"Identifying the Community Health Needs in the Yale New Haven Health Sy" by Julia Anderson, Kathy Doan et al.



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Bridgeport Hospital, Greenwich Hospital, and Yale-New Haven Hospital are nonprofit hospitals that are part of the Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS). Table 1 outlines the towns covered by each hospital’s service delivery network.

In order for nonprofit hospitals to remain tax-exempt, they must comply with federal requirements to provide “community benefits,” as outlined in Section 9007 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). One provision outlined in the ACA requires nonprofit hospitals to “give increased attention to working with others to determine community health needs and take action to meet those needs”. This requirement is fulfilled in part by the triennial completion of a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) with community partners.

This report presents findings from the first stage of the second round of the community health improvement coalitions, which include all three YNHHS hospitals, CHNA: the key informant interviews. These interviews incorporate input from persons representing the broad community served by the hospitals, focusing on a range of public health issues relevant to the community at large. Input was gathered through an online survey of key informant perceptions surrounding community health.

Key informants comprised two groups: (1) Health and Human Service representatives and (2) Government and Community Leader representatives. This report outlines the top health issues and barriers to good health in the communities served as identified and prioritized by key informants, as well as suggestions they have to address these concerns.

Publication Date

Spring 2015


Yale University School of Public Health


New Haven, CT


Public health, Bridgeport, Greenwich, New Haven


Public Health

Identifying the Community Health Needs in the Yale New Haven Health System: Key Priorities, Barriers to Health, and Recommendations
