"Climate Change And The Built Environment For Asian Americans" by Sunny Sun

Date of Award

January 2023

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


School of Public Health

First Advisor

Daniel Carrión


Although the relationship between climate change and the built environment is well-established, much less is known about the impact of this relationship on the health of Asian Americans. This study sought to identify available literature that discussed climate change and the built environment for Asian American populations. The majority of the 125 articles screened in (94%) were about Asian Americans and the built environment. Most (49%) articles used national level datasets or included multiple geographic regions, while others primarily represented the East and West Coasts. Nearly all (80%) of articles were published between 2010 and March 2023. Of the screened in articles, seven met all four criteria of interest: Asian Americans, built environment, climate change, and health, demonstrating a small body of literature on these topics from the databases sourced. Five of the seven articles were research studies (four on heat, one on access to green space), one was a zine, and the last was a commentary. More research is needed to better understand this relationship so that effective and sustainable adaptation and mitigation strategies can be implemented to support Asian Americans in their communities.


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