New Haven Oral History Project: Frank Nasti Jr.
Summary Description
The son of Italian immigrants, Frank Nasti, Jr. grew up in Fair Haven and became involved in redevelopment projects there in the late 1960s. In 1968, Nasti became president of the Fair Haven Project Area Committee, a group of local residents who made recommendations to the New Haven Redevelopment Agency about urban renewal initiatives. Nasti and other members of the Committee lobbied to change New Haven's demolition plans and instead pushed for the construction of single- and two-family homes. He helped raise money for their construction and secured building permits. As President of the Corporation for Urban Home Ownership, a non-profit development corporation, Nasti worked to construct of affordable urban housing for purchase and rental throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Most of the interview focuses on his experiences in these endeavors. Nasti criticizes Richard Lee's urban renewal efforts for being out of touch with local needs and desires. He also talks about the demographic shift in Fair Haven from Italian and Irish to Latino populations and the decline of industrial and manufacturing jobs. Interviewer: Sánchez, Christina Length (min): 54
Category Tags
Housing; City Planning, Development, and Gentrification; Law, Policy, and Decision-Making
New Haven Neighborhood
Fair Haven; New Haven (All)
Recommended Citation
Nasti, Frank, Jr., 2003 December 4. Oral Histories Documenting New Haven, Connecticut (RU 1055). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.