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This Catalogue is a supplement to the Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates of Yale University 1701-1924, published by the University in 1924. However, it also lists non-graduates in addition to all degree and certificate holders in the period from 1925 through 1954.
The names are listed under the school attended and also in an alphabetical index. The school listings are arranged chronologically by class in the following order: (1) graduates, under degrees received, (2) certificate holders, and (3) non-graduates. No reference to additional Yale listings in included in the class listings, but complete Yale degree listings are given in the alphabetical index. Deaths are indicated by an asterisk preceding the name, followed by the year of death, in the class lists only. Married women are listed under the married name, with a cross reference to maiden name; otherwise no references to previous forms of names are included.
Recommended Citation
Catalogue of Yale University Alumni 1925-1954: Supplement to Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates of Yale University 1701-1924. New Haven: Yale University, 1955.