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The following classification for forestry literature has been prepared by the Faculty of the Yale Forest School for use in its library. It is published to supply the demand for a simple and comprehensive classification that is adapted to any library system. The work was begun about one year ago and included a study of all available data on the subject. A tentative outline was submitted to prominent members of the profession from whom helpful suggestions were received.

The subject has been divided into nine parts of approximately equal importance. The secondary divisions also have been limited to nine and have not been amplified except when necessary for clearness. This makes possible the adoption of the classification without change, in libraries using the Dewey Decimal System. No attempt has been made to classify related subjects. The classification of the Library of Congress, with some modifications, has been adopted for Agriculture and that of the Yale University Library for other scientific subjects.

Acknowledgment is made to Dr. B. E. Fernow for valuable assistance rendered by him; and to all others who have aided in the work.


A Classification for Forestry Literature was developed mainly by Dean Henry S. Graves. Later edition of this can be found in:

Dictionary Catalogue of the Yale Forestry Library. 1962. Volume 1, pages xi - xxviii, Classification Scheme, "as numerous modifications and extensions have been made necessary by the great expansion of the library since then."

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