Forty-First Annual Report of the Prudential Committee of the General Hospital Society of Connecticut
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This report contains a blank certificate of membership to the General Hospital Society of Connecticut, a historical preface, and list of officers, including vice presidents for life. Within the Prudential Committee Report there is information on State Appropriations, receipts for the fiscal year ending March 21, 1868, disbursements, liabilities March 31, 1868, assets March 31, 1868, and general statistics related to patients such as monthly admissions, nativity, causes of death, and surgical operations. Information on who can be admitted into the hospital and the hospital regulations are also included.
Publication Date
Thomas J. Stafford, Printer
New Haven, CT
Historical preface, Dr. Worthington Hooker, Civil War Hospital
Recommended Citation
General Hospital Society of Connecticut, "Forty-First Annual Report of the Prudential Committee of the General Hospital Society of Connecticut" (1868). Yale New Haven Hospital Annual Reports. 92.
Hospital buildings on Cedar Street repaired after use as a Military Hospital. Patients were moved from Whalley Avenue back to Cedar Street.
The death of Dr. Worthington Hooker reported. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colton resign September 1870 as Steward and Matron, Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild become Steward and Matron.