Date of Award

Summer 7-28-2023

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (MMSc)

First Advisor

Sara Schaefer, MD, MHS


Olfaction impairment is one of the earliest nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Olfaction disorders in patients with Parkinson’s disease can range from hyposmia, a reduction in smell ability, to anosmia, a complete loss of smell. Regardless of severity, olfaction loss can result in decreased well-being and mood disorders. However, there is no approved management for anosmia or hyposmia secondary to Parkinson’s disease. Insulin is hypothesized to modulate olfactory neuron regeneration in patients with post-infectious hyposmia, but its effects have not been studied in Parkinson’s patients. Using a randomized controlled trial design, we seek to determine whether eight weeks of daily application of intranasal insulin results in a significant improvement in olfaction performance over baseline in Parkinson’s patients with a 6-month minimum history of anosmia or hyposmia. The results from this study could provide an evidence-based treatment option for this bothersome non-motor symptom, for which there are no treatment options.

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