Education in New Haven | Community and Governance | Yale University






Advancing Health Equity: An Innovative Program for Building Community Engagement in Research, Alycia Santilli, Katherine LaMonaca, Kendra Carr, Bailee Rue, Karen D'Angelo, Jackson Higginbottom, Sofia Morales, Marquita A. Taylor, Genesis A. Vicente, Anna Lin-Schweitzer, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Associations of Neighborhood and School Socioeconomic and Social Contexts With Body Mass Index Among Urban Preadolescent Students, Amy Carroll-Scott, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Lisa Rosenthal, Adam Eldahan, Catherine McCaslin, Susan M. Peters, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Community Violence Exposure and School Functioning in Youth: Cross-Country and Gender Perspectives, Roman Koposov, Johan Isaksson, Robert Vermeiren, Mary Schwab-Stone, Andrew Stickley, and Vladislav Ruchkin


Post World War II Black Migration, Historical Memory, Community Building and Activism in the Late 20th Century, Clifton Watson


Reducing Lead Exposure: A Qualitative Exploration of Service Providers’ Experiences Working with Families, Haley Case, Rebecca Schapiro, Debbie Humphries, and Marta Kostecki


Weight- and race-based bullying: health associations among urban adolescents, Lisa Rosenthal, Valerie A. Earnshaw, Amy Carroll-Scott, Kathryn E. Henderson, Susan M. Peters, Catherine McCaslin, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Yale New Haven Hospital - Regional Lead Treatment Center, Cade McGovern, Natasha Wasim, Pooja Bollampally, Tammy Chen, Will Maher, Marta Wilczynski, Brianna Foley, Nicole Hood, and Debbie Humphries