Incidence At A Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center, Kate Buesser


Putting The T In Mlp: The Role Of Trust In Medical Legal Partnerships, Jenny Ajl


Trust And Healthcare: A Qualitative Analysis Of Trust In Spanish And English Language Group Well-Child Care, Nicolas Muñoz


“un Abrazo A La Distancia”: Exploring Challenges Of Social Isolation In Pregnant Latina Women, Talia Robledo-Gil


Utilizing Qualitative Methods To Inform Interventions For Addressing Alcohol Use During Pregnancy, Chaarushi Ahuja



2013 Greater New Haven Community Index, Mark Abraham, Camille Seaberry, Kelly Davila, and Andrew Carr


Greater New Haven Community Index 2016, Mark Abraham and Mary Buchanan


Greater New Haven Community Index 2019, Mark Abraham and Camille Seaberry