Date of Award

Summer 6-16-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (MMSc)

First Advisor

Matthew Grant, MD, FIDSA


Pelvic inflammatory disease is typically treated empirically with a cephalosporin, doxycycline, and metronidazole. However, empiric antibiotics may not be effective when pelvic inflammatory disease is associated with Mycoplasma genitalium, as demonstrated by higher rates of treatment failure when this organism is present. Despite this knowledge, the value of testing patients with pelvic inflammatory disease for M. genitalium is unknown. No studies have compared pelvic inflammatory disease management with and without M. genitalium nucleic acid amplification testing. This study aims to determine the impact of this test on the clinical cure rate of pelvic inflammatory disease thirty days after diagnosis. We propose a randomized control trial of patients with a new diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease, with the control group receiving standard guideline-directed management and the intervention group receiving additional M. genitalium testing. The results will inform pelvic inflammatory disease management guidelines and may support increased availability of M. genitalium testing.
