Starting with the Yale School of Medicine (YSM) graduating class of 2002, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and YSM Office of Student Research have collaborated on the Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library (YMTDL) project, publishing the digitized full text of medical student theses on the web as a valuable byproduct of Yale student research efforts. The digital thesis deposit has been a graduation requirement since 2006. Starting in 2012, alumni of the Yale School of Medicine were invited to participate in the YMTDL project by granting scanning and hosting permission to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which digitized the Library’s print copy of their thesis or dissertation. A grant from the Arcadia Fund in 2017 provided the means for digitizing over 1,000 additional theses. IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE YALE COMMUNITY AND NEED ACCESS TO A THESIS RESTRICTED TO THE YALE NETWORK, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR VPN (VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK) IS ON.
If you are interested in having your thesis digitized and made part of this collection, please complete the form. Feel free to send questions to Melissa Grafe at
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
A Study of Dr. Elisha Perkins and Perkinism, Jacques Marc Quen
The effect of citrated blood on serum calcium, Leonard Marvin Silverman
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
The effect of water loading on the antidiuresis of the passive erect posture, Irving Hyman Goldberg
Fractures of the Hip : A Survey of 160 Cases at the New Haven Hospital, Harvey Peck
The influence of alpha-tocopherol on barbiturate anesthesia, Paul G. Quie
Sex difference in the incidence of glioblastoma multiforme, José Ramírez-Rivera
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
A Study of the Ultracentrifugal Patterns and the Lipid Phosphorus and Cholesterol Levels of Human Sera, William Robert Adams
The effects of adjuvants upon the experimental lesions of hypersensitivity, A. Daniel Hauser
Cancer of the Larynx; An Analysis of 235 Cases Treated at the New Haven Hospital From 1921-1951, Jocelyn S. Malkin
Urinary excretion of iodine and the effect of ingestion of desiccated thyroid, Robert Frederick Owen
Studies on the Transplantation of Embryonic Endocrine Tissues, José Félix Patiño
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
Influence of experimental acidosis on glucose tolerance in normal and adrenalectomized dogs and observations on the decreased ability of the latter to restore serum bicarbonate, Lawrence R. Freedman
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
Studies on granulosa cell tumors occurring in intrasplenic ovarian grafts in castrate mice, Orlando Jack Miller
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
A statistical analysis of the length of labor, DeWitt Clair Baldwin Jr.
Stool analysis in pancreatic fibrosis and celiac disease, William David Bevis
The Effect of Steroid Hormones on Bone, Daniel Kasberg Halvorsen
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
Precipitin reactions with cancer antiserum, Irving Norman Wolfson
Theses/Dissertations from 1935
Observations on doubly ligated carotid arteries in the rabbit, George Alexander Carden Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1924
The Influence of Germanium Dioxide upon Different Types of Anemia, Bernhard Albert Rogowski
Theses/Dissertations from 1909
A study of the cutaneous method of Von Pirquet and the percutaneous method of Moro and their comparison with the other tuberculin tests in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, Fu-Chun (Fu Ching) Yen and Yan Fuqing
Theses/Dissertations from 1864
Dissertation upon stone in the bladder, Augustus Huggins Abernethy
Dissertation on stricture of the male urethra, Jonathan Knight Bacon
Dissertation on phthisis pulmonalis, Ferdinand Beach
Dissertation on puerperal fever, George Washington Beach
Dissertation on chronic dysentery of the United States Army, William Lockwood Bradley
Dissertation upon the causes, diagnosis and treatment of phthisis pulmonalis, John Dutton Brundage
Valedictory address on health, Lebeus Cornelius Chapin
Dissertation on cathartic remedies, Virgil Maro Dow
Dissertation on scarlatina, Frank Gallagher
Dissertation on rheumatic fever, William Henry Hine
Dissertation on dyspepsia, Napoleon Bonaparte Kenyon
Dissertation on phthisis pulmonalis, George Parkinson
Dissertation on pericarditis, Stephen Cambreleng Powell
Dissertation on pneumonitis, Charles Henry Rowe
Rheumatism, Durrell Shepard
Dissertation on diarrhoea, Henry Stuart Turrill
Dissertation on the nature of inflammation, Sutherland Douglas Twining
Dissertation on disease, John Heman Tyler
Theses/Dissertations from 1863
Dissertation on "Duties of the Physician" with "Valedictory remarks", Judson Boardman Andrews
Dissertation on dysentery or colitis, Albert Gordon Browning
Dissertation on peritonitis, Henry Sylvester Cornwell
Dissertation on quinine and its substitutes, Marcus Brutus Fisk
Dissertation on diagnosis, Newton Bushnell Hall
Dissertation on hypodermic treatment of disease, Thomas Morton Hills
Dissertation on pneumonia, Cyrus Edwards Humiston
Dissertation on the exanthemata, Charles Griswold Merrill
Dissertation upon the mechanism of twisted muscles, William Chester Minor
Dissertation on rheumatism, William Burritt North
Dissertation on aneurism, Charles Joseph Tennant
Dissertation on yellow fever, Frederick Starr Treadway
Dissertation on rubeola, morbilli or measles, Frank Benjamin Tuttle
Dissertation on a general description of simple gun shot wounds, Charles Samuel Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 1862
Dissertation on the differential diagnosis of variola rubeola of scarlatina, Benjamin Spencer Catlin
Dissertation on the mammary gland, Edward Orson Cowles
Thesis comparing typhoid fever with the prevailing fever of the army, Frederick Augustus Dudley
Dissertation on phthisis, Nathaniel Wells French
Age in which we live., Edwin Latham Gardner
Dissertation on catarrhal conjunctivitis, Jairus Francis Lines
Dissertation on purpura hemorrhagica, Rollin McNeil
Scarlatina, Charles Woolley Sheffrey
Dissertation on the use of the microscope in medicine, William Henry Thomson
Theses/Dissertations from 1861
Dissertation on asiatic cholera, Edward Aiken
Dissertation on caution in the practice of medicine, Benjamin Thayer Allen
Dissertation on hospital management, George Whitefield Avery
Dissertation on varicocele, Neilson Abeel Baldwin
Dissertation on Jaundice, James Augustus Bigelow
Dissertation on intermittent fever of West Africa, Henry Williams Foster
Dissertation on diptheria, Elmore Charles Hine
Dissertation on treatment of traumatic hemorrhage, Henry Augustus Hoyt
Dissertation on lead poisoning, Joel Wilbur Hyde
Dissertation on management of puerperal women and the child, Samuel McClellan
Dissertation on aneurism, Samuel Hawley Olmstead
Dissertation on cholera infantum, or summer complaint of children, John Pitkin
Dissertation on concussion of the brain, Horace Philo Porter
Dissertation on the physician's study and reward, George Rice
Wounds, George Augustus Ward
Dissertation on Causes of Disease, Ebenezer Witter
Theses/Dissertations from 1860
Dissertation on specialities in medicine, David Carlisle Ainey
Hernia, Lewis Henry Alling
Dissertation on scarlatina, John William Barker
Dissertation on dropsy, Abel Carter Benedict
Dissertation on cataract, Timothy Huggins Bishop
Dissertation on aneurism, Evelyn Lyman Bissell
Dissertation on medical heroism, Platte Edward Brush
Dissertation of the mind physiologically and psychically considered, Nelson Gregory Hall
Dissertation on mental influence in disease, Charles Henry Hubbard
Dissertation on the influence of physical agents on organization and life, Aaron Shimer Oberly
Dissertation on Pneumonia, John Benjamin Welch
Dissertation on injuries of the head, John Burns Williams
Dissertation on phthisis, Edward Prindle Woodward
Theses/Dissertations from 1859
Dissertation on Dysentery, Frederick Levi Dibble
Dissertation on bilious remittent fever, James Hyatt Harriott
Dissertation on fractures near joints, John William Lawton
Dissertation on continued fever, Jonathan Hamilton Lee
Dissertation on phthisis pulmonalis, Samuel White
Theses/Dissertations from 1858
Dissertation on food, John Martin Aimes
Dissertation on apoplexy, George Washington Birch
Dissertation on lactation, St.-Félix Colardeau