Graduate Student Innovations: Deploying Interactive Digital Platforms for Collaborative and Multimodal Learning Across the Disciplines


Yale School of Management

Submission Type


Presentation Track

Teaching & Learning

Start Date

10-28-2016 1:30 PM

End Date

10-28-2016 2:20 PM


Ian Althouse, Sara Sánchez-Alonso, and Emil B. Kromann, each recipients of the CTL's Digital Education Innovation grant, will present on their experiences designing and implementing collaborative and multimodal learning tools in their teaching. Creators of three different tools: an online reading module, a WikiBrain, and an instructional computer game, respectively, their work shows how technology can participate in and improve instruction regardless of the discipline.

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Oct 28th, 1:30 PM Oct 28th, 2:20 PM

Graduate Student Innovations: Deploying Interactive Digital Platforms for Collaborative and Multimodal Learning Across the Disciplines

Yale School of Management

Ian Althouse, Sara Sánchez-Alonso, and Emil B. Kromann, each recipients of the CTL's Digital Education Innovation grant, will present on their experiences designing and implementing collaborative and multimodal learning tools in their teaching. Creators of three different tools: an online reading module, a WikiBrain, and an instructional computer game, respectively, their work shows how technology can participate in and improve instruction regardless of the discipline.