"Yale School of Nursing Class of 1943" by Yale School of Nursing


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Members of class: Elsie Scharfstein Adelson, Florence Mary Alexander, Antoinette Brigandi Avedisian, Dorothea Chamberlin Barenthin, Mary Sisson Barrett, Barbara Urquhart Cady, Imogene D. Cahill, Helen Bennet Langdon Clark, Florence O'Donoghue Coggins, Dorothy Cole, Veronica Lucey Conley, Katherine M. Dohm, Anna Woodbridge Eaton, Florence Harris Eger, Janet Mudge Fleming, Loretta Mahoney Gill, Mary Louise Nuessle Greenberg, Frances Ellison Hendrix, Harriet Hicok, Esther Greely Howes, Mary Anne Stannard Ivins, Eleanor Severson Kanikowski, Norma Blick Jaskilka, Mary Martin Jones, Grace Nichols Knight, Irene Donaldson Landis, Helen D. Lyman, Dorothy Heinke Malm, Capitola Mattingly, J. Virginia Miles, Lois Dunn Morse, Mary Nissley Murphy, Carolyn Monk Myrick, Mary Jane Caldwell Nickerson, Barbara Babcock Hirshfeld Payne, Edwiga Rafalowska Peppler, Muriel Byer Petruzzelli, Bess Berton Morrow Piggott, Caroline W. Pinckney, Jeanne Rogers Power, Grace Hampson Richardson, Milfred Shaddock Sanford, Catherine Dughi Santorum, Marjory Morrison-Smith Sarich, Marcia Leseur Sautner, Mathilda E. Schneider, Florence Berger Sheff, Dorothy McGarry Stark, Phoebe Storrs Stebbins, Esther Fox Steiger, Maxine Peterson Sweetman, Mary Tyrrell Ritchie Thayer, Sophie Sargent Thompson, Mary Jeanne Clapp Ungberg, Arvilla Humez Vaughan, Elizabeth Boyle Wesner, harriet Judd White, Lydia McCurdy Wiley, Eleanor Cox Zachary, Barbara Hurin Zovickian

Transferred from the Yale University School of Nursing Special Collection

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YSN_class_1943b.jpg (1364 kB)


Photograph, Yale University. School of Nursing. Class of 1943.

