As one of the oldest journals in American marine science, from 1937 to 2021 the Journal of Marine Research published important peer-reviewed original research on a broad array of topics in physical, biological, and chemical oceanography. This archive presents the rich tradition and distinguished history of the Journal of Marine Research from Volume 1 through the final Volume 79, including supplements.

Included are the latest titles of The Sea, a long-standing and well-respected oceanographic series that provides a comprehensive synthesis of the state of knowledge of ocean science, published as supplements to the Journal of Marine Research. Print-on-demand copies of The Sea Volumes 17 and 18 are available for direct purchase through Yale Printing and Publishing Services.


Submissions from 2010


Impact of high-frequency nonlinear internal waves on plankton dynamics in Massachusetts Bay, Zhigang Lai, Changsheng Chen, Robert C. Beardsley, Brian Rothschild, and Rucheng Tian


Influence of warm SST anomalies formed in the eastern Pacific subduction zone on recent El Niño events, Dong-Kyu Lee and Peter Niiler


Investigation of the physicochemical features and mixing of East/Japan Sea Intermediate Water: An isopycnic analysis approach, Il-Nam Kim, Dong-Ha Min, Dae Hyun Kim, and Tongsup Lee


Landscape and smaller-scale effects of lugworm (Arenicola marina) deposit feeding on benthic bacterial assemblages, Craig J. Plante


Larval responses to turbulence and temperature in a tidal inlet: Habitat selection by dispersing gastropods?, Heidi L. Fuchs, Andrew R. Solow, and Lauren S. Mullineaux


Measuring lateral heat flux across a thermohaline front: A model and observational test, Barry R. Ruddick, Neil S. Oakey, and Dave Hebert


Mixing rates across the Gulf Stream, Part 1: On the formation of Eighteen Degree Water, R. Inoue, M. C. Gregg, and R. R. Harcourt


Mixing rates across the Gulf Stream, Part 2: Implications for nonlocal parameterization of vertical fluxes in the surface boundary layers, R. Inoue, R. R. Harcourt, and M. C. Gregg


Moored observations of bottom-intensified motions in the deep Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean, M.-L. Timmermans, L. Rainville, L. Thomas, and A. Proshutinsky


Onset of time-dependence in a double-gyre circulation: Barotropic basin modes versus classical baroclinic modes, Hristina G. Hristova, Henk A. Dijkstra, and Michael A. Spall


On the coastal-upwelling overturning cell, R. E. Davis


On the variability of Gulf Stream transport from seasonal to decadal timescales, T. Rossby, C. Flagg, and K. Donohue


Oxygen isotope ratio, barium and salinity in waters around the North American coast from the Pacific to the Atlantic: Implications for freshwater sources to the Arctic throughflow, Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai, Eddy C. Carmack, Fiona A. McLaughlin, and Kelly K. Falkner


Oxygen penetration around burrows and roots in aquatic sediments, F. J. R. Meysman, O. S. Galaktionov, R. N. Glud, and J. J. Middelburg


Patchiness in internal tidal beams, Hans van Haren, Leo R. M. Maas, and Theo Gerkema


Rapid response of the East Australian Current to remote wind forcing: The role of barotropic-baroclinic interactions, K. L. Hill, S. R. Rintoul, P. R. Oke, and K. Ridgway


Relative displacement probability distribution functions from balloons and drifters, J. H. LaCasce


Sea ice melt and meteoric water distributions in Nares Strait, Baffin Bay, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Matthew B. Alkire, Kelly K. Falkner, Timothy Boyd, and Robie W. Macdonald


South Atlantic mass transports obtained from subsurface float and hydrographic data, Regina R. Rodrigues, Mark Wimbush, D. Randolph Watts, Lewis M. Rothstein, and Michel Ollitrault


The effect of iron- and light-limitation on phytoplankton communities of deep chlorophyll maxima of the western Pacific Ocean, Zackary I. Johnson, Ragini Shyam, Anna E. Ritchie, Cecile Mioni, Veronica P. Lance, James W. Murray, and Erik R. Zinser


The global oceanic freshwater cycle: A state-of-the-art quantification, J. J. Schanze, R. W. Schmitt, and L. L. Yu


The relation between the duration and shape of internal wave groups, S. A. Thorpe


The shape of the main thermocline, revisited, Rick Salmon


Tides and Overtides in Long Island Sound, Diane C. Bennett, James O'Donnell, W. Frank Bohlen, and Adam Houk


Topographic rectification in a forced, dissipative, barotropic ocean, K. H. Brink


Topography, jets, and eddy mixing in the Southern Ocean, Jianhua Lu and Kevin Speer


To the oceanographic community, George Veronis


Upwelling limitation by onshore geostrophic flow, P. Marchesiello and P. Estrade


Water-mass transformation in the shelf seas, Gualtiero Badin, Richard G. Williams, and Jonathan Sharples


When and why does bioturbation lead to diffusive mixing?, Filip J. R. Meysman, Bernard P. Boudreau, and Jack J. Middelburg

Submissions from 2011


Anomalous diffraction approach to the visible spectra of absorption by marine particles with power-law size distributions, Maciej Matciak and Bożena Wojtasiewicz


A pedagogical example of Eulerian and Lagrangian flows induced by Rossby wave rectification in an ocean basin, John Marshall


A Tribute to Melvin E. Stern (1929–2010), George Veronis


Defining the spicity, Rui Xin Huang


Dispersion and connectivity estimates along the U.S. west coast from a realistic numerical model, Patrick T. Drake, Christopher A. Edwards, and John A. Barth


Effects of surface quasi-geostrophic turbulence on phytoplankton competition and coexistence, Coralie Perruche, Pascal Rivière, Guillaume Lapeyre, Xavier Carton, and Philippe Pondaven


Ellipsoidal vortex in a nonuniform flow: Dynamics and chaotic advections, V. V. Zhmur, E. A. Ryzhov, and K. V. Koshel


Fluid mixing by swimming organisms in the low-Reynolds-number limit, Eric Kunze


Foam patches behind spilling breakers, J. Stewart Turner and Ian L. Turner


Impacts on the global ocean circulation from vertical mixing and a collapsing ice sheet, J. A. M. Green and G. R. Bigg


Linear instability of uniform shear zonal currents on the β-plane, Nathan Paldor, Yona Dvorkin, and Doron Nof


Mean-flow and topographic control on surface eddy-mixing in the Southern Ocean, J. B. Sallée, K. Speer, and S. R. Rintoul


Meddy, spiral arms, and mixing mechanisms viewed by seismic imaging in the Tagus Abyssal Plain (SW Iberia), Haibin Song, Luis Menezes Pinheiro, Barry Ruddick, and Francisco Curado Teixeira


Modeling of the M2 surface and internal tides and their seasonal variability in the Arctic Ocean: Dynamics, energetics and tidally induced diapycnal diffusion, B. A. Kagan, E. V. Sofina, and A. A. Timofeev


Modeling the evolution of intrathermocline lenses in the Atlantic Ocean, B. N. Filyushkin and M. A. Sokolovskiy


Numerical simulations of dense water cascading on a steep slope, Fred Wobus, Georgy I. Shapiro, Miguel A. M. Maqueda, and John M. Huthnance


Ocean stratification under oscillatory surface buoyancy forcing, Ross W. Griffiths, Nicola Maher, and Graham O. Hughes


On trend analysis in climatic time series, with application to surface temperature, Victor Privalsky, Marina Fortus, Vladimir Komchatov, and Eugene Borisov


Penetration of a salinity front into a rotating basin: Laboratory experiments and a simple theory, O. Marchal, J. A. Whitehead, and A. Jensen


Primary and secondary intrusions in double-diffusively stable vertical gradients, Julian A. Simeonov


Role of the Southern Ocean in setting the Atlantic stratification and meridional overturning circulation, Igor Kamenkovich and Timour Radko


Rossby wormholes, David P. Marshall


Salt flux in a laboratory model estuary, R. Krishnamurti and T. N. Krishnamurti


Secondary instability of salt sheets, Satoshi Kimura and William Smyth


Secondary toroidal vortices above seamounts, Valery N. Zyryanov 0


South Atlantic overturning circulation at 24°S, Harry L. Bryden, Brian A. King, and Gerard D. McCarthy


Spin-up and adjustment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and global pycnocline, Lesley C. Allison, Helen L. Johnson, and David P. Marshall


Submesoscale generation by boundaries, W. K. Dewar, Pavel Berloff, and Andrew McC. Hogg


The arrested Agulhas retroflection, Doron Nof, Volodymyr Zharkov, Joseph Ortiz, Nathan Paldor, Wilton Arruda, and Eric Chassignet


The decadal mean ocean circulation and Sverdrup balance, Carl Wunsch


The nonlinear downstream development of baroclinic instability, Joseph Pedlosky


Thermohaline convection at density ratios below one: A new regime for salt fingers, Raymond W. Schmitt


The two-layer skirted island, Joseph Pedlosky, Roberto Iacono, Ernesto Napolitano, and Michael A. Spall


Topographic rectification in a stratified ocean, K. H. Brink


Transport and retention of the mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in a Mid-Atlantic estuary: Predictions from a larval transport model, Charles E. Tilburg, Ana I. Dittel, Douglas C. Miller, and Charles E. Epifanio


Variational assimilation of glider data in Monterey Bay, Chudong Pan, Max Yaremchuk, Dmitri Nechaev, and Hans Ngodock


Vladimir Kamenkovich – Scientist and Teacher, V. O. Ivchenko and G. M. Reznik

Submissions from 2012


Adjustment of a wind-driven two-layer system with mid-basin topography, Magdalena Andres, Jiayan Yang, and Young-Oh Kwon


An introduction to Ecology of Infectious Diseases – Oysters and Estuaries, Eileen E. Hofmann and Susan E. Ford


A Tribute to Doreen Orciari, George Veronis


Baroclinic instability of an idealized tidal mixing front, K. H. Brink


Can oysters Crassostrea virginica develop resistance to dermo disease in the field: The impediment posed by climate cycles, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Ximing Guo, Eileen E. Hofmann, Susan E. Ford, and David Bushek


Circulation and behavior controls on dispersal of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae in Delaware Bay, Diego A. Narváez, John N. Klinck, Eric N. Powell, Eileen E. Hofmann, John Wilkin, and Dale B. Haidvogel


Circulation and water properties and their relationship to the oyster disease MSX in Delaware Bay, Zhiren Wang, Dale B. Haidvogel, David Bushek, Susan E. Ford, Eileen E. Hofmann, Eric N. Powell, and John Wilkin


Cross-shelf mixing and mid-shelf front dynamics in the Mid-Atlantic Bight evaluated using the radium quartet, Scott L. Stachelhaus, S. Bradley Moran, David S. Ullman, and Roger P. Kelly


Deep Circulation in the Eastern South Pacific Ocean, Vincent Faure and Kevin Speer


Deep circulation within the Argentine Basin, Joseph L. Reid


Detailed internal wave mixing above a deep-ocean slope, Hans van Haren and Louis Gostiaux


Development of resistance to an introduced marine pathogen by a native host, Susan E. Ford and David Bushek


Eddy viscosity and diffusivity in the modon-sea model, Timour Radko


Effective population sizes of eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) populations in Delaware Bay, USA, Yan He, Susan E. Ford, David Bushek, Eric N. Powell, Zhenmin Bao, and Ximing Guo


Evidence of Vertical Coupling between the Kuroshio Extension and Topographically Controlled Deep Eddies, Andrew D. Greene, D. Randolph Watts, Georgi G. Sutyrin, and Hideharu Sasaki


Experimental assessment of particle mixing fingerprints in the deposit-feeding bivalve Abra alba (Wood), Guillaume Bernard, Antoine Grémare, Olivier Maire, Pascal Lecroart, Filip J. R. Meysman, Aurélie Ciutat, Bruno Deflandre, and Jean Claude Duchêne


Geostrophic ocean currents and freshwater fluxes across the Canadian polar shelf via Nares Strait, Berit Rabe, Helen L. Johnson, Andreas Münchow, and Humfrey Melling


Glider measurements of overturning in a Kelvin-Helmholtz billow train, W. D. Smyth and S. A. Thorpe


Hurricane wake restratification rates of one-, two- and three-dimensional processes, S. Haney, S. Bachman, B. Cooper, S. Kupper, K. McCaffrey, L. Van Roekel, S. Stevenson, and B. Fox-Kemper


Intermittent bioirrigation and oxygen dynamics in permeable sediments: An experimental and modeling study of three tellinid bivalves, Nils Volkenborn, Christof Meile, Lubos Polerecky, Conrad A. Pilditch, Alf Norkko, Joanna Norkko, Judi E. Hewitt, Simon F. Thrush, David S. Wethey, and Sarah A. Woodin


Long-term patterns of an estuarine pathogen along a salinity gradient, David Bushek, Susan E. Ford, and Iris Burt


Measuring overturns with gliders, S. A. Thorpe


Modeling the dispersal of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae in Delaware Bay, Diego A. Narváez, John M. Klinck, Eric N. Powell, Eileen E. Hofmann, John Wilkin, and Dale B. Haidvogel


Oyster food supply in Delaware Bay: Estimation from a hydrodynamic model and interaction with the oyster population, Eric N. Powell, Danielle A. Kreeger, Jason M. Morson, Dale B. Haidvogel, Zhiren Wang, Roger Thomas, and Jennifer E. Gius


Primary and new production in the thermocline ridge region of the southern Indian Ocean during the summer monsoon, Naveen Gandhi, R. Ramesh, S. Prakash, Sharon Noronha, and N. Anilkumar


Reconciling float-based and tracer-based estimates of lateral diffusivities, Andreas Klocker, Raffaele Ferrari, Joseph H. LaCasce, and Sophia T. Merrifield


Solar warming of near-bottom water over a fringing reef, Judith R. Wells, Jonathan P. Fram, and Geno Pawlak


Spatial and temporal variability of disease refuges in an estuary: Implications for the development of resistance, Susan E. Ford, Emily Scarpa, and David Bushek


The air-sea transformation and residual overturning circulation within the Nordic Seas, Pål Erik Isachsen and Ole Anders Nøst


The impact of ambient stratification on freshwater transport in a river plume, Yan Jia and Alexander Yankovsky


The legacy of Gordon Arthur Riley (1911–1985) and the development of mathematical models in biological oceanography, Thomas R. Anderson and Wendy C. Gentleman


The rise and fall of Crassostrea virginica oyster reefs: The role of disease and fishing in their demise and a vignette on their management, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Kathryn Ashton-Alcox, Eileen E. Hofmann, and Jason Morson


The role of larval dispersal in metapopulation gene flow: Local population dynamics matter, Daphne M. Munroe, John .. Klinck, Eileen E. Hofmann, and Eric N. Powell