What Comes After Websites?


Yale School of Management

Submission Type


Presentation Track

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Start Date

10-28-2016 1:30 PM

End Date

10-28-2016 2:20 PM


How do we create, preserve and disseminate knowledge in an era where the internet is no longer tied to desktops and laptops? In this presentation Franz Joseph Hartl, Web Development Manager for Yale and the head of Content Management Services at ITS, will discuss the emerging landscape for structured data and multi-channel distribution. This presentation is for anyone interested in learning on how Yale is helping build a next generation internet and wants to do know what the future is for YaleSites/Drupal.

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Oct 28th, 1:30 PM Oct 28th, 2:20 PM

What Comes After Websites?

Yale School of Management

How do we create, preserve and disseminate knowledge in an era where the internet is no longer tied to desktops and laptops? In this presentation Franz Joseph Hartl, Web Development Manager for Yale and the head of Content Management Services at ITS, will discuss the emerging landscape for structured data and multi-channel distribution. This presentation is for anyone interested in learning on how Yale is helping build a next generation internet and wants to do know what the future is for YaleSites/Drupal.