"New Haven Hospital Eighty-Sixth Annual Report of the General Hospital " by New Haven Hospital



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Report for the year 1912, presented at the Annual Meeting, January 27, 1913.

Publication Date



The Tuttle, Morehouse, and Taylor Company


New Haven, CT


Social Services Department, Isolation Building, Tuberculosis Annex, Children’s Day Camp


2916 patients admitted in the past year. Daily average number of patients 172.45. Cost per patient per week is $12.145. The ambulance responded to 712 calls during the year. There are images of the proposed Boardman Administration Building, the Private Room Building, and Isolation Building. The Social Services Department was established in April. There is a table showing the work accomplished in this new department from April through December 1912. Staff was removed from the third floor of the North Ward so the hospital could add more patient beds. Two additional buildings on Howard Avenue were purchased to accommodate these displaced staffers. The North Ward is the oldest hospital building and will soon need to be replaced by a Private Pavilion. A Tuberculosis Annex is being built for patients with advanced pulmonary tuberculosis. There is a Day Camp for children with tuberculosis on the grounds near the new annex run by the Visiting Nurses Association. The hospital has several needs including an increase in operating rooms, motor ambulances, and a psychopathic clinic. The Connecticut Training School for Nurses prospectus and application are included at the end of the report.

New Haven Hospital Eighty-Sixth Annual Report of the General Hospital Society of Connecticut for the Year 1912
