From Classroom to Cloud: Catapulting to Online Career Management Curriculum Delivery in Seven Months
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Yale School of Management
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Teaching & Learning
Start Date
10-28-2016 9:00 AM
End Date
10-28-2016 9:50 AM
Most university career centers experience similar pain points in developing and delivering their career management curricula: time and facility constraints, competing student priorities and attendance, pressure to innovate new ways to deliver content to and engage Millennials, and lack of means to measure student retention of concepts and material key to a successful job search. In collaboration with the Yale Center for Teaching and Learning, Yale SOM IT, and Yale SOM Communications, the Yale School of Management launched our new hybrid career curriculum in Fall 2015 on the Canvas platform. During this “show and share” session, learn best practices, speed bumps, and insights we've gleaned, capped with a tour of the curriculum and instructional videos.
From Classroom to Cloud: Catapulting to Online Career Management Curriculum Delivery in Seven Months
Yale School of Management
Most university career centers experience similar pain points in developing and delivering their career management curricula: time and facility constraints, competing student priorities and attendance, pressure to innovate new ways to deliver content to and engage Millennials, and lack of means to measure student retention of concepts and material key to a successful job search. In collaboration with the Yale Center for Teaching and Learning, Yale SOM IT, and Yale SOM Communications, the Yale School of Management launched our new hybrid career curriculum in Fall 2015 on the Canvas platform. During this “show and share” session, learn best practices, speed bumps, and insights we've gleaned, capped with a tour of the curriculum and instructional videos.