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Since completing the manuscript for "The Ornithogeography of the Yucatán Peninsula" (Peabody Mus. Bull., 9, 347 pp., 1955), I have received from Mr. D. B. Legters a small collection of birds from the Peninsula, principally from the Territory of Quintana Roo. The distribution of the avifauna in the region is still imperfectly known and the breeding and migration dates have been sketched in only the broadest terms. It was, therefore, not surprising that Mr. Legters' collection should contain much of interest and that it should serve to modify parts of a study so recently completed. Rather than accumulate these new data in vague anticipation of a revision of the work in the distant future, it seems the better course to make them accessible now. I am much indebted to Mr. Legters for continuing to collect and for allowing me to place on record these observations.