Brookings/YPFS Discussion Drafts
Documents from 2018
The Legal Authorities Framing the Government's Response, Scott G. Alvarez; Thomas C. Baxter, Jr.; and Robert Hoyt
Nonbank Financial Institutions: New Vulnerabilities and Old Tools, Scott G. Alvarez and William Dudley
Bank Capital, Phase 2, The Banks: Reviving the System, Timothy "Tim" Clark, Matthew Allen, and Lee Sachs
The Use and Effectiveness of Conventional Liquidity Tools Early in the Financial Crisis, William "Bill" English and Patricia (Trish) Mosser
The Fiscal Response to the Great Recession: Steps Taken, Paths Rejected, and Lessons for Next Time, Jason Furman
Rescuing the Mortgage Giants, Daniel "Dan" Jester, Matthew (Matt) Kabaker, Jeremiah Norton, and Lee Sachs
Bank Capital, Phase 1: Recapitalizing the Banking System, Daniel "Dan" Jester, David Nason, and Jeremiah Norton
The Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, Michael H. Krimminger
Implementing TARP: The Administrative Architecture of the Troubled Assets Relief Program, Timothy G. Massad and Neel T. Kashkari
Novel Lender of Last Resort Programs, William Nelson, Lorie Logan, and Patrick M. Parkinson
The Federal Reserve's Swap Lines: Lender of Last Resort on a Global Scale, Nathan Sheets, Edwin (Ted) Truman, and Clay Lowery
Documents from 2009
FDIC Extends the Debt Guarantee Component of Its Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)