TechWatch Lightning Round


Yale School of Management

Submission Type


Presentation Track

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Start Date

10-28-2016 2:30 PM

End Date

10-28-2016 3:20 PM


This panel of presenters will light up participants with rapid-fire presentations on the most interesting technologies that Yale is keeping an eye on. Check out 3D Visualization, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, DNA Sequencers, Advanced Networks and more. We'll wrap up with audience participation so be ready to share your thoughts on the technologies that you are watching!

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Oct 28th, 2:30 PM Oct 28th, 3:20 PM

TechWatch Lightning Round

Yale School of Management

This panel of presenters will light up participants with rapid-fire presentations on the most interesting technologies that Yale is keeping an eye on. Check out 3D Visualization, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, DNA Sequencers, Advanced Networks and more. We'll wrap up with audience participation so be ready to share your thoughts on the technologies that you are watching!