Climate Change Impacts and Action
Coastal Land Use Management Methodologies under Pressure from Climate Change and Population Growth, Tao Wu and Juliana Barrett
Community Engagement in City Climate Planning: A Case Study of the New Haven Climate and Sustainability Framework, Emma C. Ryan
Heat Stress in Urban Environments: A Case Study of Heat Vulnerability in New Haven, CT, Logan M. Howard
First Prize
THE IMPACT: Steven Winter, Amelia Fortgang and Giovanni Zinn on New Haven's Gold certification, Jim Hunt
Connecticut Environmental Screening Tool, Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA), University Of Connecticut, and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
New Haven Community Compost Sites, City of New Haven Food System Policy Division
New Haven FEMA Flood Hazard Information, City of New Haven
Climate and Sustainability Framework, City of New Haven, January 2018, Emily Wier, Krysia Solheim, Anna Lipin, Elsa Rose Farnam, and Dawn Henning