As one of the oldest journals in American marine science, from 1937 to 2021 the Journal of Marine Research published important peer-reviewed original research on a broad array of topics in physical, biological, and chemical oceanography. This archive presents the rich tradition and distinguished history of the Journal of Marine Research from Volume 1 through the final Volume 79, including supplements.

Included are the latest titles of The Sea, a long-standing and well-respected oceanographic series that provides a comprehensive synthesis of the state of knowledge of ocean science, published as supplements to the Journal of Marine Research. Print-on-demand copies of The Sea Volumes 17 and 18 are available for direct purchase through Yale Printing and Publishing Services.


Submissions from 2002


A four-year eddy-permitting assimilation of sea-surface temperature and altimetric data in the South Atlantic Ocean, Thierry Penduff, Pierre Brasseur, Charles-Emmanuel Testut, Bernard Barnier, and Jacques Verron


A note on evanescent behavior of Arctic thermohaline intrusions, David Walsh and Eddy Carmack


Cross-frontal entrainment of plankton into a buoyant plume: The frog tongue mechanism, Robert D. Hetland, Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr., and Richard P. Signell


Downward particle  fluxes and sediment accumulation rates in the western Bransfield Strait: Implications of lateral transport for carbon cycle studies in Antarctic marginal seas, Albert Palanques, Enrique Isla, Pere Masqué, Pere Puig, Joan-Albert Sánchez-Cabeza, Josep M. Gili, and Jorge Guillén


Effects of gut chemistry in marine bivalves on the assimilation of metals from ingested sediment particles, Sarah B. Griscom, Nicholas S. Fisher, Robert C. Aller, and Byeong-Gweon Lee


Fe redox cycling in Iberian continental margin sediments (NE Atlantic), Claar van der Zee, Wim van Raaphorst, and Willem Helder


Floral patterns in the California Current System off southern California: 1990–1996, E. L. Venrick


Flume experiments on post-settlement movement in polychaetes, Karen I. Stocks


Hourly variations in planktonic larval concentrations on the inner shelf: Emerging patterns and processes, Elizabeth D. Garland and Cheryl Ann Zimmer


Intermingling of two Pseudocalanus species on Georges Bank, D. J. McGillicuddy Jr. and A. Bucklin


Internal gravity wave frequencies and wavenumbers from single point measurements over a slope, S. A. Thorpe and L. Umlauf


Internal wave band eddy fluxes above a continental slope, Johannes R. Gemmrich and Hans van Haren


Linear planetary wave dynamics in a 2.5-layer ventilated thermocline model, Atsushi Kubokawa and Maki Nagakura


Meridional transport in the Indian Ocean traced by coral radiocarbon, Nancy S. Grumet, Thomas P. Guilderson, and Robert B. Dunbar


Mixing in the surface waters of the western Bay of Bengal using 228Ra and 226Ra, R. Rengarajan, M. M. Sarin, B. L. K. Somayajulu, and R. Suhasini


Modeling of advective solute transport in sandy sediments inhabited by the lugworm Arenicola marina, Karen Timmermann, Jan H. Christensen, and Gary T. Banta


Numerical solution of the two-layer shallow water equations with bottom topography, Rick Salmon


On the dispersion of pairs of internal inertial gravity waves, S. A. Thorpe


On the relative importance of the remote and local wind effects on the subtidal exchange at the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay, Kuo-Chuin Wong and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson


On turbulence and normal modes in a basin, J. H. LaCasce


Physical and biogeochemical fluxes and net budgets in the subpolar and temperate North Atlantic, Marta Álvarez, Harry L. Bryden, Fiz F. Pérez, Aida F. Ríos, and Gabriel Rosón


Physical and numerical modeling of the role of hydrodynamic processes on adult-larval interactions of a suspension-feeding bivalve, Mats Lindegarth, Per R. Jonsson, and Carl André


Potential vorticity “crises”, adverse pressure gradients, and western boundary current separation, Andrew E. Kiss


Recent turbidite deposition in the eastern Atlantic: Early diagenesis and biotic recovery, P. Anschutz, F. J. Jorissen, G. Chaillou, R. Abu-Zied, and C. Fontanier


Renewal time and transport of unventilated Central Intermediate Water of the Weddell Sea derived from biogeochemical properties, Mario Hoppema, Hein J. W. de Baar, Eberhard Fahrbach, and Richard G. J. Bellerby


Structure of the internal boundary layer over a patch of pinnid bivalves (Atrina zelandica) in an estuary, Vladimir Nikora, Malcolm O. Green, Simon F. Thrush, Terry M. Hume, and Derek Goring


Sverdrup-like theories of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Chris W. Hughes


The Antarctic Circumpolar Current as a free equivalent-barotropic jet, Peter D. Killworth and Chris W. Hughes


The seasonal and spatial variability of small-scale turbulence at the Iberian margin, Toby J. Sherwin, Mark E. Inall, and Ricardo Torres


The transport in the Ekman surface layer on the spherical Earth, Nathan Paldor


Tidal motion enhancement around islands, Zygmunt Kowalik and Aleksey V. Marchenko


Tracing Amazon River water into the Caribbean Sea, Ferdi L. Hellweger and Arnoldo L. Gordon


Transport and digestive alteration of uniformly 13C-labeled diatoms in mudflat sediments, Carrie J. Thomas and Neal E. Blair


Water masses and baroclinic transports in the South Atlantic and Southern oceans, Karen J. Heywood and Brian A. King


Zooplankton biomass and indices of feeding and metabolism in relation to an upwelling filament off northwest Africa, S. Hernández-León, C. Almeida, A. Portillo-Hahnefeld, M. Gómez, J. M. Rodríguez, and J. Arístegui

Submissions from 2003


Adaptive model of DOM dynamics in the surface ocean, Markus Pahlow and Alain F. Vézina


A generic length-scale equation for geophysical turbulence models, L. Umlauf and H. Burchard


A model of fluff layer erosion and subsequent bed erosion in the presence of the bioturbator, Hydrobia ulvae, Francis Orvain, Pierre Le Hir, and Pierre-Guy Sauriau


Comments on “A generic length-scale equation for geophysical turbulence models” by L. Umlauf and H. Burchard, L. Kantha and S. Carniel


Control of Black Sea intermediate water mass formation by dynamics and topography: Comparison of numerical simulations, surveys and satellite data, Emil V. Stanev, Malcolm J. Bowman, Elissaveta L. Peneva, and Joanna V. Staneva


Does the nonlinearity of the equation of state impose an upper bound on the buoyancy frequency?, Trevor J. McDougall, John A. Church, and David R. Jackett


Evaluation of excess 234Th activity in sediments as an indicator of food quality for deep-sea deposit feeders, Amanda W. J. Demopoulos, Craig R. Smith, David J. DeMaster, and William L. Fornes


Form, performance and trade-offs in swimming and stability of armed larvae, Daniel Grünbaum and Richard R. Strathmann


How estuaries work: A Charlotte Harbor example, Robert H. Weisberg and Lianyuan Zheng


Initiation of a doubly diffusive convection in a stable halocline, Melvin E. Stern


Intermediate water masses off south-southwest Portugal: Chemical tracers, Graça Cabeçadas, Maria J. Brogueira, and Célia Gonçalves


Interpreting wind-driven Southern Ocean variability in a stochastic framework, Philip Sura and Sarah T. Gille


Modes of internal thermohaline variability in a single-hemispheric ocean basin, Lianke A. te Raa and Henk A. Dijkstra


On the generation of North Brazil Current rings, Markus Jochum and Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli


On the role of biological dynamics in plankton patchiness at the mesoscale: An example from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, M. A. Srokosz, A. P. Martin, and M. J. R. Fasham


On the thermohaline circulation in flat bottom marginal seas, Michael A. Spall


Relations between local, nonlocal, discrete and continuous models of bioturbation, Filip J. R. Meysman, Bernard P. Boudreau, and Jack J. Middelburg


Relative dispersion at the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, J. H. LaCasce and Carter Ohlmann


Reply to: “Comments on ‘A generic length-scale equation for geophysical turbulence models’ ”by L. Kantha and S. Carniel, Lars Umlauf and Hans Burchard


Seasonal to interannual upper-ocean variability in the Drake Passage, Janet Sprintall


Simultaneous data-based optimization of a 1D-ecosystem model at three locations in the North Atlantic: Part II—Standing stocks and nitrogen fluxes, Markus Schartau and Andreas Oschlies


Simultaneous data-based optimization of a 1D-ecosystem model at three locations in the North Atlantic: Part I—Method and parameter estimates, Markus Schartau and Andreas Oschlies


Stability of the global ocean circulation: The connection of equilibria within a hierarchy of models, Henk A. Dijkstra and Wilbert Weijer


The characteristics of the recirculating bulge region in coastal buoyant outflows, Greg Avicola and Pablo Huq


The effect of fiddler crab burrowing on sediment mixing and radionuclide profiles along a topographic gradient in a southeastern salt marsh, Barbara J. McCraith, Leonard R. Gardner, David S. Wethey, and Willard S. Moore


The influence of macrofaunal burrow spacing and diffusive scaling on sedimentary nitrification and denitrification: An experimental simulation and model approach, Franck Gilbert, Robert C. Aller, and Stefan Hulth


The large-scale time-mean ocean circulation in the Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean estimated from simplified dynamics, Ole Anders Nøst and Pål Erik Isachsen


The Pacific/Indian Ocean pressure difference and its influence on the Indonesian Seas circulation: Part II—The study with specified sea-surface heights, Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, William H. Burnett, Arnold L. Gordon, and George L. Mellor


The Pacific/Indian Ocean pressure difference and its influence on the Indonesian Seas circulation: Part I—The study with specified total transports, William H. Burnett, Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, Arnold L. Gordon, and George L. Mellor


The role of outflow geometry in the formation of the recirculating bulge region in coastal buoyant outflows, Greg Avicola and Pablo Huq


Upper ocean control on the solubility pump of CO2, Takamitsu Ito and Michael J. Follows


Variation of nonlocal irrigation in a subtidal benthic community, Stefan Forster, Arzhang Khalili, and Jarmila Kitlar


Wave-induced boundary mixing in a partially mixed estuary, Daniel Bourgault and Daniel E. Kelley

Submissions from 2004


Adhesive-based selection by a tentacle-feeding polychaete for particle size, shape and bacterial coating in silt and sand, Ruben A. Guieb, Peter A. Jumars, and Robert F. L. Self


An experimental study of a mesoscale vortex colliding with topography of varying geometry in a rotating fluid, Claudia Adduce and Claudia Cenedese


Baroclinic boundary currents with downstream decreasing buoyancy: A study of an idealized Nordic Seas system, Gösta Walin, Göran Brostrom, Johan Nilsson, and Olof Dahl


Conceptual models of early diagenetic processes: The muddy seafloor as an unsteady, batch reactor, Robert C. Aller


Diffusivity and viscosity dependence in the linear thermocline, J. H. LaCasce


Exchange processes and watermass modifications along the subarctic front in the North Pacific: Oxygen consumption rates and net carbon flux, Murat Aydin, Zafer Top, and Donald B. Olson


Factors influencing organic carbon recycling and burial in Skagerrak sediments, H. Ståhl, A. Tengberg, J. Brunnegård, E. Bjørnbom, T. L. Forbes, A. B. Josefson, H. G. Kaberi, I. M. Karle Hassellöv, F. Olsgard, P. Roos, and P. O. J. Hall


Influence of short-term variations in food on survival of Crassostrea gigas larvae: A modeling study, Eric N. Powell, Eleanor A. Bochenek, John M. Klinck, and Eileen E. Hofmann


Interaction of transient shelf currents with a buoyancy-driven coastal current, Alexander E. Yankovsky


Invertebrate larval availability during summer upwelling and downwelling on the inner continental shelf off New Jersey, Hongguang Ma and Judith P. Grassle


Linear instabilities of a two-layer geostrophic surface front near a wall, Angelique C. Haza, Nathan Paldor, and Arthur J. Mariano


Monitoring the meridional overturning circulation in the North Atlantic: A model-based array design study, Johanna Baehr, Jöel Hirschi, Jens-Olaf Beismann, and Jochem Marotzke


Nonlinear double-diffusive intrusions at the equator, Neil R. Edwards and Kelvin J. Richards


Observations and modeling of seasonal variability in the Straits of Georgia and Juan de Fuca, Diane Masson and Patrick F. Cummins


Observations of wind influence on exchange flows in a strait of the Chilean Inland Sea, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson and José Luis Blanco


Observed mechanisms of El Nino SST evolution in the Pacific, P. Niiler, D. K. Lee, and J. Moisan


Oxygen variability in the near-surface waters of the northern North Atlantic: Observations and a model, Peter Lazarevich, Tom Rossby, and Craig McNeil


Passive tracer reconstruction as a least-squares problem with a semi-Lagrangian constraint: An application to fish eggs and larvae, G. G. Panteleev, B. de Young, C. S. Reiss, and C. T. Taggart


Physical forcing of phytoplankton community structure and primary production in continental shelf waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, B. B. Prézelin, E. E. Hofmann, M. Moline, and J. M. Klinck


Potential vorticity dynamics in a domain with closed geostrophic contours. I: Steady linear flows, Andrew E. Kiss


Predictability of Lagrangian particle trajectories: Effects of smoothing of the underlying Eulerian flow, Annalisa Griffa, Leonid I. Piterbarg, and Tamay Özgökmen


Rapid physical and biological particle mixing on an intertidal sandflat, Anthony F. D'Andrea, Glenn R. Lopez, and Robert C. Aller


Regimes of low-frequency variability in a three-layer quasi-geostrophic ocean model, Janine J. Nauw, Henk A. Dijkstra, and Eric Simonnet


Representativeness of meridional hydrographic sections in the western South Atlantic, A. M. Thurnherr and K. G. Speer


Respiration and vertical carbon flux in the Gulf of Maine water column, T. T. Packard and J. P. Christensen


The effect of topography on the steady-state wind and buoyancy-driven Subtropical Gyre, L. A. Walkington and A. J. Willmott


The vertical structure and subtidal dynamics of the inner shelf off New Jersey, Richard W. Garvine